September 22, 2002

"there were no multiple levels or screens, there was just one screen and it got harder and faster untill you died. Just. Like. Life."

"there were no multiple levels or screens, there was just one screen and it got harder and faster untill you died. Just. Like. Life."
posted by delmoi at 11:27 PM PST - 12 comments

21C Magazine

21C Magazine Paul Miller (re-)launches an ambitious new magazine. Looks promising with such "Confirmed Regular Contributors" as Howard Bloom, Alex Burns, Erik Davis (yay!), Samuel Delaney, William Gibson, Jaron Lanier, Rudy Rucker, Douglas Rushkoff, R.U. Sirius, Bruce Sterling, and Margaret Wertheim :)
posted by kliuless at 8:52 PM PST - 24 comments

Jeb Bush's daughter found with crack cocaine, did rehab employees hide it?

Jeb Bush's daughter found with crack cocaine, did rehab employees hide it? As this transcript of a 911 call indicates, Noelle Bush received special treatment that kept her in rehab and out of jail, at the same time her father opposes the Florida Right-to-Treatment Initiative, which encourages handling non-violent drug offenses with treatment rather than incarcertation. Strangely enough, the 911 transcipt indicates that Noelle Bush's rehab center was primarily targeted to drug-addicted women with children, which begs the question of why the childless Noelle Bush was in there in the first place. The hypocrisy of this branch of the Bush clan does not cease to amaze me
posted by jonp72 at 8:02 PM PST - 45 comments

"I'm not a monster."

"I'm not a monster." Remember the woman caught on film hitting her daughter? She's now in custody. "It's clear here the young lady lost her temper.." Well, yeah.
posted by Yelling At Nothing at 7:13 PM PST - 17 comments

Sure you've been to The Met

Sure you've been to The Met, and probably MOMA, but have you made it to The Apple Museum, Mozilla Museum, The Godzilla Museum (King Kong only seems to have a Lost & Found), Video Game Museum, Microsoft Museum, Atair Museum, The Voodoo Museum, The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices, Butterfly and Insect Museum, Wooden Nickel Museum, The National Bird Dog Museum, and finally, A Web Ring, for the stranger ones, and a Directory, for the normal ones. Now go get some culture.
posted by Blake at 6:40 PM PST - 12 comments

Dunkin' Donuts founder passes on -

Dunkin' Donuts founder passes on - From a single shop in Quincy, Mass. to over 5000 stores around the globe, William Rosenberg created what is probably world's most recognizable donut and coffee chain. (Well, maybe that's because I live in New England, where there's always a DD location within a block radius.) Rosenberg was 86.
posted by MediaMan at 6:15 PM PST - 31 comments

Yoni Jesner

Yoni Jesner was a 19-year-old Jewish seminary student from Glasgow, Scotland, studying in Israel. He was fatally wounded in Thursday's bus bombing in Tel Aviv, but his family donated one of his kidneys to save the life of an eight-year-old girl. Her name is Yasmin Abu Ramila, and she is Palestinian.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 6:12 PM PST - 32 comments

Drive Me Insane!

Drive Me Insane! Want to send a man to the asylum? Paul Mathis's site allows you to control his lights, lava lamp, remote control car, and allows you to follow him around his Texan home camera by camera and microphone. I turned his lights on and off about ten times, so I've already had my fun. ;-)
posted by wackybrit at 6:03 PM PST - 8 comments

Coming of age

Coming of age in America is a ritual occasion with the goal of having an adventure that will serve as story fodder for decades to come. Whether it's waking up near death in a filthy Guadalajara alley next to some wealthy guy that you think you met in New Orleans or blowing most of your college savings on a weekend of tame debauchery in Amsterdam, the moment is meant to be simultaneously cherished and regretted for the rest of ones life.
posted by bunnytricks at 1:21 PM PST - 19 comments

Cosmic Baseball

Cosmic Baseball starts from the premise that Baseball is a metaphor for life. It celebrates individuality and creativity. Notwithstanding that cricket is the best available metaphor for life, there is loads to explore on this wacky site, not much baseball on it though.
posted by Fat Buddha at 11:33 AM PST - 6 comments

Your screensaver is boring.
Electric Sheep(Linux, OSX) produces animated flame fractals rendered via distributed computation. n 0 time(Win) draws its data from things such as a custom word list, cached web site text, your favorites, or your cookies. The Bank of Time(Win2k-, OS9-) grows plants based on your idle time connected to the net. Dirty Fingerprints(Win) leaves fingerprints all over your screen, generated by user clicks on contributing sites. Or, if you really want, you can join in the effort to crack various encryption methods(most systems) at Deskswap(prev. link) has unfortunately been offline for months, due to bandwidth issues.
posted by Su at 10:32 AM PST - 18 comments

I just read that MIT will be offering free education via it's OpenCourseWare project (starting September 30th). This makes me very happy. Are there any other universities that offer similar services?
posted by Rattmouth at 8:38 AM PST - 16 comments

Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner

Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner is a spectacular Canadian film offering a rare glimpse into a rich aboriginal culture. It is written and produced by an independent Inuit film company and cast entirely with native actors from Igloolik, a settlement of about 1200 people in the Baffin region where it was filmed. Visually stunning, the story is based on local legend, with elements of stark realism, shamanism, suspense, humor and love. It's no surprise that it's raking in awards. I was spellbound. Can anyone recommend any other films by and about native cultures?
posted by madamjujujive at 7:15 AM PST - 34 comments

A case on Iraq - Rumsfeld's testimony to Senate Armed Services Committee, 9.19.02.
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America.
GAO e-Government Proposal.
Senator Byrd on the Department of Homeland Security.
Today's bumper crop of limited audience government info links. "Maybe only 50,000 people want to know what's going on in Libya, but those 50,000 people are really important. You don't want to have more planes blow up. But maybe six million people want to watch Jerry Springer. Well, who owns the airwaves? Basically we do." Do you think that unprocessed, source texts are getting filtered effectively to the public?
posted by sheauga at 7:05 AM PST - 7 comments

The High Energy Weapons Archive and lance missile, both fairly dense sites.
Don't miss the interview with Sam Cohen where he mentions the existence of Red Mercury.
posted by hama7 at 4:46 AM PST - 20 comments

Computer gaming ,which once seemed in danger of being entirely trounced by the popularity of console games, now seems healthier than ever, with new game engines taking advantage of speedier processors and the improved capacities of the new age 3D cards. A mere week after the launch of the demo, the PC game Unreal Tournament 2003 has gone gold. Also being launched in the US is "The Thing" which picks up on the story from the John Carpenter movie of the same name. Gamers are also eagerly anticipating "Thief 3," "Doom 3," "Unreal 2," and "Deus Ex 2"
posted by lucien at 2:16 AM PST - 59 comments

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