Roses are threads, violets are #065A8F
February 13, 2023 2:56 AM   Subscribe

For this almost very special day (yes, it's Monday!), I give you this special topical quiz: What is the best kind of love? a) Free b) Pete Davidson c) Brotherly d) This thread.

And in the spirit of the eve of the day, I also give you my most recent favorite love poem (let it never be said we are not romantical!):

A Valentine for a Vampire:
Roses are dead
Violets are wilting
I made you a coffin
With black velvet quilting


Please enjoy your free thread! ♡
posted by taz (88 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Getting old is sad. Over the past few years, without changing anything except my age, my aesthetic went from 'part time pot dealer gas station dirtbag' (sexy), to 'middle aged full time pot dealer that inexplicably always has porn on the tv in his dingy ass apartment' (unsexy).
posted by Literaryhero at 3:23 AM on February 13, 2023 [10 favorites]

Last Friday, I finally got permission at work to fix some stuff on a subsystem which was my first major project at this job, 8 years ago. In the intervening years the subsystem has scaled up tremendously, but is finally starting to hit performance limits. I have been planning for this opportunity for years, and I am so fucking ready.
posted by notoriety public at 3:56 AM on February 13, 2023 [15 favorites]

the best kind of love is storge

glad I could help
posted by Merus at 3:59 AM on February 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

I have been planning for this opportunity for years, and I am so fucking ready.

Nice! Whenever I look at work I did a decade ago it is a toss up between surprised grudging respect for what a good job I did and complete and utter shame about what a lackadaisical asshole I was. I hope you see the former in your work. :)
posted by Literaryhero at 4:13 AM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

I owe mefites valentines in the mail. But won't they be excited when they get surprise valentines at the end of February?
My fam finally (?) caught covid mid January from daycare, our one big risk. Kids had the sniffles. Mom and Dad took the full 10 days and Mom (me) is still recovering. But now I'm just a bit more tired than usual if I do too much.
Anyway, that's why my peeps are getting surprise late Feb/early March valentines. I think they'll be exciting surprises!
posted by atomicstone at 5:26 AM on February 13, 2023 [6 favorites]


Link is to a hackernews thread about chatgpt/google not only wrong but seemingly misdirecting the search attempt. On slight reflection this seems a seriously problematic path that bigtech is headed.
posted by sammyo at 5:28 AM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

toss up between surprised grudging respect for what a good job I did and complete and utter shame about what a lackadaisical asshole I was

It manages to be both simultaneously in this case. The design wasn’t intended for the scale it operates at now, but I lucked into designing it that way unintentionally. On the other hand, it was also the first thing I did using c++11 features and some of it is super awkward.
posted by notoriety public at 5:52 AM on February 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

I've been participating in February Album Writers Month for the first time, and I've gotten six songs written and recorded in twelve days. Eight more to go. It's been intense.
By tomorrow night, I hope to have my love song ready for a live performance :)
posted by Flight Hardware, do not touch at 6:13 AM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

Link is to a hackernews thread about chatgpt/google not only wrong but seemingly misdirecting the search attempt. On slight reflection this seems a seriously problematic path that bigtech is headed.

I'd be worried if Google were not already almost completely broken.

Search results are so dismal now that I now almost by default use site: to restrict my searching to specialist heavily moderated community sites with voting in order to find real answers to any deeper expertise questions. Having seen what humans, ignorant, malicious or greedy, have done to the web's knowledge I'm not worried much about bots. You can't fall too far when you are already near the floor.
posted by srboisvert at 6:28 AM on February 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

Getting old is sad.

I'm not enjoying the physical decay or the randomly located old man hairs sprouting but I find getting old really liberating. I'm so chill now it is probably a symptom of a medical condition.
posted by srboisvert at 6:39 AM on February 13, 2023 [9 favorites]

Last night, I finished making a rough translation of seven classical mythology games published in the late Renaissance. Some have to do with love and are very Valentine's Day-ish:

"The Game of Ceremonies" in particular is a heavily scripted / ritualized little LARP where you make sacrifices to Venus and Love (meaning Cupid in particular). Probably the point of the game was to trip people up with the details of the ritual so they would have to give brief speeches on questions like, "Can Love be called the God of ceremonies?"

"The Game of the Labyrinth" has people build a labyrinth--or just make one out of people with linked arms--so that players can walk to and from Cupid's "School of Love" at the center of the maze. If they run into 'dead ends' or whatnot in the labyrinth, again that's an error that probably means they have to answer questions at the end like, "Why the domain of Love resembles a Labyrinth."

But in the second game, there's another suggestion: if players meet in the labyrinth along the way, then "with the blessing of her who came to him" they kiss. So it's a kissing game, like many forfeit redemption tasks in later centuries or like "La Feuille d'Amour" / "The Page of Love," which was a 19th Century game basically equivalent to "Spin the Bottle," except played with cards.
posted by Wobbuffet at 6:58 AM on February 13, 2023 [11 favorites]

My dog passed away this weekend. She was sleeping on my side of the bed. She was only 5, and gave no sign or indication so this is all very unexpected. The kids had picked her out from the rescue. That was the plan, the kids get a dog and then they come up together.

Normally right now is our walk time, and I so wish I could let her sniff all the sniffs one more time and not rush her along.

She was a very good dog.
posted by zenon at 7:13 AM on February 13, 2023 [47 favorites]

[edit] Wow, I sure can't prattle on about my tiny epiphanies after zenon's comment. So sorry to hear about your dog passing. Allow a decent interval, then head back to the rescue.
posted by Artful Codger at 7:18 AM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

the randomly located old man hairs sprouting

boy do I hear you.. I've learned to accept all but the ones that push out from the upper ridge of my left ear, I will forget about them until one day WHAT THE HELL moment, one in particular seems determined to grow up into my regular hair like it'll be camouflaged and safe there. I visited a barber in the city and casually remarked on the hot waxing tub after watching him apply it to the guy before me, well that barber just slapped the stuff on: ears, shoved these plugs up my nose, I did not ask for it but he must've taken my questions as consent?

