I can't believe Sean Connery became a respected actor.
January 24, 2010 12:58 AM   Subscribe

This post was deleted for the following reason: Yeah, the source link here seems really skeezy. Sorry, Cap. -- cortex

Nice little collection. I don't know that I would use the word rare - many of those pictures are quite famous and widely circulated - but they are all enjoyable.
posted by smoke at 1:05 AM on January 24, 2010

I am so sick of these photo compilations. I understand someone probably took an entire week to put it together. But, seriously, they are no fun.
posted by parmanparman at 1:15 AM on January 24, 2010 [1 favorite]

Does Iggy even own any shirts?
posted by pracowity at 1:15 AM on January 24, 2010 [8 favorites]

Wow. Charles Manson looked like a Dalton boy, and George Clooney looked like a Muenster.
posted by availablelight at 1:16 AM on January 24, 2010 [1 favorite]

These are great! Various thoughts:

What's with all the Manson photos?

That Sean Connery bodybuilding photo is a hoot. Same for the young George Clooney school photo.

Young Melanie Griffith (pictured sitting on Don Johnson's lap) looked very much like Bridget Fonda.

Paulette Goddard was so beautiful.
posted by Asparagirl at 1:19 AM on January 24, 2010

That Allen Ginsberg photo is now my desktop background.
posted by dunkadunc at 1:19 AM on January 24, 2010

Wow indeed. I guess we were all young once.
posted by vac2003 at 1:22 AM on January 24, 2010

The Beatles were adorably geeky-looking.
posted by mollywas at 1:24 AM on January 24, 2010

That photo of Kennedy with Monroe is blowing my mind. It's such a tender pose - it's not that we don't know they had an affair or whatever, but this is the first photo of them together like this I've ever seen.
posted by annathea at 1:25 AM on January 24, 2010 [1 favorite]

"Henry Miller and his hot model"?

I'm with parmanparman. This list plays less like "rare photos of famous people" and more like "photos that were in the second page of results on images.google.com." About fifty per cent are pictures I've seen before, and I'm not exactly a photo buff or a pop culture genius or something.

Add that to the general lameness of photo compilations, and I'm not really up for it. Sorry, Cappy; sure it was well-intentioned, but...
posted by koeselitz at 1:26 AM on January 24, 2010

I think this is fairly cool. That said, the inability to order the captions bugs me. Is that just me?
posted by pompomtom at 1:29 AM on January 24, 2010 [1 favorite]

I thought this was good. The one of Liza and Judy made me a little misty.
posted by TooFewShoes at 1:32 AM on January 24, 2010

And holy fuck, I'm supposed to be enjoying this when at the top of the whole thing there's a big fat SCIENTOLOGY advertisement?

Yeah... no.
posted by koeselitz at 1:33 AM on January 24, 2010

This would be one of those dead copycats, no?
posted by carsonb at 1:33 AM on January 24, 2010

That photo of Kennedy with Monroe is blowing my mind. It's such a tender pose - it's not that we don't know they had an affair or whatever, but this is the first photo of them together like this I've ever seen.

I'm pretty sure that's an Alison Jackson staged photo.
posted by geek anachronism at 1:42 AM on January 24, 2010 [2 favorites]

annathea: “That photo of Kennedy with Monroe is blowing my mind. It's such a tender pose - it's not that we don't know they had an affair or whatever, but this is the first photo of them together like this I've ever seen.”

That's because that photo is a fake. It was stolen from the artist Alison Jackson's web site. It was made in 2001. Her artist's statement makes this a little more clear.

Who knows how many of these photos have been swiped? It really pisses me off to see things like this with absolutely no information about the provenance of the photos. Why in god's name is it so hard to put even a tiny "via" link next to photos? The only reason I can see for doing that is to obfuscate the source of photos and make it harder to figure out if they're real or not - it's flatly deceptive.

Anyhow, tineye.com is really, really handy for riddling out stuff like this. The owner of this bogus Scientology-ad-linking crapfest has done some sleazy URL obfuscation, so it's really, really hard to batch-search the images through tineye, but please feel free to go there and see where the pictures came from.

Argh. Maketh me angry.
posted by koeselitz at 1:45 AM on January 24, 2010 [6 favorites]

Jackson Five visiting Bob Marley! Yay!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 1:45 AM on January 24, 2010

And, again: I mean no disrespect, Captain Cardanthian. I know these seem really cool, and honestly, thanks for wanting to share them; but the way the web site is set up just seem sleazy to me. But I know this is your first post, and I don't want to crap all over you; it would be a great one if whoever runs that site wasn't such a jerk about attribution, linking, and site-running in general.
posted by koeselitz at 1:49 AM on January 24, 2010

Hellooo, Mister Walken~

Other than that, and the personal shock that I thought it was Lucas Grabeel (yes, the gay one in High School Musical, don't judge!) this was a meh.
posted by Mizu at 1:49 AM on January 24, 2010

The caption under the photo of the Beatles should read like this.

"The Beatles in 1957. George Harrison is 14, John Lennon is 16, and Paul McCartney is 15 alive."
posted by Effigy2000 at 1:57 AM on January 24, 2010 [3 favorites]

But I know this is your first post, and I don't want to crap all over you...

Well you're doing a good job of it. Flag and move on. No need to make every third comment a further distillation of your original opinion.
posted by smoke at 2:01 AM on January 24, 2010 [8 favorites]

How the hell is giving the attribution for a photo "crapping in the thread?"
posted by koeselitz at 2:04 AM on January 24, 2010 [1 favorite]

Christopher Walken was quite the tidy lad, wasn't he?

