Is this Andrew Sullivan's ass?
May 29, 2001 2:41 PM Subscribe
If true, this brings up plenty of ideological and moral issues, which I'm sure will be discussed in this thread. But that's not why I'm bringing it up here. I'm posting because of the vaguely Kayceeish nature of the whole thing. If you look at Signorile's article, you'll see that all the evidence is circumstantial. Several people who Signorile really really trust say they answered the ads and Sullivan was the guy that showed up when they met. The photos in the ads look like what most people expect Sullivan's body to look like (minus his head, of course). Also, Sullivan hasn't responded to anyone's questions about this, and after all, if the accusations were false wouldn't Sullivan be loudly denying them (wink wink)?
Complicating the whole mess is Signorile's own journalistic history - he made his name during the late '80s-early '90s running gossipy columns outing famous people against their will - and that Romenesko decided to publicize this article in the first place, thus ensuring that every single person in the national media is fully aware of the allegations, true or not. Is this actual proof that Sullivan is guilty of barebacking, or is he being Borked (Kayceed?)? Should it have been publicized like this in the first place, since a mention in Romenesko is the best way to start up a classic pack journalism action short of running a front-page story in The New York Times? Will other media outlets jump on this now and sully Sullivan's reputation, whether the allegations are true or not?
2. Signorile is a subhuman slimebag. He should be ashamed of himself, but he has no scruples, no conscience and a stupid haircut.
3. #2 is a personal opinion, but hey, to know him is to loathe him...
4. There's nothing in Sullivan's general philosophy that this behavior contradicts. He's always said that sex is a private affair between two consenting adults. He's also very publically HIV+ as well as recognizable by face so unless he's deliberately lying to people who've never seen him before and who are HIV- (which I find extraordinarily difficult to believe about him), no one's at risk.
5. It's nobody's business but Sullivan's and his partners'. But there are people (they'd like to call themselves "journalists," but I have trouble considering them so) who will make hay out of this - Signorile is unfortunately not the lowest slag on the heap, there are slimier, nastier creatures out there who will make very,very sure that this opportunity to beat up on the politically unpopular Sullivan doesn't pass unexploited.
6. Stuff like this makes me really, really, really mad. These are the same people who say "It's my body! It's my sexlife! You can't tell me what to do! I can be a big queen if I want to and you still have to like me!" - and will viciously turn on a gay man who doesn't follow their politik-thought when the mood strikes them.
7. I should really stop and think about this before I post this, but that's never stopped me before and god-damn I'm mad at Signorile for giving this wider play.
posted by m.polo at 3:07 PM on May 29, 2001
posted by raysmj at 3:13 PM on May 29, 2001
Wow...that is so dangerous. HIV+ shouldn't have unprotected sex with others because they could be infected with different strains of the virus -- and could become doubly infected.
I would have thought that an intelligent man like Sullivan would know better. I don't know whether the "barebacking" claim is true, but the quote from his book is scary enough indeed.
posted by jennak at 3:22 PM on May 29, 2001
posted by timothompson at 3:24 PM on May 29, 2001
The verb: Barred? Flynted?
And the judgement? Sam Johnson's: that "the teachers of morality speak like angels, but live like men."
posted by holgate at 3:29 PM on May 29, 2001
posted by stbalbach at 3:47 PM on May 29, 2001
(Besides, you just linked to what might be nude photos of the guy in a forum that reaches thousands of people. Are you in the best position to be pointing fingers at other webloggers?)
If you read Signorile's story, he's not reporting it as a rumor, he's quoting sources and reporting it as a fact. It's certainly better sourced than the Jeb Bush affair rumors that bounced around the press for a couple months before Bush felt like he had to address them publicly.
I think Signorile makes a good case in his article for why this is newsworthy.
posted by rcade at 4:13 PM on May 29, 2001
Most of Signorile's evidence is not circumstantial, but rather hearsay -- which, while not admissible in court, is not at all uncommon in journalism. Of course, it would have been preferable for even one of Signorile's sources to go on the record, but such reluctance is understandable given the sensitive nature of the subject matter.
As for the question of Jim Romenesko's editorial judgment, I think you have misunderstood the nature of his site. Recall that it was originally called MediaGossip -- reporting unsubstantiated rumors and airing cases of name-calling and backbiting among journalists has always been part of its mission. In fact, it's almost certainly the reason why the site is so widely read in the news industry.
