The Norwegian Katzenjammer Kids
May 25, 2016 8:51 AM   Subscribe

The second most impressive thing about Katzenjammer is that the band members take turns playing nearly all the shared instruments -- including drums, accordion, guitar, keyboard, mandolin and contrabass balalaika. But even more impressive is that this never feels gimmicky or distracts from the songcraft, and no doubt these switchups help contribute to an amazingly varied repertoire. While their albums are great, they can't match the live shows for pure entertainment value. Fortunately, several are on YouTube including this one from 2012.

More conventional music videos:
A Bar in Amsterdam
Rock - Paper - Scissors
Lady Grey
posted by Slothrup (7 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
This topic really deserves a better post, but my burning need to share the music isn't matched by an availability of time to craft one.

Also, the name of the contrabass is "Akerø", but I couldn't put the "ø" into the tag name.
posted by Slothrup at 8:54 AM on May 25, 2016

I thought this was about Kyuss because I'm old.
posted by Dark Messiah at 9:11 AM on May 25, 2016 [1 favorite]

I love them I LOVE THEM

First video of theirs I saw: Katzenjammer - Land of Confusion

And let's see...there was the Norwegian equivalent of a Tiny Desk Concert somewhere...ah yes HERE WE GO I love this.

I think my favorite song of theirs is I Will Dance When I Walk Away - it's got a beautifully quirky music video to go with.

I just love them so much. SO MUCH.
posted by angeline at 9:25 AM on May 25, 2016 [1 favorite]

I love them too! My favorite, and the song that got me listening in the first place, is Demon Kitty Rag.
posted by overhauser at 10:18 AM on May 25, 2016 [3 favorites]

(Uhm, but what will happen now that Marianne has left to become Dandylion?)
posted by progosk at 1:51 PM on May 25, 2016 [1 favorite]

*clutches heart* noooooooo
posted by angeline at 1:58 PM on May 25, 2016

OK, I'd never heard of them, and thought that concert was very good. You can count me as a new fan.
posted by Metro Gnome at 11:28 PM on May 25, 2016 [1 favorite]

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