The one of Hitchcock and (grand?)kids was great, and I liked Jayne Seymour and Freddie trying to outdo one another.
posted by rodgerd at 2:06 AM on January 24, 2010

Love this.
posted by Betty Tyranny at 2:07 AM on January 24, 2010


Mmm, homophobia makes MeFi delicious!
posted by rodgerd at 2:08 AM on January 24, 2010 [3 favorites]

Aaah Mefites to the rescue! Staged photo makes so much more sense. I love this place.
posted by annathea at 2:17 AM on January 24, 2010

Christopher Walken: may I add yet another "WOAH". He looks like he could be James Spader's kid brother in that photo.

And hello, never knew Tim Roth posed on what looks to be a cover of Teen Beat.
posted by thisperon at 2:23 AM on January 24, 2010

Angelina Jolie and her father, 1986

Hey Voight, screw you and you fifty years in showbiz, and your Oscar, Emmys and Golden Globes!
posted by biffa at 2:23 AM on January 24, 2010

Hah! I was just about to make the same sort of comment, biffa. Jon who?
posted by Justinian at 2:31 AM on January 24, 2010

Yoko John and and Andy.
3 people, 7 hands
posted by Fupped Duck at 2:53 AM on January 24, 2010

Excellent. I was planning on spending the day considering the slender thread of youth and time that has passed through my fingers up to this moment, is passing now, and will continue to pass until the day that it disappears entirely.

That and buying a lamp at Home Depot.
posted by A Terrible Llama at 2:58 AM on January 24, 2010 [2 favorites]

koeselitz, Thanks for the link to Jackson, and the other artists, Iḿ finding a lot of interesting stuff via that link
posted by quarsan at 3:31 AM on January 24, 2010

koeselitz, thanks for the link to Alison Jackson's web site and the background of that photo. Few things are as annoying as heavily google-adified photocollections with pointless (SEO worthy only) comments, where ever image is carefully nicked from the second google image-hit of famous persons name. Gets more so when it's hosted on free blog host with only 66 readers. These things are made to collect money (on other peoples work, ie: the photography) and a certainly not "The best of the web".

posted by dabitch at 3:51 AM on January 24, 2010 [2 favorites]

I am so sick of these photo compilations. I understand someone probably took an entire week to put it together. But, seriously, they are no fun.

I applaud you for being both far more efficient and effective at achieving "seriously no fun".
posted by srboisvert at 4:01 AM on January 24, 2010 [3 favorites]

Streisand is The Hotness. That is all.
posted by e.e. coli at 4:11 AM on January 24, 2010 [1 favorite]

While the intent is doubtless sleazy, there's something to be said for unpretentiously user-friendly aggregations like this one. In order to see all these photos the 'right' way, a person would have to visit dozens of websites, dealing with whatever idiosyncratic navigational hurdles the site designer saw fit to incorporate.

This kind of presentation is much more approachable: a big page of photos at a reduced size (but not thumbnailed), navigated by vertical scrolling, with each image hyperlinked to its own larger version.

(my browser blocked all the ads, or I'd possibly be as angry as koeselitz)
posted by Ritchie at 4:13 AM on January 24, 2010 [3 favorites]

Iggy Pop and Blondie.????
posted by signal at 4:48 AM on January 24, 2010

Wow, Hunter Thompson wrote Fear and Loathing? Nice captions.
posted by fixedgear at 5:15 AM on January 24, 2010

A photo of Bob Dylan smiling is pretty rare indeed. His whole face lights up. He should smile more often.
posted by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing at 5:19 AM on January 24, 2010

Also, what ads?
posted by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing at 5:23 AM on January 24, 2010

You know who else had photos taken of him when he was young?

(last pic on the page)
posted by idiomatika at 5:26 AM on January 24, 2010 [1 favorite]

A surprising number of these are obscure to me - lots of fun guessing before scrolling reveals the captions.

I was expecting the unremarkable 1970 group pic showing Madonna to be labeled "The Manson family...again"

(Great detective work by geek anachronism/ koeselitz on that tender JFK Monroe shot, though.)
posted by Jody Tresidder at 5:34 AM on January 24, 2010

My biggest regret in life is that I missed Henry Miller on the Tomorrow show.
posted by JohnR at 5:44 AM on January 24, 2010

The one of Hitchcock and (grand?)kids was great

They definitely aren't his kids -- he had one daughter in 1928 -- but they could be his grandchildren: "She and Joe O'Connell have three daughters, Mary Alma Stone (born April 17, 1953), Teresa "Tere" Carrubba (born July 2, 1954), and Kathleen "Katie" Fiala (born February 27, 1959)."
posted by pracowity at 5:45 AM on January 24, 2010

Iggy Pop and Blondie

posted by griphus at 6:32 AM on January 24, 2010

Yes, it's Iggy Pop and Debbie Harry. Blondie was a band. It was also a comic strip.
posted by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing at 6:35 AM on January 24, 2010

Jagger with crazy beard LOL.
posted by stinkycheese at 6:38 AM on January 24, 2010

Apparently Clint Eastwood's first wife was his mom.
posted by unSane at 6:43 AM on January 24, 2010 [2 favorites]

Love the one of Bonnie and Clyde. The Manolo of Manolo's Shoe Blog talked about it here, analyzing their style compared to imitations by Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty. (Spoiler: the originals did it better.)
posted by the littlest brussels sprout at 7:06 AM on January 24, 2010 [1 favorite]

A mixed bag. Some I've seen several times and some I haven't. That one of the Star Wars crew is like seeing a picture of KISS without makeup from 1975.
posted by zzazazz at 7:12 AM on January 24, 2010

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