The connection you attempt to draw between this case and the Kaycee situation completely escapes me.
For the verb hunters: If you want to emphasize the "non-mainstream sexual proclivities publicly revealed" angle, the case that springs to mind first is Marv Albert. If you prefer the "do as I say, not as I do" aspect, Jimmy Swaggart is your guy.
posted by jjg at 4:14 PM on May 29, 2001
so we're not talking about someone trying to deceive and infect other people. Consenting adults, remember? I don't really see what the problem is.
Is that really Sullivan? Who cares? Nobody should, I think: it's a private matter between the personal ad guy and the people who e-mail him. And anyway, if it's really him in the ad (the supposed evidence is terribly thin, by the way), I'd say Sullivan's in great shape, good for him.
Maybe we should all stop judging other people's personal choices and go to the gym, lift some weights instead.
posted by matteo at 4:22 PM on May 29, 2001
posted by rcade at 4:38 PM on May 29, 2001
While I believe in freedom of choice, I have difficulty with those who think it is their right to participate in the barebacking trend and that the only one harmed is themselves.
posted by sillygit at 4:54 PM on May 29, 2001
Signorile's own journalistic history - he made his name during the late '80s-early '90s running gossipy columns outing famous people against their willThis is the popular wisdom, but is entirely untrue. The only people Signorile outed were dead, like Malcolm Forbes. But what do I know? He was a columnist at OutWeek during the time I freelanced for it, and vice-versa. I still have nearly every single issue and read absolutely all his columns and features. I even met him at a bar once!
BTW, outing public figures is OK. Just so you'll know.
posted by joeclark at 5:24 PM on May 29, 2001
Probably not true, though I agree the Legend of Mike has probably been exaggerated. But here's a quote from the man himself:
The highly publicized outing of Assistant Secretary of Defense Pete Williams in 1991, a story I wrote for The Advocate, perhaps gave much of the media the first clear-cut example of the so-called hypocrisy argument for outing (my emphasis)Then there was the David Geffen thing. Was it not Signorile who outed him, in a famously ugly brawl, in Outweek in 1989?
posted by rodii at 6:04 PM on May 29, 2001
posted by rebeccablood at 7:05 PM on May 29, 2001
They brook no dissension, Signore Signorille and Co., theirs is the only discretion that counts when determining if someone "should" be outed or not... What's that you say? "Private life"?! Private life be damned, we say! We have circulation numbers to make!
It's a practice that's morally questionable at best, and irreversibly invasive no matter how you look at it. The whole "outing" craze never got much more than negative attention and arguably did no good for a better public image for gays. The slower, more natural climate created by a slow but steady stream of high profile entertainers and other public figures discussing their homosexuality has been far better.
posted by m.polo at 7:18 PM on May 29, 2001
I am not a proponent of the "what they do in private is their business" school of thought... people can't compartmentalize themselves like that. There is no such thing as a "public self" and a "private self" unless the whole self is simply duplicitous. And let's face it: public figures forego so much of their privacy in return for the power they garner...
The question (for me at least) is what is the appropriateness of such an outing (or anything done to these folks in the name of public welfare) when their public status is thrust on them, and not sought after?
In the end, rebecca, I must say that I think that outing public figures is, at worst (and I think it's no small allegation...), in extremely bad taste. I just wish that doing something that was in bad taste was frowned upon as thoroughly as it was once.
On a different issue, I'd like to hear a little of the science behind the super virus comments.
posted by silusGROK at 7:29 PM on May 29, 2001
On the other hand, his aligning himself with (and trumpeting of) moral scolds is just plain weird. Why does he say that Ronald Reagan changed his life? Conservative economics? I thought Reagan's whole cultural thing, outside of wanting to return life to a "small scale" (which didn't happen in large part due to his economic policies) was the call for a return to traditional morality. It's for the latter reason that Sullivan strikes me as being a novelty figure. He's a Republican, it seems to me, because it wins him a niche.
But, you know, all one has to do to tear Sullivan down here is to look at his actual columns and start deconstructing them. I imagine the effect would be devastating. He could be caught in fragrante delicto via his high-profile writing and punditry, a product of his public self, rather than any alleged personal ad .
posted by raysmj at 8:10 PM on May 29, 2001
Although I am unable to recall exactly which conference (ICAC, CROI or WAC), a presentation was given that showed a case of multiple drug resistant HIV being transmitted from one person to another - the latter had been HIV negative whereupon seroconverting, he was then resistant to most, if not all, antiviral medications even though he had no history of ever taking any.
