Am I the only one who notices that Scrubs is the best new show on television?
March 8, 2002 12:14 AM   Subscribe

Am I the only one who notices that Scrubs is the best new show on television? Great writing and a great cast make me wonder who is Watching Ellie and putting the Seinfeld Curse at 3 for 3 with 2 RBI's and a double. If you haven't seen Scrubs, check it out. If you have, tell other people to watch it. Don't let quality television go off the air because of a bad time slot! (Tue. at 9:30 Est on NBC)
posted by McBain (41 comments total)
I'm watching Scrubs here in the UK, and it is a truly funny show, a nice counter to all the crap sci-fi that we seem to be getting out of USA TV these days.
posted by Mwongozi at 1:50 AM on March 8, 2002

Am I the only one who notices that Scrubs is the best new show on television?

If it's really that great I'm sure I'll get to enjoy a few episodes when it gets syndicated to late night cable in a few years.
posted by HTuttle at 1:51 AM on March 8, 2002

I only managed to see on episode (thank you Kazaa) but have been actively seeking more for the past couple of weeks. Looks good, although there's nothing I can do to support it (as I don't get US TV)
posted by jedrek at 2:13 AM on March 8, 2002

After watching the previews for it, I completely wrote it off as a stupid show but I saw one episode and was hooked! It is a very funny show, yet it deals with a lot of serious issues. I love it.
posted by cludwig at 4:26 AM on March 8, 2002

I'm not a big fan of any of those medical shows, Scrubs, ER, that ER rip off that was on ABC a few years ago...

actually I do like M*A*S*H... and its funny and deals with serious issues.
posted by Keen at 4:51 AM on March 8, 2002

This is a great show that I too have worried would be kicked, but it actually has a really good time slot after Frasier. I think the ratings have been good enough to keep it around for at least another season...of course, they will probably change it to Friday nights or something.
posted by karenh at 5:05 AM on March 8, 2002

Magic boobies.
posted by NortonDC at 5:09 AM on March 8, 2002

I watched the first several episodes of Scrubs. The humor is funny -- especially the slapstick moments where characters explode and other odd things occur -- but the show has a weird habit of lapsing into sincerity. I prefer a consistently dark comedy like Malcolm in the Middle.
posted by rcade at 5:12 AM on March 8, 2002

One of my must sees. In fact, I was just talking about it and the race interactions. There's a black guy, who's dating a hispanic women that is desired by a white guy. The way it's presented though, is an ordinary couple and a guy obsessed with the women.

I like it because there isn't some big moral club hitting you over the head with whatever 'issue of the day' they're delaing with. Great show!
posted by jbunch at 5:21 AM on March 8, 2002

I watched it once, but it didn't quite catch with me. Lots of gags, but more quantity than quality. Maybe I'll check it out one more time.
posted by groundhog at 5:37 AM on March 8, 2002

I love Scrubs. It's at its best when Dr. Cox just lays into someone. I'm amazed such a good show actually has good ratings.

And Elliot? Hey now!

posted by owillis at 5:42 AM on March 8, 2002

Yeah, it is a great show and even funnier if you work in a hospital. ERs are a real "hot bed" of strange and funny things. A lot of the situations do happen, although not in that "sitcom" type of funny.
posted by mkelley at 5:58 AM on March 8, 2002

I can't really explain my attraction to Scrubs. I don't think the writing is that good, and the whole fantasy idea is used in other places better (Six Feet Under anyone?) but I can't help finding the show hilarious, although I did find the episode where the main guy and Elliot get together embarassingly sad.
posted by bob bisquick at 6:00 AM on March 8, 2002

It's a hilarious show full of sincerity and great writing.

It will never make it.

Just ask the people of "Sports Night."
posted by ColdChef at 6:02 AM on March 8, 2002

This is the best show I've seen come down the pike in a long while. Funny, serious and with heart. Highly recommended!
posted by Lanternjmk at 6:34 AM on March 8, 2002

I *tried* to hate it. I was going to wean myself of sitting in front of the tube, one show at a time. No way in hell was I going to get addicted to another show. Then along comes this charming little sitcom and my efforts were for nothing.

Yes, Scrubs is about the best damn thing to come along on TV in quite some time.
posted by Wulfgar! at 6:38 AM on March 8, 2002

'Scrubs' is the only new comedy of the 01-02 season that I watch and enjoy!
posted by ooogiebooogie at 6:45 AM on March 8, 2002

Scrubs may dive into a poingniant moment here or there, but they're usually well done and appropriate. Our house loves Scrubs almost as much as we love CSI. :) As for Malcolm being darker, it's the only current sitcom that made me get all blurry eyed and sappy-happy. So it may be that they do it even better than Scrubs!
posted by fnirt at 7:13 AM on March 8, 2002

It's great to hear that non-medical folk appreciate scrubs. For those of us on the inside (particularly those of us who survived internship) it's hard to know how others look at things like Scrubs. For those of you that haven't read it, The House of God is a novelization that is the granddaddy of the genre from which Scrubs hails. I used to give copies out to medical students that rotated on my service.
posted by shagoth at 7:14 AM on March 8, 2002

The House of God is a marvelous book; it's also one of the inspirations for St. Elsewhere (in fact, in the book, they refer to a hospital as "Mt. St. Elsewhere"). It's also a mediocre movie with Charles Haid and Tim Matheson (and Michael Richards).

