Sideblog Archive

August 22, 2008
"[Burma is] an extraordinary and beautiful and highly complex country... I don't think they'll let me in again so if you go, please say hello from me."

How does the pill work?

August 18, 2008
"Who am I kidding? I am never really going to close the dork tag." and other favorite comments from MetaFilter.

August 15, 2008
Voicemail, found art, and hairstylist licensing from Beardman, over at Metafilter Music.

August 13, 2008
Do I still need checks?

August 9, 2008
"Playing connect-the-dots with pipelines and oilfields."

August 3, 2008
If you are at work, you should probably put on headphones before you listen to Punch 'Em in the Dick, by our own mediocre.

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