I must say, my ears and nostrils never felt barer.
posted by elkevelvet at 7:37 AM on February 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

So so sorry, zenon. That's awful news. She was a very good dog indeed.
posted by JoeZydeco at 7:47 AM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

My partner has finally got their long-term prescription slow-release amphetamines and I am so envious. I too would like a safe drug that provides a bit of of appetite suppressant, a bit of focus enhancement, a bit of performance improvement, and some executive function upgrades.
posted by seanmpuckett at 7:53 AM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

I finished another of the paintings and videos I am doing about what it feels like to be a closed-record adoptee. This one is about my hidden ethnicity and what it feels like to live with an entirely different self-identity after uncovering the truth. Boy that sounds deeper than I meant it to. Anyway: Trojan Horse
posted by terridrawsstuff at 7:56 AM on February 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

I am here for the tiny epiphanies Artful Codger.
posted by zenon at 8:01 AM on February 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

You're very kind.

I was just gonna try to link into two of the upthread thoughts - age and revisiting projects.

I'm recently retired, therefore old, but fine, I'll take the discounts. I have good health, most of my marbles, shelter and security, and the company of the love of my life. Ear hairs are an entertaining challenge to locate and pull, especially in public.

I've been dabbling in projects that draw on my professional experience, just for fun. Currently I'm rewiring and updating a distributed sound system for a charity. It's nice to be reminded that I still have experience and knowledge to offer. And to see that in many ways I'm a smarter worker than my younger self.

Ok thx.
posted by Artful Codger at 8:15 AM on February 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

For zenon's dog: .

I'm sitting at my table, looking out the window at my front door.

8 days ago, I got a fraudulent charge on my credit card - I called and notified the CC
But I also got a confirmation email about "my" purchase - 5 bottles of CBD gummies being shipped to my house
7 days ago, I got a notification from the company that my shipping label had been created
4 days ago, I got an email that I canceled my order (which I didn't technically do, at least not with this company) and that I'd get a refund (which I have received)
3 days ago, I got a notification from USPS this fraudulent package is on it's way
1 day ago, I paid for a package interception to send it back to the sender, but it still seems to be en route for delivery today... I'm worried that they put my address as the return address.

So, I'm waiting to see if I can catch the postal worker and make sure my package is actually intercepted...
posted by skunk pig at 8:18 AM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

Zenon, sorry to hear about your dog.

Take comfort that it was not just painless, but that you had saved her from the worst place in her life, and gave her love and home and family.

Your family was a blessing to her.
posted by wenestvedt at 8:23 AM on February 13, 2023 [14 favorites]

My deepest sympathies, Zenon. Blair Braverman's thoughts helped me when I lost my previous dog (contains: death by car).

In re: broken search, @srboisvert, I now use to attempt to skip the content farms. Which I learned about in this fabulous Serendipity Engineering post by homunculus.
posted by Jesse the K at 8:34 AM on February 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

Zenon, you are in my thoughts.

I'm not enjoying the physical decay or the randomly located old man hairs sprouting but I find getting old really liberating.

CO-SIGNED. While the romantic in me still would love to have a life partner, most of the pressure to find one was largely hormonal, and now that that's not a thing any more I'm loving the renewed interest in, like, THE ENTIRE REST OF LIFE.

The fridge is absolutely packed with the fruits of an all-day cooking binge, with most of it pots of things I could leave simmering on the stove while I tackled all the cleaning shit; and towards the end of the day I started poking at my little herb plants, and thinking they seriously need some love.

I've already planned on one day this weekend to be devoted to prepping my plot in the community garden - digging around and loosening the soil, mixing in some compost, and claiming some stakes so I'm ready when I sow the peas two weeks later. So I can easily add "re-pot the herbs and give them some love" onto that (as well as cutting some of the deadwood back on the community herbs), but that will require a trip to a garden center - and hey, while I'm at it why don't I go check out the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for some inspiration, or maybe even the New York garden up north...and hey, I'll have some pots left over after I repot things, maybe I can sow some early-blooming flowers in them as a gift to the community garden...
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:34 AM on February 13, 2023 [9 favorites]

Zenon, so sorry for your loss. They are only with us for a short while. It was so helpful for us to have a funeral and write poetry and stories for our dogs burial. Talk about it, the sadness and shock. Talking to your family and friends will really help. Wishing you a peaceful day.
posted by waving at 8:47 AM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

I have a food hangover from a Super Bowl party I went to last night. A bit of a beer hangover, too, but mostly I ate too much crap and at 49 my body lets me know it. I stopped watching the NFL years ago, around the time the Ray Rice thing went down, but I still go to SB parties because it's a big group social event and those are increasingly rarer the older I get.

It was mostly a good game, but the commercials (another thing I don't see a lot of these days because I don't have cable) and hyper-jingosim (I can't believe they're still exploiting Pat Tillman, except that I easily can) had me yelling at clouds, and I see instant reply continues to create at least as many problems as it solves and just gives everyone more to be angry about.
posted by The Card Cheat at 8:56 AM on February 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

What is the best kind of love?