So, even if both are HIV+ if person A is resistant to three drugs and person B is resistant to two completely different drugs, unprotected sex could transmit A's specific resistance to B, etc.
posted by sillygit at 8:14 PM on May 29, 2001
Any celebrity who does that and gets caught can count on lots of publicity, regardless of whether he's been a hypocritical moral scold or a refreshingly blunt horndog.
posted by rcade at 8:41 PM on May 29, 2001
posted by raysmj at 9:11 PM on May 29, 2001
posted by joeclark at 9:53 PM on May 29, 2001
I ask because the link Romanesko uses is dotted decimal. I can't find the article linked from at all. Indeed, the website appears to be stale—stories linked from the homepage are from December (Christmas music reviews...).
A server check on and shows completely different server software. Other links off the Signorile article have TITLE's with "Welcome to Adobe GoLive 4." The site is unattributed, but obviously not unbiased. Am I being too suspicious?
posted by continuitynu at 10:12 PM on May 29, 2001
Sullivan only started greatly irritating me late last year when I saw him on C-SPAN conducting what he thought was a debunking of Al Gore's supposed coolness. The pundit is apparently a paragon of cool himself, despite his mid-'90s goatee, so he could comment. He also broke into spontaneous laughter, only to suddenly roll his eyes after being read a Nietzsche quote Gore used as a rather obviously jocular, cryptic answer to what he thought of Dubya's experience. (This was in a Rolling Stone cover story interview.) Sullivan said, "I don't think I want a president who can quote Nietzsche." The host, Brian Lamb, looking rather baffled, asked, "We're having a program on C-SPAN II about Nietzsche next week. What's the matter with him?" The Sullivan went off about Al's supposed lack of "authenticity." How original.
A.S. struck me as a major a-hole then. He says what people want him to say, or what he thinks those hiring him want him to say, what will garner him the most attention in his particular niche.
posted by raysmj at 11:09 PM on May 29, 2001
He fancies himself a journalist.
posted by pracowity at 11:10 PM on May 29, 2001
posted by pracowity at 12:06 AM on May 30, 2001
posted by ZachsMind at 12:17 AM on May 30, 2001
posted by allaboutgeorge at 1:34 AM on May 30, 2001
posted by joeclark at 5:38 AM on May 30, 2001
I agree, Sullivan is a major league ..ahem...shill... to whomever will pay for his expensive debauchery.
posted by nofundy at 5:44 AM on May 30, 2001
I'd say the fact he hasn't denied this says everything about its veracity.
posted by nance at 6:42 AM on May 30, 2001
I don't agree with how Aaron said it, but pracowity, you just made yourself look like a jerk.
posted by Avogadro at 7:58 AM on May 30, 2001
raysmj... as I said, outing a public figure is in bad taste. However, public figures (except maybe for those who didn't ask for the position) can't expect much privacy: it's quid pro quo for the the power they exersize. As for how one's sexual identity has anything to do with one's public identity: they're one and the same. The mind that decides what's right and proper in bed decided what's right and proper everywhere else.
The problem with outing, of course, is that it's seldom about morality/classic virtue as much as it is about titilation, voyeurism, and political posturing. That's why it's in such bad taste.
posted by silusGROK at 8:22 AM on May 30, 2001
For saying someone wants to be a journalist? How so?
posted by pracowity at 8:26 AM on May 30, 2001
posted by redfoxtail at 8:50 AM on May 30, 2001
You know, I don't know a thing about Sullivan or any of the other participants in this mini-scandal, and I don't quite understand it enough to be upset by it... but I'd say the fact he hasn't denied it says that he's a cool character who is refusing to acknowledge some silly gossip.
It's the old Pentagon "no comment" trick - better to simply refuse to answer the question than to affirm or deny.
posted by Mars Saxman at 9:13 AM on May 30, 2001
That shows how little you know about him. THe fact is, he acknowledges EVERYTHING written about him, in virtually every venue, and comments on it endlessly on his own web site. So his silence on this particular issue is interesting, if nothing else.
posted by nance at 9:44 AM on May 30, 2001
posted by turaho at 11:11 AM on May 30, 2001
> a journalist,
Yes. Approximately. More like "he wishes he were" a journalist. Which makes me evil, of course.
posted by pracowity at 10:40 PM on May 31, 2001
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posted by aaron at 2:44 PM on May 29, 2001