"If people start rescinding their support, the whole tower falls."
November 20, 2020 12:45 PM   Subscribe

New Yorker audio - 23mins. "Are [Trump's] actions the flailing response of a sore loser or an attempt at an authoritarian power grab? Academics and activists believe that, in either case, ordinary citizens have more power than they think they do. Andrew Marantz joins Dorothy Wickenden to discuss what has been learned in recent years about successful nonviolent resistance movements, and how to take action to perpetuate a stable democracy."
posted by Paul Slade (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: This is a little unusual but there's now another post linking to this content but with more context and additional links, so I think it's best to close this one and ask folks to go discuss over in that other thread. -- LobsterMitten


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