Pepperoni pizza with roasted garlic.
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:58 AM on February 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

Zenon, so sorry about your friend. I grabbed Bigguns and squeezed him extra, then gave him a head parade around the house to look out the windows and sniff at hanging things.
My latest stamp splurge was stolen from the front porch a couple weeks ago. I'm waiting, waiting, but the replacements are still "in transit" from one facility to the next; where are my bunny stamps? It's privileged annoyance, I know, but I was very excited about Year of The Rabbit (and/or Cat! I'll take it!) as it's my year. Plus, puppy and kitten heart stamps. C'mon, c'mon, I (optimistically hopeful) have stuff to mail this week.
posted by winesong at 9:02 AM on February 13, 2023 [7 favorites]

I finished another of the paintings and videos I am doing about what it feels like to be a closed-record adoptee. This one is about my hidden ethnicity and what it feels like to live with an entirely different self-identity after uncovering the truth. Boy that sounds deeper than I meant it to. Anyway: Trojan Horse

I left a comment on youtube partly because 20 seconds into the video I forgot where I got there from. I'll repeat it here: I enjoyed everything about this video: watching the painting emerge; the painting itself, which I love; and your meditations on your life and art. Thank you.
posted by Well I never at 9:02 AM on February 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

CO-SIGNED. While the romantic in me still would love to have a life partner, most of the pressure to find one was largely hormonal, and now that that's not a thing any more I'm loving the renewed interest in, like, THE ENTIRE REST OF LIFE.

At 57, I have just left a relationship of 29 years. It's the first time in my life I've been single* and not wanted not to be.

30 years ago, I dated a 52-year-old who had a print on her wall that said, "I am filled with post-menopausal zeal." Sometimes I am tempted to call her and tell her how true that print turned out to be for me as well.
posted by Well I never at 9:06 AM on February 13, 2023 [7 favorites]

zenon: My mom loved dogs. I'll let her know your dog needs walkies, I'm sure she'll let her sniff EVERYTHING!
posted by flamewise at 9:31 AM on February 13, 2023 [8 favorites]

Zenon: hugs if they are welcome. I'll echo what was said above: you and your family were a blessing to your dog.

In the last free thread I mentioned I was going on a writers' retreat. I am back, and I wrote 10k words! Amazing.

On getting old, I too find it liberating, while simultaneously being quite worried that I am really never going to be able to afford to retire.
posted by joannemerriam at 10:27 AM on February 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

Zenon, I'm so sorry about your dog. That's an awful thing to go through.

It's been fifteen years since I've had to search for a job. Six years with my previous employer, followed by nine years of desperately trying to get well enough to work again. So I'm trying to get hired as a guy in my late 50s with a disability and a nine year gap on my resume. In case that seemed too easy, I'm also immunocompromised, so I need to find either a work from home job or something that doesn't involve interacting with a lot of people.

I'd be happy to take entry-level positions, basic tech support or customer support stuff, but I can't get a callback to save my life. Positions in my previous field are equally unapproachable. It seems like everyone on the planet is trying to get a WFH job these days, and I just can't compete.

I've ranted on here about how we could be supporting immunocompromised people in this time of multiple diseases circulating in the population, and making it easier for immunocompromised people to find remote jobs was number one on my list for a reason. There are people who desperately need these jobs to survive, and some of us aren't up to the level of competition it would take to get the job, even though we could do the job.

If anyone has any tips, or happens to know someone looking to hire someone who's good at learning new technologies, troubleshooting, communicating, and who can invent brilliant and beautiful things, please let me know. I'm getting kind of desperate here.
posted by MrVisible at 11:20 AM on February 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

The company from last week called to give me an offer today, except...didn't? Apparently I have to submit the application first before HR can perform the Ritual of Offering.

I was asked for my expected salary range and I demurred, saying something like, "If you hire me I'll be in a position to know what your budget is for hiring someone in my position and we'd be getting off on the wrong foot if I discover I was a bargain." That might have been a bit much but I can just as happily stay right where I am and I'm looking as hard as I can for any reason the deal should fall through.

I laid into the interviewers about our industry-wide rush to return to the office and I apparently didn't offend them too much, although they also didn't say they agreed. Somehow I can sit in an office in Raleigh and collaborate with someone in the Pittsburgh office to design a water treatment plant in Florida, but I can't sit in my apartment and do the same thing.
posted by The Monster at the End of this Thread at 11:53 AM on February 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

Wish I could help, MrVisible. These are difficult times we live in.

Zenon, my condolences. You can never be ready for it no matter what and this is worse.

As regards getting old, here's my positive spin on it, for when I'm feeling more whimsical and less negative: it's both funny-ha-ha and funny-peculiar to be alive long enough to see things change. One thing in particular I notice is that TV (scripted fictional US shows specifically) is much more representative of the general population than it used to be. There are way more gay people, people of color (not just as cops or criminals), interracial relationships, etc., etc. It's refreshing and it's about time, jeez. Random other things: someday there will be no newsstands. Also, folding a broadsheet newspaper vertically so as not to take up more than your allotted space on public transportation is a dying art. People go anywhere in their pajamas. Skim milk has apparently been renamed "fat free milk." I feel like this is similar to how the library reference desk was somewhat recently renamed "Information," presumably because nobody knew what "reference" meant. I could go on and on.
posted by scratch at 12:04 PM on February 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

Oh Zenon, what a shock. I can't imagine.

My former pets live on in my dreams. I'm sure she will live on in yours and your children's.
posted by mumimor at 12:08 PM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

Zenon, I’m so sorry to hear that about your sweet doggo. What a terrible shock.

I’m hoping this week will bring answers about Schrödinger’s terminal illness—I’ve been living with the potential of having one for a couple weeks now and have an MRI and oncology consult this week, at last, so might know whether it is or isn’t. But of course there are threats of snow so it’s just my goddamn luck, and the clinics are on some of the steepest hills in the city. Plus I live on a steep hill so snow is my enemy. I really just want to know what I'm dealing with.
posted by kitten kaboodle at 12:15 PM on February 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

So, come (german) shrove tuesday I'm scheduled for some major dental refurbishing. Considering monday a lot of people here in Germany costume up for a bit of fun, I'm in a mood to go to that dentist wearing my new paper crafted lion head mask. "Put your hand in my mouth, or your head: I dare you".

