Rare handfish population returned to wild
May 10, 2024 1:09 AM   Subscribe

Rare handfish population returned to wild after riding out marine heatwave in tank. They've been gently coaxed out of the plastic bag and into the big, bad underwater world where they are exposed to the elements. Now, researchers have big hopes this small group of red handfish will not only survive, but thrive — the species is depending on it.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries (5 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Given that the pictures show two very differently colored fish, I did a little poking around and discovered that the species has two variations — the lighter skin with pronounced red touches, and the pink “cake topper” style. Very fancy!
posted by GenjiandProust at 4:51 AM on May 10 [2 favorites]

I was trying to remember where I'd read about the handfish, but of course. This place is handfish central.
posted by pracowity at 5:47 AM on May 10 [1 favorite]

go you, adorable grumpy rubber-glove fishies!
posted by scruss at 6:28 AM on May 10

Red Right Handfish
posted by notoriety public at 6:33 AM on May 10 [2 favorites]

jazz hands!

they are redonkulously cute! I hope they do thrive indeed.
posted by supermedusa at 8:34 AM on May 10 [1 favorite]

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