mine: paper dragon w/ origami dollar bill wings
June 24, 2004 5:36 AM   Subscribe

Show us your computer mascot! >> flash, engaging music
posted by iconomy (18 comments total)

posted by jpoulos at 6:19 AM on June 24, 2004

posted by Mayor Curley at 7:35 AM on June 24, 2004

Who is that, Mayor? Freud?
posted by jpoulos at 8:04 AM on June 24, 2004

Very nice iconomy!. Mine is a hammer. Not a cute little plastic hammer that makes funny noises, but a big old Iowa farmboy hammer. I don't know; somehow it ended up on my desk, and now I don't want to move it. Plus it always makes people laugh when they see it sitting there...
posted by taz at 8:13 AM on June 24, 2004

In addition to hula girl above, I have dexter.

posted by jpoulos at 8:17 AM on June 24, 2004

posted by azul at 8:17 AM on June 24, 2004

It's Lenin. He doesn't photograph well, on account of being made out of Soviet pig iron or something.

(not pictured: The Iron Giant and a Bill Lee autographed baseball.)
posted by Mayor Curley at 8:19 AM on June 24, 2004

Mine - Afro Ken

posted by quibx at 8:36 AM on June 24, 2004

I'll bite:

posted by dogwelder at 9:54 AM on June 24, 2004


posted by themadjuggler at 10:01 AM on June 24, 2004

I have no camera, but I have a Bender, bendering a paperclip, and a can of WhoopAss which I have come very close to opening on some cow-orkers.
posted by Capn at 10:20 AM on June 24, 2004

Hehe. When I said "show us your computer mascot", I didn't mean it literally - that was just my way of linking to the site where others were showing theirs. You're all so obedient. I like that in a man.

These are all very cool, thanks for sharing them!
posted by iconomy at 11:48 AM on June 24, 2004

Thanks, iconomy. I saw all these and thought good lord, that many people have little computer mascots?

Then I realized that I have one. It's Nipper, you know, this guy. I don't have a camera here, but mine (it turns out, upon searching, there are an amazing multitude of 3-D models) looks something like this, only about two inches tall. He's sitting on top of the computer with his ear cocked toward the monitor. Somebody found this and gave it to me a while back, and so I put him there.
posted by soyjoy at 1:37 PM on June 24, 2004

Same here, jpoulos. Weird to see it on someone else's desk. Even though it's sold retail.
posted by yerfatma at 8:18 PM on June 24, 2004

This is a tiki mug I got on Maui a while ago. It sits by the monitor.
posted by Hackworth at 11:31 PM on June 24, 2004

Heh. I don't have a digital camera, I'm afraid, but my computer mascot is a little plastic nun. She's about 1.5 inches high and she's holding a book and she's singing. I picked her up at an performance a friend of mine did a few years back.
posted by jokeefe at 12:32 PM on June 25, 2004

My camera's at home, but draped over the corner of my monitor, is a face-hugger beanie-baby.

Like this one:

posted by inpHilltr8r at 4:12 PM on June 25, 2004

i've a whole army of puter/desk mascots but these are my most recent, a bday gift from Shane:

posted by t r a c y at 6:04 PM on June 25, 2004

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