Wait a minute, did I just esoteric cruelty myself? Or my dentist? I'm not very good at this, am I? Oh well, who cares as long as living is fun! LET'S GO!
posted by esoteric cruelties at 1:03 PM on February 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

I auditioned for Avenue Q, one of my favorites ever, on Saturday. I think I did well at what I did (I note my singing teacher was also in this audition and she approved), and I had a GREAT time auditioning. I did “Lost in the Brass,” a song from a musical called “Band Geeks” that frankly, really fits my life. I wasn’t in band (I was in orchestra, is that worse?) but otherwise sums up my performing career. They also wanted a “character” song, so I did Adelaide’s Lament, very nasal, with some discreet sniffles. I’m proud of what I did.

The production people seem nice, they got one of the DMTC musical directors to do the show, several DMTC castmates (most of whom I told about the audition :P) were there, and the people I didn’t know, almost all of them were extremely good. One girl, who will probably get Kate Monster, could probably just do every part in the show by herself. One guy I know sang “Man or Muppet” AND BUSTED OUT A PAIR OF GOOGLY EYES ON HIS HAND FOR THE PUPPET, another person threw in some dance moves from Book of Mormon—three guys did Book of Mormon, which amused me. One guy was all, “I’m going to do four pages of this song from Beetlejuice.” A few of them totally flubbed up songs or went too long, but nobody cared. Interesting…and here I was last weekend freaking out that mine were too short/long :P

They only had ten people in that audition slot, the other one is tonight so who knows how that will go. If only ten people were auditioning, I’d feel pretty good about my chances, but it’s probably going to come out as double that and there’s only about five slots for a white lady in the show, and I would bet the top 8 people get into this one. There was one girl who was…worse than me, I’ll say. Not terrible, just kind of…a little flatter than the rest. I was probably 9th out of 10, realistically speaking. The other eight were goddamned amazing.

They weren’t doing callbacks for this show, they just kind of did all the callback behavior after all the songs. We had to sing “Special” but since nobody would ever cast me as Lucy the Slut (I swear I’d be more likely to get cast as Gary Coleman than Lucy the Slut!), um…yeah. As per usual, I can’t help but notice when the same two people get called to read Kate and nobody else does and everyone else just gets asked to read the bit parts. Like I know I’m not a lead actor in looks or quality and that wasn’t going to happen, I’d be happy to get a Bad Idea Bear since that’s about where I rank, but Kate’s a rare part that is kind of nerdy AND it doesn’t matter on your looks or age, so… sigh. Would have liked to have been offered the opportunity, but if people don’t see you like that and/or see you how they want to, what do you do? Story of my life.

I enjoy auditioning and showing off, but after awhile I start remembering, “oh yeah, everyone else sees me as total crap.” I don’t know how I’m supposed to think I’m great when others (especially at work) make it very clear that they see me as total shit. This was actually a very nice audition, mind you, but I had to lower my expectations that I had at the beginning once I saw it was less people and how good nearly everyone else was. Afterwards I said it was really nice to meet them and I look forward to seeing them all in the show. My quality is probably “backup arm for the two puppets that have two arms” at best, which people actually said could happen for me. That said, if I was a director I wouldn’t cast someone to play an extra arm, I’d just have the two guys cast as Nicky and Trekkie have the other guy do the other arm. Since I think the best candidates for it are the guys who are 6’5 and 6’6, that’s probably all for the best.
posted by jenfullmoon at 1:47 PM on February 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

Sorry for your dog Zenon, it's so hard.

I saw the dentist this AM for the first time in mumbledy-mumble years and not even a cavity! I could cry for relief. (I probably will later when I'm not at work). I have been actively researching dental tourism since I made the appointment. I was sure I was in for some bad and expensive news not because of any pain or anything but just because of how long it's been since I've seen a dentist (and the last one I saw told me I had a bunch of cavities, but I was pretty sure that dentist was a scam).
posted by matcha action at 2:25 PM on February 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

So sorry about your dog, Zenon.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 2:33 PM on February 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

I thought my oven was defective because it makes the entire stovetop hot. Why would hot thing just release heat into the air instead of using it to heat my food?

But after watching a video from Technology Connections (he's that guy who spent 30 minutes telling you how to use your dishwasher), I belatedly realized: it was designed this way, because it's gas. Gas ovens are basically controlled fires and fires need oxygen to burn so not only is this oven slowly poisoning me, it wastes expensive therms heating my house instead of my food.

What's the point of a gas oven anyway? You don't need to quickly turn the heat up or down as you do on a cooktop.
posted by meowzilla at 3:02 PM on February 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

What's the point of a gas oven anyway?

It's silly to design two heating methods into a single appliance.
posted by hippybear at 3:12 PM on February 13, 2023

Now you're reminding me, I lived for a while with a gas stove/oven that didn't have a pilot light. To light the oven you had to light a match and hold it over the pilot hole and turn on the oven and wait for the gas to travel to the hole and ignite the burners. It was fun having a very controlled mini gas explosion in the house every time you wanted to cook a pizza!
posted by hippybear at 3:14 PM on February 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

It's silly to design two heating methods into a single appliance.

No it isn't. Here it's the norm: gas stovetop and electric oven. Safer, more efficient and cleaner.

The dog just woke me up by barking aggressively. Or: I think we both heard someone knocking on the door. But when I went out to see if there was someone out there, the hallway was dark. I wonder what that was about. I'm not really worried about anything, but sometimes I feel it's nice to have a big dog with shepherd instincts.

On the other hand, today is the day they clean the hallway and stairs, and he will be growling and barking at the cleaning person every minute till they leave.
posted by mumimor at 9:57 PM on February 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

Back in October there was a short thread about the 2022 World of WearableArt winners. I mentioned in a comment that my small, geographically isolated town has been doing a Wearable show locally for decades - this year's was our 37th and it took place about a week ago.

I took a few pics to share, though they show only a small part of the variety on display (mostly because the room for the show is dark and photographic conditions challenging with the equipment I have.. as is the case in most years, I failed to get pictures that showed many costumes to best advantage but you can get a bit of an idea from the few I did manage, at any rate..)

