"Next thing you know, you're packin' extra socks!"
March 19, 2014 5:21 AM   Subscribe

"In this excerpt from Keith Cameron's new biography Mudhoney: The Sound and the Fury from Seattle, spanning the end of grunge's golden era (Fall 1993 to Fall 1994), we have Mudhoney opening area tours first for Nirvana and then Pearl Jam - the latter of which is shattered by Kurt Cobain's suicide - and joining Vedder & co. for a tour of the White House, during which President Bill Clinton meets with Eddie Vedder to discuss whether or not he should address the nation about Cobain's suicide."
posted by paleyellowwithorange (3 comments total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
Thanks for that, I am not a fan of any of those bands but that was really engaging; I think I am going to pick up the book.
posted by saucysault at 6:16 AM on March 19, 2014 [1 favorite]

Bill Clinton would absolutely meet with Eddie Vedder and consult with him about whether to address the nation about Kurt Cobain's suicide, while not having the least intention of doing so. That's exactly the kind of politician he is. And I'm a huge Clinton supporter.
posted by stupidsexyFlanders at 10:39 AM on March 19, 2014

One night, during their brief, miserable tour with Nirvana the previous autumn, Mudhoney had given their crew the run of the van and hitched a ride on Nirvana's luxurious tour bus. As they drove between Davenport, Iowa, and Chicago, Kurt Cobain asked Mark Arm how he'd been able to stop doing heroin.

"I said I just wanted to stop bad enough," says Mark. "It wasn't any fun anymore, I wasn't having a good time . . . I wanted to stop bad enough and I stopped. And the one thing that I held back from saying—which I really wish I had said—was that I'd stopped hanging around with my friends who were junkies and I fucking broke up with my junkie girlfriend."

Seems like it would have been good advice.
posted by larrybob at 12:49 PM on March 19, 2014 [5 favorites]

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