January 13, 2019

Goodsprings, New Vegas is a place on Earth

A mere handful of photos from the real Goodsprings, which was the opening location for the PC/X360/PS3 game Fallout: New Vegas. [more inside]
posted by I'm always feeling, Blue at 8:48 PM PST - 7 comments

I left my knickers at a house party we crashed

Every Saturday, The Guardian runs a blind date column, and every Saturday, the daters answer the questions about their date pretty coyly. Until this week's, when Joanne & Morgan hit it off pretty successfully. Joanne replied to “Did you kiss?” with “We did. A lot”, and Morgan replied with “Sure did”. It caused enough of a sensation that it merited a follow up article – they'll be in a full-time relationship once Joanne finishes her pottery course. And regular Guardian blind date reviewer Justin Myers reviewed it with sheer delight, saying [more inside]
posted by ambrosen at 12:30 PM PST - 28 comments


Forged and Filed is a video by Jesse Beecher showing the construction of Seth Gould's piece "Coffer", a modern armada chest (more armada chest images).
posted by Stark at 11:16 AM PST - 10 comments

This little piggy liked.... being the subject of artistic expression!

Today in 1625, Jan Brueghel died. Before that, he liked to paint guinea pigs. [more inside]
posted by vespabelle at 10:59 AM PST - 14 comments

What does it take to lead a rooted life?

"While Plato and Aristotle were concerned with character-centred virtue ethics, the Aztec approach is perhaps better described as socially-centred virtue ethics. If the Aztecs were right, then 'Western' philosophers have been too focused on individuals, too reliant on assessments of character, and too optimistic about the individual’s ability to correct her own vices. Instead, according to the Aztecs, we should look around to our family and friends, as well as our ordinary rituals or routines, if we hope to lead a better, more worthwhile existence." Life on the slippery Earth by Sebastian Purcell
posted by lazuli at 9:11 AM PST - 20 comments

Have wheel, will travel

Ed Pratt is a young Englishman who recently finished unicycling around the world. He's currently posting videos of his travels in Southeast Asia. Before that he rode across China in under 90 days, after spending the winter in Kyrgyzstan. Ed's enthusiasm and good cheer are infectious, and he finds amazing hospitality wherever he goes. Also, his soundtracks are always on point.
posted by serathen at 8:27 AM PST - 5 comments

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