This year's pieces, while still considerably varied, weren't quite as wild as has been the norm in previous years but it's still a don't miss even if you're ever in this part of the world the first week of February..
posted by Nerd of the North at 12:02 AM on February 14, 2023 [4 favorites]

I love the wearable art photos. Really nice designs!

Kiddo and I are both rather cranky this morning. Spouse is walking around, mildly bewildered by the cloud of angst hanging over the house. Kiddo is fully remote today. As we are on the wrong side of the street for a massive funeral procession happening in a few hours, options to go elsewhere are non-existent until roughly 3:00 PM this afternoon, so there will be a lot of hiding in opposite corners.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 6:42 AM on February 14, 2023 [1 favorite]

* beaming * So every once in a while I discover that this former stage manager's Still Got It.

At 5 am this morning, the assistant to our CEO got a text that we would be getting a visit from a Very Important Guest this morning, at 10 am. He immediately texted me and another admin to enlist our help; the other admin was to help him with the coffee/tea/food service and getting the conference room ready, and I was simply meant to send an email out to the staff giving them a heads-up and asking them to be on best behavior. But - about 15 minutes later the other admin texted back that she was out sick today.

And I didn't see these texts until 8 am, when I was getting my shoes on to walk to work.

I instantly texted back that a) I was going to be getting a car instead (so I could be there sooner) and I could help with the food stuff. Did we want to order out or would going to the Wegmans' nearby be better? The CEO's assistant replied that Wegmans was probably best; I was just getting into the car by then, and said I'd be there in 15 minutes or so. I beat CEO's Assistant there, and gave the VIP conference room a tidy while we waited; our kitchen staff were already making the coffee, and there was ample tea in the conference room.

I texted C.A. to ask what he wanted me to go get from Wegman's and how much. Five minutes later he turned up at my office to say "let's both go to Wegmans' together and you can help me pick stuff out." Fortunately we only expected one guest, so the most we'd have to feed was six people (and that was only if a couple of other of our own executives joined the meeting and the VIP brought his wife). When we got to Wegmans, the first thing C.A. saw was some chocolate covered strawberries - and was about to get them until I reminded him someone on our staff is majorly allergic. He yielded food selection to me after that. Within 5 minutes we'd picked out a little pastry assortment and a small box of pre-cut melon, and were on our way back.

When we were unpacking everything, he helped the kitchen staff wash a couple mugs while I unboxed the food. "....You know what, lemme put you in charge of making the food look pretty," he said, and left me to it. Within 5 minutes I'd located two serving trays and 3 tongs, cut all the food in half for easier handling, and had arranged it attractively on both trays - I even cut a couple sprigs of the mint growing in our hydroponic garden thing, and garnished the melon tray with them. I brought it up to the conference room and was back at my own desk - 40 minutes before the guest was due to arrive.

Yep. Still got it.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:12 AM on February 14, 2023 [8 favorites]

My wife is away for the week so I am looking for TV shows/movies that are in that sweet spot of good but also kind of shit that I can comfortably watch without her.
posted by srboisvert at 7:58 AM on February 14, 2023 [2 favorites]

srboisvert, my partner refused to watch "Lovecraft County" with me.. I don't think she'd be into "Men with Brooms" but I've been curling for a few years and it's kind of a lovely stupid film

good luck, I know exactly the feeling.. I feel like DirtyOldTown should make an appearance to offer suggestions
posted by elkevelvet at 8:49 AM on February 14, 2023 [1 favorite]

My wife is away for the week so I am looking for TV shows/movies that are in that sweet spot of good but also kind of shit that I can comfortably watch without her.

I've settled on The Rig (Prime Video). Earlier I watched Rogue Heroes (MGM+) which I really liked - very nostalgic as someone who watched Baa Baa Blacksheep and The Rat Patrol as a kid.
posted by srboisvert at 8:53 AM on February 14, 2023 [1 favorite]

I don't get why gender reveal parties, in particular, are so insane and LITERALLY HAVE DEATH COUNTS. Like, Super Bowl parties do not have death counts. Graduation parties and baby showers do not have death counts. What is it about the gender reveal that brings out the urge to accidentally kill in stupid ways?!?!

This thought brought to you by a sad story about dyeing a bird pink for a gender reveal party (does not go well for bird) in the NYT.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:31 AM on February 14, 2023

Kudos to those who are enjoying the growing-older process, but I find it diminishing - of dreams, of possibilities, of physical and mental energy. Any joys I've found in recent years are despite those diminishments.
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:16 AM on February 14, 2023 [3 favorites]

What is it about the gender reveal that brings out the urge to accidentally kill in stupid ways?!?!

Because it's a stupid thing to want to have a party about? The gender reveal day used to be called "the birthday", but now it's yet another plea for reproductive-focussed celebration to go along with the baby shower and the coming home day and all that other stuff.

Like, really, an email or a group text would be enough. Or just tell them when you see them next.

