Here, Have a Skull or Two
October 22, 2017 2:29 PM   Subscribe

Skull carving was his way of rehabilitating himself. Victor Seiche was a hard-core drug addict. He kicked all the drugs at once and to save his sanity, he taught himself how to carve skulls (animal, not human). The main link gives a lot of information about him and how he got started, with some photos. But here's his Instagram page Victor's Skulls which has a lot more skulls and an occasional price. He works to commission, too. I think they're beautiful.
posted by MovableBookLady (6 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
He was convicted of Hannibalism.

Sorry, I'll let myself out, these are very cool BTW.
posted by Artw at 2:42 PM on October 22, 2017

incredible. just sent this to a friend of mine who's obsessed with bones :)
posted by supermedusa at 2:55 PM on October 22, 2017

getting intensely into creative work is a good way to quit drugs
posted by thelonius at 3:33 PM on October 22, 2017

getting intensely into creative work is a good way to quit drugs

I read somewhere that this is why Kelley Deal got into knitting.
posted by 4ster at 5:52 PM on October 22, 2017 [1 favorite]

Holy shit--I expected maybe some scrimshawesque surface engraving, but these are extraordinary.
posted by Halloween Jack at 7:10 PM on October 22, 2017 [2 favorites]

getting intensely into creative work is a good way to quit drugs

of course it doesn't always work, but that is true of every method
posted by thelonius at 5:26 AM on October 23, 2017

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