Heckuva job, Bushie
January 20, 2009 11:58 PM   Subscribe

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - Domestic Security Since 2001. This is your chance to thank President Bush for keeping you safe all those years. Except for that one time.
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese (24 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: by the time I woke up this post had as many flags as it had comments - maybe people are clicking the wrong thing? Can we please make an effort to make posts that are interesting/funny/thought-provoking and not GRARGRARIHATETHESEPEOPLE? Thank you. -- jessamyn

This seems a really cheap and unnecessary post.
posted by ClanvidHorse at 12:04 AM on January 21, 2009 [5 favorites]

Don't forget the Poland The Anthrax.

Also, I like how they completely ripped off Obama's design.
posted by delmoi at 12:10 AM on January 21, 2009 [1 favorite]

Hmm, Müllerhaus Publishing, eh? Let's see here.

Publishers of "Disabling America: the Unintended Consequences of the Government's Protection of the Handicapped," "The Jihad Cult" which apparently all boils down to a milky, unholhy glass eye, a book about how "the DNC and Network News coordinated their assault on the President... and why they failed so badly!" and something about "Interspecies Telepathic Communication."

Clearly, you speak for everyone. Also, you just clicked the button yourself about 8,000 times to get things going. Stupid website doesn't check.
posted by setanor at 12:13 AM on January 21, 2009 [1 favorite]

oh my god he went away, he went away!
posted by mmmleaf at 12:20 AM on January 21, 2009 [1 favorite]

I believe you mean "former President Bush."
posted by bicyclefish at 12:30 AM on January 21, 2009 [2 favorites]

Even by the low standards of politics filter this post is crap.
posted by LarryC at 12:31 AM on January 21, 2009


Oh God, this was only Mission 1? When's the final boss, already...
posted by Rhaomi at 1:08 AM on January 21, 2009

I'm not religious, but . . .

By the grace of God Bush is finally gone from the White House. By the grace of God, can we PLEASE keep him gone from Metafilter?
posted by Ryvar at 1:08 AM on January 21, 2009 [1 favorite]

Also, I call bullshit on posting this at 3AM - that's some pretty out-and-out "dodge the mod" bullshit right there.
posted by Ryvar at 1:11 AM on January 21, 2009

9,760+ votes and counting, as brought to you by the good people of Diebold Voting Systems, Inc.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 1:11 AM on January 21, 2009 [4 favorites]

[the Daily Show:]
Let’s face it: When George W. Bush claims he’s “kept us safe,” it’s kind of like the babysitter who lets the toddler wander into traffic the first hour she’s on the job, then herds all the remaining kids into the basement and locks them in to compensate. So when the parents get home, she says: “See, I kept them all safe after the toddler got run over.”
posted by DreamerFi at 1:14 AM on January 21, 2009 [6 favorites]

Expand the mind...

Coming soon, evidently.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 1:18 AM on January 21, 2009

Well, I think this post is crap, only for it's two dimensionality in presenting the banality of evil. That's my two permanently-drunken, partially-expatriated, barely-worth-two-euro-cents pennies on the matter.

Fuck this guy's legacy of crippling our veterans for life (which differs by an entire freaking order of magnitude from our dead, unlike wars where medical technology couldn't turn them into paraplegics) and humiliating expatriates everywhere. He never won my vote (or my delegates', given that I'm Californian) and he'll never get my support, nor my family's. Even in some idiotic postmortem analysis funded by some PAC or MSM channel where the rhetoric flows thicker than diarrhea.

This backwards cardboard placard of achievement will fade with time, but the stories we tell our children will ensure that he is our worst president ever. Coolidge aside.
posted by electronslave at 1:32 AM on January 21, 2009

Thank you for not fucking things up even worse. Now get out.
posted by monkey!knife!fight! at 1:35 AM on January 21, 2009

i_am_joe's_spleen: Come on, you know better than that. We know that McKinley dealt with anarchists. We know that Clinton dealt(?) with the worst domestic terrorist attack ever, we know that embassy bombings have happened along the way. Let's not cheapen Lockerbie, either. I don't like George W. Bush much, that's for sure, but we have a history, and to deny it is to repeat it.
posted by electronslave at 1:52 AM on January 21, 2009

And yes, I'm choosing to vent now, after the hurt has started to fade. This asshole made sure I'd have to spend double the amount of the Clinton years on my freaking transit visa to Russia, double to Uzbekistan (okay, fine, I get it, but let's play politics here) and struggle to make polite conversation with anyone politically aware.

The fact is, in September of 2001, I bet my friend that we'd invade Iraq because of Bush's rhetorical direction, that we'd camp out there, like his Dad almost did, while pounding Afghanistan (where my father served the US/UK/OZ/NZ bravely during my birth year) into the dirt, and I'd have to apologize to every one of the foreign friends I'd make.

Guess freaking what? Yeah, that's right: I won the only bet I've regretted (in active drunken memory) making in my life. I've apologized to a citizen of almost every country in Europe, to every Ozzie and Kiwi I've met, to every Canuck and Mexican, to every Russian and CISian, even to random Chinese. It's etiquette, and that's beyond our former president who, despite graduating from our nation's prestigious patrician college system, never managed to take his feet off the table while eating.
posted by electronslave at 2:06 AM on January 21, 2009

Umm, you don't get it other posters. The world you live in is full of people that don't agree with you. By saying that you think this link does not belong on the MeFi front page is to actively encourage ignorance. We need to see the entire picture of America to fully appreciate the role and position that us "enlightened folk" really have to play right now.
posted by ryaninoakland at 3:30 AM on January 21, 2009 [1 favorite]

Umm, you don't get it other posters. The world you live in is full of people that don't agree with you. By saying that you think this link does not belong on the MeFi front page is to actively encourage ignorance. We need to see the entire picture of America to fully appreciate the role and position that us "enlightened folk" really have to play right now.

Umm, you don't get it ryaninoakland; the reason I want this off the front page is because it is a fucking crap post. That is all.
posted by ClanvidHorse at 3:33 AM on January 21, 2009 [1 favorite]

The best part is that "missionaccomplished.com" seems to be a parked domain, which is usually code for "pay me enough and you can have it." Apparently too high a price to pay to send this glorious message.
posted by maxwelton at 4:10 AM on January 21, 2009

Maybe we should send him a case of beer and a bag of hard pretzels as a thank you.
posted by R. Mutt at 4:26 AM on January 21, 2009 [1 favorite]

This is not Best of the Web. This is the lamest FPP evar.
posted by RussHy at 4:35 AM on January 21, 2009

This is your chance to thank President Bush for keeping you safe all those years.

Sure thing, Hoss. I'm gonna write "Thank You" on the bottom of a shoe...
posted by louche mustachio at 4:43 AM on January 21, 2009 [1 favorite]

And yes, I'm choosing to vent now, after the hurt has started to fade.

Wow, that's the second time you complained about visa fees. I remember, because I thought it was such a weird thing to complain about.
posted by smackfu at 5:44 AM on January 21, 2009 [1 favorite]

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