May 8, 2000
Oh, ghod; here we go again.
Oh, ghod; here we go again. This is, so far, actually sounding promising: "News from the cross-platform deleting community". Whomever's running it, don't blow your cover.
Just add a link to me; 'k? ;-)
Should same-sex couples be banned from adopting children? Last week, Mississippi Governor Ronnie Musgrove signed legislation banning gay and lesbian couples from adopting children. The new law takes effect July 1, and three other states already have similar restrictions.
Metallica's Integrity for sale!
Metallica's Integrity for sale! Don't know if what's left of it is worth the price though.
A new era in movie piracy
A new era in movie piracy. These guys managed to hack Microsoft's MPEG 4 codec, and have provided a means of ripping DVD movies to this new format (check the readme file). The little program they have on their site will "update" your Windows Media Player to be able to play the new divx format.
The compression is comparable to current .avi and .mpg formats, but the image quality is near-DVD. Wow. I just watched "Disturbing Behaviour" in this new format and I must say I'm very impressed. No ugly chunky blocks like with MPEG. I dunno if I'd ever pay to see movies in the theatre again. Heh, sure sounds familiar eh? (*cough* MP3 *cough*) Looks like there might be some big new players joining the RIAA real soon. :)
Unbelievable news nugget of the day: my friend Matt Lavallee has been slapped with a cease-and-desist order from the Mattel Toy Corporation for his personal domain, I guess no one with a name that sounds like a misspelled company is allowed to buy domains from now on? Something needs to be done, corporations do not own the web.
In this piece,
In this piece, Greg Knauss (of Winerlog-when-it-was-good fame) asserts, among other things, that if a court subpoenas your email, and it's encrypted, that you can be tossed in jail for contempt if you don't give them the keys. Um, hello? 5th amendment? Does anyone have references either way on this one?
Readers prefer text over graphics.
Readers prefer text over graphics. In much more scientific news a new study by Stanford University indicates that visitors to your website are significantly more likely to read the text on your website (92%) than look at your photos (64%). What do you think? Will this change the way you design your site?
Is this article
Is this article accurate?
Journal's VS. Weblogs
Journal's VS. Weblogs. Now that the browser war is over this incredibly scientific survey shows that journals are winning the new content battle. Also in interesting news of wars it appears the new kid on the block has Apple in the corner. Honestly, I can't think of a useful way to use this tool but sure is fun! --- How about you? Can you think of a useful way to use Altameter?
Leaping Lizards, Batman! It''s...PERIODIC!
The RIAA v Napster Summary Judgement
The RIAA v Napster Summary Judgement is in: RIAA Claims Initial Win in Legal Battle Vs. Napster
Does MySQL suck?
Does MySQL suck? That isn't actually the topic of a thread at the OpenACS project site... but everyone sure *thinks* it is. :-)
OpenACS is a project to port the ArsDigita Community System off of Oracle onto PostgreSQL (of which, BTW, v7.0 ships this week). If this is your cuppa, check it out. [via /.]
What happened to Array?
What happened to Array? Poof! Another editthispage site is gone. Does this have anything to with the whole winerlog debacle?
Is it me, or does this smack of hypocrisy? I mean, on our money are the words "In God We Trust."
And when about to give testimony in court, we swear on the bible. I think some judges need to get their heads out of their a$$es.
Mind Games for Tech Success: You've Got to Play to Win.
Mind Games for Tech Success: You've Got to Play to Win. Interesting article from today's Washington Post showing how high tech recruiters are using Games and Theory to identify hot prospects.
Could voluntary online payments
Could voluntary online payments be a viable revenue model for online content? [via ev] For that matter, could this be a valid way to pay for MP3 music?
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