Favorites from ftrain

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MeFi post: Are dead-tree magazines good or bad for the climate?
Actually, dead-tree is descriptive, because there are far more efficient and less destructive sources for cellulose fiber than periodically clearcut pine tree monoculture forests. Pine trees aren't harvested for paper because they're the best source, but because the risk is lower and the return is better than letting them grow high enough to produce good quality dimensional lumber. The whole thing is coasting on a lot of infrastructure which was diverted from lumber production to paper... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by localroger at 8:00 AM on December 30, 2007
MeFi post: OLPC
The Xhosa tribe has had some interface issues, whenever it says "Click here".
posted to MetaFilter by hal9k at 4:05 AM on December 25, 2007
MeFi post: Is it time to unwrap Oxfam Unwrapped?
I hate the way people view charity. I hate it. Even good people. Charity, is something you should be proud of. Charity should be conspicuous. And I find that tacky because I was raised to find it tacky. But it isn't tacky, its beautiful. Consumption is conspicuous. And people consome alot. I can be against it as crass all I want, but when I look at my friends leather sofa and compare it to my wobbly futon I feel a sense of lack. I feel like I'm doing something wrong with my life for not having a... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by I Foody at 9:05 AM on December 18, 2007
MeFi post: A Big Cheese for a Big Cheese
1,235-pounds? It was a Munster.
posted to MetaFilter by weapons-grade pandemonium at 1:55 PM on December 3, 2007
MeFi post: The future of reading?
Que twenty squintillion boring-ass comments about how the poster will never ever give up paper books not for anything ever.
posted to MetaFilter by Lentrohamsanin at 1:00 PM on November 18, 2007
MeFi post: Ronald Jenkees
But people who complain and generalize about things they don't know much about, they're the real innovators!
posted to MetaFilter by Divine_Wino at 10:19 AM on August 29, 2007
MeFi post: livejournal suspends hundreds of accounts
Hey, look, it's somebody that actually knows what happened! As oppsed to, say, CNET. Mind if I speak?

We screwed up in this way: We changed a policy without telling people in advance. Then we had some inaccurate communications about it. And we compounded it by catching some innocent bystanders. I'm sorry we did, and I'm sorry we've made that first mistake before and, unbelievably, did it again. But here we are.

Now then, a lot of the pressure and... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by anildash at 10:59 PM on May 30, 2007
MeFi post: Moving an 100 year old church - via the power of rock
Now that's what Jesus would drive.
posted to MetaFilter by pracowity at 4:13 AM on January 30, 2007
MeFi post: Mental Suburbia
So, when given the chance, the mass of men lead second lives of quiet desperation, too?
posted to MetaFilter by kimota at 12:31 PM on January 18, 2007
MeFi post: How many ways can you call on me?
This post was nakedly erected to display the cleavage of the mefi membership into pure and prurient. It will only lead to friction from the back and forth intercourse between them as each group tries to ensure the other gets the thrust of the argument.
posted to MetaFilter by srboisvert at 5:06 AM on September 28, 2006
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