Tiny People's Adventures in the World of Food
January 24, 2014 8:47 AM   Subscribe

Dioramas of food and tiny people, courtesy playful food photographers Akiko Ida and Pierre Javelle. Those tiny people are so industrious! More and more of the same.
posted by aka burlap (13 comments total) 28 users marked this as a favorite
previously, with many broken links.
posted by the man of twists and turns at 8:53 AM on January 24, 2014

Adorable. The tiny people, the incongruity of their placement on food which turns it into something it is not and the playfulness of the scenes...I like the raisin/grape scenario the best.
posted by agatha_magatha at 8:58 AM on January 24, 2014 [1 favorite]

Hah. Reminds me of the I Spy books I used to love as a kid.
posted by codacorolla at 8:59 AM on January 24, 2014

Expected to be cynical. Now a convert. I thought it would be yet another desperate artist gimmick. But saw it and I am sold. This is what art is for - seeing things that matter in new ways. Love it!
posted by EnterTheStory at 9:04 AM on January 24, 2014 [2 favorites]

Those were far, far better than I dared hope. Really good sense of humor and a keen eye for composition.
posted by Thorzdad at 9:07 AM on January 24, 2014

I've seen the grape photo passed around for awhile now. I am delighted to see that there are more by the same artists!
posted by C'est la D.C. at 9:08 AM on January 24, 2014

These are great, thanks.
posted by marxchivist at 9:19 AM on January 24, 2014

Those are delightful! Who carved the little people, and how?
posted by mudpuppie at 9:19 AM on January 24, 2014 [1 favorite]

I love this!
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 9:42 AM on January 24, 2014

Great post. Best of the web. Cute and clever. The reveals that happen as they pull back are delightful surprises.
posted by Trochanter at 10:34 AM on January 24, 2014 [1 favorite]

These are really delightful! The tiny people look like scale model train figures to me. My dad and sister used to be super into trains, but they let me paint the tiny people's outfits.
posted by chatongriffes at 10:54 AM on January 24, 2014 [1 favorite]

I love these!
posted by Katjusa Roquette at 12:19 AM on January 25, 2014

Very cute - much better than I expected!
posted by Umami Dearest at 4:43 AM on January 26, 2014

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