Sideblog Archive

August 31, 2014
Fighting procrastination: "If anyone has a system that they have used to be more productive, please share."

August 25, 2014
Need more enervation in your playlists? Ask Me is here to help: "I'm a boring person and I want boring music to go with my life."

August 20, 2014
Mefi's own frizzle is featured in a post on her performance at the 2014 National Poetry Slam

August 19, 2014
Dontjumplarry asks, "How did peasants in the Middle Ages survive the winter?"

August 13, 2014
Extinct Scents? Ferdinandcc asks about smells that don't exist anymore.

August 12, 2014
Remembering Robin Williams: we collect some IRL stories about Robin Williams from our members on the Best Of blog, and remind folks of the There Is Help page on the Mefi Wiki.

August 4, 2014
At some point silliness and happiness and fun and joy start to transgress itself and display its horror: mr-o on the primal paradox of the creepy clown problem.

August 1, 2014
We want a pure LHC-kill-beam thought experiment here: physicsmatt tackles a mind-blowing question about the Large Hadron Collider.

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