I simply don't understand it as the foundation for Yet Another Pregnancy Observation Moment.
posted by hippybear at 11:09 AM on February 14, 2023

xenon, I am so so sorry. Sending internet hugs and deepest sympathy.
posted by mygothlaundry at 12:45 PM on February 14, 2023 [1 favorite]

Gender reveal party just sounds like an excuse to throw another baby-themed party in general.
posted by jenfullmoon at 12:49 PM on February 14, 2023

Our Valentine's Day celebration began with Sweet Baboo's third post-op for his new lens. All is looking well, he is cleared for all activities, he can read the charts, and -- yes!! -- no more eye drops (apparently I am the Queen of Eye Drops, both in dispensing and in personal usage). He is scheduled for another visit this summer about a potential "second cataract" laser procedure. Then all is golden.
Then we detoured to our regular optometrist's office to set up an appointment to get a new prescription for his glasses. My next regular exam was rescheduled due to an out-of-town trip by the doctor, and I needed a pressure test anyway, so we left the office with several new cards with important information.
Finally, we sat for several minutes at home updating our smartphones regarding his appointments, my appointments, other medical appointments (So Many Appointments after the new calendar year!), and finished with additional resolutions to stay healthy, eat well, find more indoor places to walk, and generally make these doctor's visits less necessary.
This is what senior citizens do instead of splashing out for chocolate and flowers.
Staying fit for each other is actually very romantic. And when you absolutely must put stinging drops in your eye two or three times a day, it's nice to trust the steady hand that delivers them.
Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!
posted by TrishaU at 1:10 PM on February 14, 2023 [3 favorites]

I know exactly the feeling.. I feel like DirtyOldTown should make an appearance to offer suggestions

There's a spotlight on top of City Hall with a stencil of a guy with Shoney's Big Boy hair holding a mostly empty glass of wine. Project it onto the clouds and I will be on my way.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 1:13 PM on February 14, 2023 [8 favorites]

For now, though everyone who hasn't seen it should watch Tarsem Singh's 2006 film The Fall, which is a little-seen masterpiece on a wavelength that probably 99% of MeFites would love: a silent film stuntman (Lee Pace) rehabbing after an injury passes the time by telling a little Romanian girl a fanciful story, which is portrayed onscreen as the imaginative, often misunderstanding kiddo imagines it.

I posted it on FF and there's a link in there for where to grab it on Internet Archive.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 1:15 PM on February 14, 2023 [7 favorites]

Shoney's Big Boy

Vip's Big Boy was better.
posted by hippybear at 2:40 PM on February 14, 2023

Getting older is weird as shit, that is no lie. I kind of feel like Im wandering deeper and deeper into some enormous building, but its a dream and so the building is also a couple other buildings at the same time: sometimes a mansion, sometimes an institutional bureaucratic building, sometimes a cabin. At some point I'm going to wind up in the basement, I just know it - though I have no idea what that might mean.

Going over some paper-work this afternoon, I was getting some help from a neighbour, who happens to own two parrots - or parrot-like birds. To be honest I don't know where the line is for parrots, these birds are small but still parroty and chatty and uncanny in the way they look at you. They observe you, and interact with you like dogs, somehow, but of course smaller and they fly. It's made me think of the friendly neighbourhood murder that floats around and who, in a somewhat slap-dash manner, I've tried to ingratiate myself with over the years. Winter decided to make a return visit last week and one morning I woke up, looked out the window and one of the crows was in a branch not exactly looking into the room, but looking at least at the window. Later I put out some peanuts and some sliced up apple. I don't know who got it, but I want to think it was one of them.
posted by From Bklyn at 3:33 PM on February 14, 2023 [3 favorites]

For now, though everyone who hasn't seen it should watch Tarsem Singh's 2006 film The Fall, which is a little-seen masterpiece on a wavelength that probably 99% of MeFites would love: a silent film stuntman (Lee Pace) rehabbing after an injury passes the time by telling a little Romanian girl a fanciful story, which is portrayed onscreen as the imaginative, often misunderstanding kiddo imagines it.

I posted it on FF and there's a link in there for where to grab it on Internet Archive.

This looks like a good recommendation. Too good in fact. It'll have to wait for my wife to get back.
posted by srboisvert at 3:49 PM on February 14, 2023 [2 favorites]

I got drunk by 5:30 on Valentine's Day alone (I hadn't eaten any meat all day, that'll make it quick) and I highly recommend it as the best way to spend the evening.
posted by jenfullmoon at 7:11 PM on February 14, 2023 [2 favorites]

I got drunk by--

I support this behavior today.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 7:59 PM on February 14, 2023 [2 favorites]

Oh, and not only did I not get into Avenue Q (very few women did, one guy was cast as some of the women parts, grr), THE CRUSH AUDITIONED FOR IT AND GOT IN. Every time someone (not me) brought it up to him he was all "too far away and I've never seen it," and he just walks in and gets my favorite show. Can I kill him now? Please?

I ain't even drunk enough for this.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:00 PM on February 14, 2023 [2 favorites]

I had half of a pretty good meatball sub for dinner, and I'm savoring my third and final wee dram of the evening while watching "slow TV" style YouTube videos of guy building a log cabin in the woods. Yeah that's right, I'm a party animal to the max.
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:02 PM on February 14, 2023

I woke up feeling cranky (again) AND incredibly stupid today and I don't know how to shake it off. I have a PT session this afternoon, then I hope to get outside for a bit.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 7:06 AM on February 15, 2023 [1 favorite]

When I woke up cranky when the kids were small, I would always say it out loud, first thing in the morning: I AM CRANKY. IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. Then when it went away, I'd also tell them that. I think it was a good thing.
posted by mumimor at 7:21 AM on February 15, 2023 [2 favorites]

I will try that!
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 7:30 AM on February 15, 2023 [1 favorite]

Also, Luna is insisting I play with her while on a work call, and hearing her vocalizations as she dashes down the stairs after her ball is delightful.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 7:31 AM on February 15, 2023 [2 favorites]

As well as I get on with my roommate, we both are aware that we are not ALWAYS going to be roommates; our habits differ in a couple of ways, we're of two different generations, and he's started a bit of delayed quarter-life crisis self-reflection and has warned me that he's realized he's open to the possibility of becoming an expatriate. (Not for a good while - he's a cautious sort and would want to get some definitive job lined up and some savings before he does.) As for me, I am doing way better financially than I used to, and every so often I ponder "I bet I could afford to live alone if I just tweaked my budget a tiny bit."

This morning I decided to take a closer look at exactly how I would tweak things as a sort of "what if" exercise. But....I very quickly learned that I hadn't really paid that much attention to my budget in 3 years - and that was 2 raises, some paid-off debt, and one apartment ago. So I took a look at that instead.

