June 22, 2002

Jose "Dirty Bomber" Padilla and John Doe #2

Jose "Dirty Bomber" Padilla and John Doe #2 from the OK City bombing. Separated at birth, or one and the same?
posted by swell at 1:35 PM PST - 4 comments

Origami Boulders:

Origami Boulders: it's not wadded up paper, it's art.
posted by Apoch at 8:53 AM PST - 3 comments

Free The Mouse [Literally this time]

Free The Mouse [Literally this time]
This Story from FL says Walt Disney Co. officials have until July 30 to decide whether to challenge the Genesee District Library's mascot for an alleged similarity to Mickey Mouse. Last summer, the library submitted a trademark registry request with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office for "Book Mouse," a blue, large-eared rodent wearing red-rimmed glasses and a backpack. Book Mouse appears on bumper stickers and in coloring books, and even marches in local parades. Library attorney Patric Parker said "I don't think we cut into their movie profits this last year."
posted by Blake at 8:46 AM PST - 10 comments

U.S. claims Canada's greatest invention.

U.S. claims Canada's greatest invention. Congress awards creation of telephone to Italian inventor living in New York. Uh oh. Canada's inferiority complex takes another blow.

"Bell was either a thief, a fraud, or extraordinarily lucky."
posted by percine at 5:19 AM PST - 15 comments

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