(sorry for the hijack, please go back to praising your sitcom)
posted by briank at 7:24 AM on March 8, 2002

I've seen an episode on Thurs, and it is good, but the best new show right now is 24 (although it has gone a little downhill in the past few weeks) and it's on at the same time. Tuesday has too much tv I want to watch (Buffy, Gilmore Girls, 24, Scrubs, Ellie, The Ozzbournes, Andy Richter is coming) that I don't know what to do! I need a damn Tivo.
posted by dig_duggler at 7:39 AM on March 8, 2002

My favorite new comedy, bar none. Not that there's much competition. The episode with Will (the smoker), was one of the funniest episodes of any show I've ever seen. The stuffed dog, Rowdy, is just a brilliant, brilliant set piece. Scrubs will be the only sitcom from this season to make it to next year, and my money says it'll be your next Friends as that god-awful Sex and the City rip-ff Leap of Faith gets pulled. And hopefully Just Shoot Me.

Scrubs's big problem is the aforementioned sincerity - it's a smart, funny show, but the balance of the show has to consistently lean towards comedy, and there have been some episodes where the pathos was overwhelming and a little disconcerting for before 10pm on a Thursday.
posted by Sinner at 7:44 AM on March 8, 2002

When's it on in the UK again? I meant to watch it, but completely forgot when it was on.. Black Books is the best comedy at the mo that I've seen tho (9:30pm, channel 4, UK)..
posted by Mossy at 8:06 AM on March 8, 2002

Sounds good, but unfortunately it overlaps Smallville, which I'm already hooked on.
posted by bingo at 8:26 AM on March 8, 2002

Bingo -

My Tuesday night Scrubs tapes invariably have 2.5 minute Smallville snippets during commercial breaks. I'm praying for NBC to move Scrubs to Thursday.
posted by Sinner at 8:30 AM on March 8, 2002

Scrubs is a lot of fun, but it is not even in the same league as The Osbournes. That show will really fuck with your head, and leave you asking for more.
posted by NortonDC at 8:30 AM on March 8, 2002

Yeah, The Osbournes was amazing. Funniest new thing I've seen in a looong time (since their episode of Cribs at least).
posted by dig_duggler at 8:57 AM on March 8, 2002

Dig_d, i had the same experience. The Cribs episode was a great way to introduce me into the osbournes world. i can't wait for more osbournes - assuming i can figure out which one i have or havent seen (mtv seems to show this thing 10 times a week, when are new episodes?).

oh yeah, scrubs is GREAT. ...undeclared is sweet too - I miss freaks and geeks. 80s show sucks.
posted by tomplus2 at 9:44 AM on March 8, 2002

Ditto. Scrubs is great. I've told all my friends and they promptly dismissed my recommendation. I thought I was alone.
posted by borgle at 9:46 AM on March 8, 2002

Actually, I think that "Scrubs" is wildly overrated (as is "24"). The best new show, without a doubt, is "Alias."
posted by sassone at 10:26 AM on March 8, 2002

Our house is addicted. It's the ONLY show I've been watching regulary last fall/this winter, as I'm too busy to actually watch anything else.

I've only seen 1 episode of 24, and would have liked to have seen the setups. I like the concept, always have like the concept of stories unfolding in realtime ("Nick of Time"? which I actually haven't been able to watch, but then "Run Lola Run" is almost realtime)
posted by jkaczor at 11:05 AM on March 8, 2002

Don't let quality television go off the air because of a bad time slot!

Scrubs was renewed for a full second season back on January 9th. It's not going away until at least mid-2003.
posted by aaron at 11:25 AM on March 8, 2002

Scrubs is very good. Titus is better. Six feet under is the best, maybe better than the Sopranos.
posted by Mack Twain at 12:31 PM on March 8, 2002

Waiiiit a second. If we're going to promote and protect any fantastic new show, it should be Undeclared. Save Undeclared!
posted by busbyism at 12:37 PM on March 8, 2002

tomplus2, there has only been one osbournes, last thurs. All new episodes come on Thursdays at 9:30 central (after real world). So you've missed nothing! Next weeks looks like gold, dealing with the osbourne's pets!

Yeah I want to watch alias but am too out of the loop. I wouldn't go so far to say that 24 is overated, the first 11 episodes built up into some of the best tv i've ever seen

and i watch a lot of tv.
posted by dig_duggler at 12:57 PM on March 8, 2002

I like it because there isn't some big moral club hitting you over the head with whatever 'issue of the day' they're delaing with.

I agree, so far it's a great show. Let's just hope they don't 'Jump the Shark' anytime soon!
posted by Sal Amander at 1:01 PM on March 8, 2002

'Undeclared' does deserve saving.

To the person who mentioned 'Sports Night', it is a tragedy that show didn't make it. Sorkin even tried to get it moved to NBC but ended up doing 'The West Wing' instead.
posted by McBain at 1:01 PM on March 8, 2002

...a nice counter to all the crap sci-fi that we seem to be getting out of USA TV these days.

Mwongozi, what sci-fi shows are we sending you in the UK? There doesn't even seem to be many sci-fi shows on TV in the US these days.
posted by Sal Amander at 1:05 PM on March 8, 2002

I just randomly caught an episode the other night. I heard of the show before, but I don't watch tv much so I never bothered. I'm going to have to write down when this show is on so I don't miss it again. It's great (and the main actress is really really familiar... though I can't pin-point from where... any help?)
posted by mkn at 7:11 PM on March 8, 2002

Roseanne, replacement Becky.
posted by NortonDC at 7:31 PM on March 8, 2002

How can you say its funny there's no laugh trak.
posted by phartizan at 4:23 AM on March 9, 2002

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