....And, uh, I discovered that I probably should have done this sooner. The raises seduced me into a more live-in-the-moment attitude spending-wise - and so it was a bit of a shock to discover that I'm halfway through the month and have already overspent my monthly grocery budget by about $125. And that's if I doubled what the budget used to be. And that's just groceries.


I'm still solvent, and I'm still putting a huge chunk of change towards savings (maxed out the retirement saving, and I have a couple of "slush fund" savings accounts that I still contribute to and draw from and that's by design), but it made me realize I've been a little TOO free-and-easy. Although I think I needed that after many years of unwilling austerity; but maybe it's time to rein things in juuuuuuust a tad, or at least be more conscious and intentional about it. (That way, when the roomie does leave, the adjustment will not be quite so big.)
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:36 AM on February 15, 2023 [6 favorites]

I suddenly realized I forgot to play Wordle this morning, and it was like if I had forgotten a box of my favorite cheese crispies in the store cupboard (ROKA, if you are curious). And I got it in three. I am now happy.
Which is a good thing, because this morning, I somehow managed to delete 2/3 of the slides for the lecture I was supposed to deliver at 8 AM. Not good. Not happy at all.

I feel behind everything in this semester. I don't feel guilty, since I am still not hired at this point (the joy of being an adjunct professor), but I do want the students to have the best possible education. But when accidents like this happen, I feel really put back. Putting together a good lecture takes far more time than I am payed for, and doing it twice is just depressing.
posted by mumimor at 7:42 AM on February 15, 2023 [5 favorites]

so it was a bit of a shock to discover that I'm halfway through the month and have already overspent my monthly grocery budget by about $125. And that's if I doubled what the budget used to be. And that's just groceries.

I'm pretty sure this is what everyone is experiencing right now. I just bought four bottles of cola and two cans of condensed milk and it was 22 bucks even with multi-item purchase sales! I used to get that for probably just over about $10 a year and half ago.

I think grocery corps have figured out that there is not as much demand elasticity (at least so far) as they thought there was and are jacking prices because at the moment they can. Until we stop buying our usual brands of stuff or cutting back they probably won't bother competing on price.
posted by srboisvert at 7:54 AM on February 15, 2023 [1 favorite]

I fed a female Downy Woodpecker by hand today. So I consider it a good day no matter what else happens.
posted by srboisvert at 7:58 AM on February 15, 2023 [11 favorites]

My bad knee is still sore from Monday. On Monday, I had to go out of town for a specialist appointment, which meant taking an early morning train. Before I made plans, I checked that there was a waiting room at the station where I could kill time before seeing the doctor. When I got there, it turned out that the waiting room was the same thing as the deli at the train station, and since the deli wasn't open on Mondays, neither was the waiting room.

That meant I had to spend about ninety minutes during and just after dawn in 30-degree weather. I tried the Dunks, but they didn't have any chairs, probably to discourage loiterers such as myself. (At least they had a bathroom.) A New England town on the Downeaster line is not the worst place to have such a problem, and I was able to spend some time in a pocket park where they hadn't taken away the benches and nobody was around to try to move me along. Still, I had to keep it moving to stay warm in my legs, and my knee, which had been doing well, does not like the cold. After the appointment, I was able to find a cafe to hang out in while I waited for the train, so I wasn't so miserable twice.

It really told me something, though, and the main thing it told me is that I've got to get back into going to help out at the local shelter. I'd left off volunteering when I hurt my knee, but now it wouldn't be so bad to stand in there for a while, where at least it's warm.
posted by Countess Elena at 8:01 AM on February 15, 2023

I think grocery corps have figured out that there is not as much demand elasticity (at least so far) as they thought there was and are jacking prices because at the moment they can. Until we stop buying our usual brands of stuff or cutting back they probably won't bother competing on price.

That might be part of it, but my own frivolity definitely plays a larger part; I don't really have any brands I'm wedded to, and I'm more likely to pick "the cheaper brand" of something if I'm choosing a specific item. However, I've also been doing things like splurging on duck legs and "ooh, I've always wanted to try the pre-packaged soursop pulp" and "oh what the hell, lemme get one of these pastries from the pastry counter" and "dammit, I am going to get the GOOD butter for my cake" and suchlike way more often.

Fortunately, I did do a back-of-the-envelope calculation of how to tweak the budget if my roommate moves out - and all I have to do is knock down my weekly contribution to a couple slush fund accounts by about $20 bucks each. (That and actually STICK to my other budget items.....)
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:03 AM on February 15, 2023 [1 favorite]

The inflation is definitely helping our family eat less meat, so that's a good thing. Usually we will have a roast or stewed chicken once or twice a month, but now when I go to the store, I just can't pay that much for it. Same with cheese and butter. Yesterday, I saw a half pound of butter costing the equivalent of 7 dollars. That's just insane. Strangely, they had French luxury butter on sale, so that is what we have now. Nothing makes sense.

It's weird that the Ukraine war, which is a horrible, horrible thing, is making us live more in accordance with the climate change rules. And it's not just about what we don't buy. When my COOP had a support Ukraine week, I hoarded Ukrainian instant vegetable soups, which are better (and healthier) than any other instant soup I've tasted. It's hard to get Ukrainian products here, because the supply chains are disrupted. But I think when they reopen, there will be a much greater appreciation of their products.

Unfortunately, a lot of people who bought organic dairy products before are returning to the factory farmed stuff, so that is less positive. The big dairy corporation here is trying to get organic farmers to move back to conventional, with all the pollution and cruelty that implies. One farmer who was interviewed pointed out how short-sighted it was: it takes ages to move from one form of production to another, and hopefully, the war won't be on forever.
posted by mumimor at 8:18 AM on February 15, 2023 [2 favorites]

The other day as I'm leaving work, some bozo has caused a minor jam in another lane, and I see this and tap my brakes to let another car cut in front me and bypass it. I say "You're welcome." And then realizing that for an American male letting someone cut in was an act of extreme abnegation, I feel good about myself and say and add (aloud, I kid you not) "I am saint among men."

I'm moving on, but next red light the guy I helped avoid the jam actually turns around a waves. I can't read lips, but from his expression I'm pretty sure he was saying "You are a saint among men."
posted by mark k at 9:55 AM on February 15, 2023 [10 favorites]

well I got home last night from my 11.5 hour day which included a contentious board meeting that I can't even think about or my blood pressure will skyrocket to the news that my house needs a new foundation and it will cost $60,000.

I am slightly hungover today.

So I am going to go to the bank on Friday and see if they will loan me $100,000 - rolling the $22,000 I already owe them into that and giving myself a cushion for all the other things that are broken or about to break - and I am about to pass out just typing that up.
posted by mygothlaundry at 11:13 AM on February 15, 2023 [5 favorites]

Good to hear about people's weeks. And sympathy to those like zenon dealing with hard things.

I've posted a decluttering thread over in IRL - a follow-up to mochapickle's January Apartment Therapy thread and hopefully a place for those of us struggling with the Too Much Stuff issue, need to GSD and other home problems.
posted by paduasoy at 12:29 PM on February 15, 2023 [1 favorite]

In actual update - niece, who has had a hard time the last couple of years (I posted about them here, for instance), is 16 tomorrow and things have been going better recently. They had an amazing trip to Berlin with the school (no friendship drama!) and are looking forward to CBT starting soon to help them develop some strategies for dealing with trauma. Those things are in no way connected, just positive things in their life at the moment. I bought them flowers today for their birthday and they have just texted me to say how much they like them. They've dug out vases and put them in strategic spots around their room. A small thing (inexpensive flowers from a stall) but they made niece happy and her text made me happy.
posted by paduasoy at 12:38 PM on February 15, 2023 [2 favorites]

DirtyOldTown, I watched The Fall last night and - wow! It is beautiful, and moving, and I love it and will probably watch it again tonight. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, and for making it available!

Last week was rough, I lost my 19 1/2 year old kitty Portia. I knew it would be sometime this year, but still.... Three losses in three years, March, March, February. I do not like this time of year.

This week is better. I also finished a prolonged project last week, actually feeling like I have some free time to just be at home. Well, I'm taking this week off from projects at least, next week I gotta start pulling tax paperwork together, ugh.
posted by dorey_oh at 5:34 PM on February 15, 2023 [5 favorites]

dorey_oh, I'm so sorry about your cat. My 19-year-old cat died in 2020 - it's hard when they have been a part of one's life for so long.
posted by paduasoy at 6:04 PM on February 15, 2023 [4 favorites]

paduasoy, so long! I had her for 18 years, carried her to bed every night, she slept on my right shoulder. She's been in fragile health for the last couple years, I always checked on her first thing whenever I got home. Leaves a big empty space. I'm sorry for your loss, and zenon's, too. Having pets means knowing this point will come, it's still always terrible.
posted by dorey_oh at 6:36 PM on February 15, 2023 [5 favorites]

I'm contracting a couple of things for a company whose contact is named Nigel today.

He asked me if I was going to be able to knock everything out today. I advised that my team was entirely focused on this.

"We're only making plans for Nigel. We only want what's best for him."
posted by DirtyOldTown at 9:54 AM on February 16, 2023 [6 favorites]

There's a hurricane here. It's hitting our farm full speed, so I am following the news, but no-one is up there right now.
Here in the city, it is reduced to a storm with hurricane-like blasts of wind. The main thing is that the dog is uncomfortable. And the apartment is cold.
Generally here, houses are built for bad weather, so I'm not too worried. But at least one high-rise building has been evacuated because of structural deficiencies this morning. I wonder what we wake up to this morning.
posted by mumimor at 9:33 AM on February 17, 2023 [2 favorites]

* gasp *

So a moment ago I shared a link to an article about the Fox "News" folk all privately knowing the "stolen election" stuff was a load of hooey. My caption for that link was "so can we sue them somehow?" I meant it as an ironic joke, and I went about my day.

But then it hit me.

....The FOX News Headquarters is here in New York City. Which is, in turn, in New York State.

And that means it is a business that falls under the jurisdiction of the New York State Attorney General.

And the New York State Attorney General is...Tish James, who has in the past 4 years managed to bring about legal action against the NRA, Andrew Cuomo, and Trump's entire business enterprise AND family.

....I think I have a letter-writing campaign to go start.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 12:43 PM on February 17, 2023 [5 favorites]

Didn't that investigation turn into kind of a nothing burger, though? No criminal charges against the Trumps themselves, just their lackeys, and some easily paid fines?

Not trying to Debbie Downer the situation, I'm just losing faith TFG will ever stop criming or be punished for criming.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 1:28 PM on February 19, 2023

No criminal charges against the Trumps themselves, just their lackeys, and some easily paid fines?

You're thinking of a different entity and a different investigation. Trump has multiple parties pursuing action against him (the writer E. Jean Carroll already had one suit against him for defamation, and a recent change to NY State statute of limitations on sexual crimes has allowed her to file a second suit against him for sexual assault; and that's just her).

James is only able to bring about civil charges; and her charges were indeed against the man himself, all of his kids, all of his businesses, all of his corporate entities, and a couple of highly-placed executives. Her case hasn't even gone to trial yet - that is going to happen this coming fall.

Even if all the trials against him are delayed or postponed or tied up in appeals or whatever - he is 76, and there are so many suits against him that it is very likely he is going to be spending the rest of his life tied up in legal headaches at the very least. I'd like to see him in jail too, but if all I get is some kind of Dickensian Bleak House outcome, where his entire fortune is pissed away by paying off various lawyers, I can't be too mad at that.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:25 PM on February 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

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