Aaron Rodgers Didn't Just Lie
November 8, 2021 1:30 PM   Subscribe

I very deeply respect Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. I was sitting at a table next to him at the airport once, and a group of guys comes up and asked to take pictures with him. He very firmly and simply, but still politely, just said 'No."
posted by hwyengr at 1:36 PM on November 8, 2021 [32 favorites]

We, as a nation, are not worthy of Kareem Abdul-Jabaar.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 1:36 PM on November 8, 2021 [44 favorites]

If he ever requires open-heart surgery will he hand the scalpel to romance writers because they know about matters of the heart?

HAH. Nice.
posted by ZaphodB at 1:56 PM on November 8, 2021 [35 favorites]

Rodgers' stupidity already cost the team one game, it's not clear yet whether there's going to be any significant consequences for the Packers seemingly willful failure to enforce league protocols in order to try appease their superstar. It's hard to figure out whether the bigger story is Rodgers' dishonest attempt to avoid the league's covid protocols by claiming he was "immunized", or the startling admission that he's far enough gone that he's been taking ivermectin (in addition to actual effective treatments like monoclonal antibodies). Either way, it's hard to believe how easily he was able to overtake Kyrie Irving as the poster-boy for

I think Jabaar has the right idea here, underlining how little Rodgers is going to actually lose, despite his protestations about the woke mob and cancel culture: compare Rodgers' lying and putting people close to him in danger with Colin Kaepernick, who actually lost his career over his extremely modest and respectful protests.
posted by skewed at 2:10 PM on November 8, 2021 [29 favorites]

it's not clear yet whether there's going to be any significant consequences for the Packers seemingly willful failure

I would not expect consequences from the same NFL that has given everyone not named "Colin Kaepernick" a free pass and in fact tried its hardest to sweep allegations and investigations under the rug (cf. the league's "handling" of Daniel Snyder, the investigation of whom they're still not making public despite apparent involvement in the Jon Gruden fiasco).
posted by fedward at 2:15 PM on November 8, 2021 [8 favorites]

Kareem is an outspoken critic of the denialists and should be cheered on, and Rodgers is an entitled a-hole cheered on by his sycophant "medical team".

Let's hope NFL would follow NHL's lead. NHL suspended Evander Kane for 21 games for "established violations" of COVID protocol. It's believed that he turned in a FAKE COVID vaccination card to get around the restrictions. But then, NFL didn't reach such an agreement with NFLPA...
posted by kschang at 2:36 PM on November 8, 2021 [9 favorites]

It's believed that he turned in a FAKE COVID vaccination card to get around the restrictions.

That needs to be dealt with by the FBI not the league.
posted by Your Childhood Pet Rock at 2:40 PM on November 8, 2021 [9 favorites]

That needs to be dealt with by the FBI not the league.

Why not both?
posted by Ickster at 2:56 PM on November 8, 2021 [7 favorites]

As someone who was a fan of Aaron Rodgers? (not from WIS) I should say that I'm not anymore?
posted by kfholy at 2:58 PM on November 8, 2021 [8 favorites]

Update on myself... There is a protocol agreed to in place between NFL and NFLPA. So I was wrong,and Rodgers is even more of an entitled SOB than I thought.

The protocols, according to NFL.com includes:

* Weekly testing for all VACCINATED players and staff, with OPTIONAL daily testing if they live with vulnerable cohabitants

* DAILY testing for all partially and un-vaccinated players, INCLUDING OFF DAYS, before entering club facility or even interacting with others, and only AFTER the negative results are available.

* Fully vaccinated players cannot be designated as "high-risk close contacts", and at most, can be held to daily testing for 5 days

* EVERY non-player (staff, coach, etc), even fully vaccinated, must wear masks indoors when interacting with players

* Partial-/un-vaccinated players must wear masks indoors and even in weight rooms.

* NO private transportation for unvaccinated players and staff, no public transportation either. (I assume this means only team-chartered vehicles?)

* EVERYBODY wears a mask while travelling, PERIOD.

I don't see a full list, but it seems the NFLPA may wanted to KEEP the daily testing in place to protect the players, so if the Packers want to discipline AR in some way, I'm not certain the NFLPA would object too vociferously.

So it really comes down to the Packers' management... Do they want AR to keep playing that bad, or is he now too much of a liability?

And there are reports that State Farm has yet to drop AR. Any one smell a boycott?

I'm wishing, but prepared to be disappointed, that AR gets suspended for the rest of the season, and not get paid a PENNY, and all of his endorsement deals fall through.
posted by kschang at 4:07 PM on November 8, 2021 [7 favorites]

I suspect the person a heck of a lot more likely to end up "cancelled" here is Rodgers' fiancee Shailene Woodley, who's a prominent environmental advocate, and who isn't a marquee enough name as an actress that people are going to want to cast her if there's a question about her adherence to Covid protocol. How many people has Woodley exposed over the past year on sets when going home to Rodgers at night? How many were exposed if Rodgers actually visited set? How many of these producers, directors, and marquee actors are going to forgive her for that? And what will insurers for those productions have to say about her inclusion in a cast?

Rodgers works in an industry and for a fan base that leans right, and he will probably be forgiven and/or lionized by fans who find his stance admirable and think it's great that he lied and put the "woke mob" at risk. But a bunch of Woodley's activism has been undermined by this, and I think she will face fall out from left-leaning and progressive organizations and politicians she has historically very publicly supported. And I think it's far more likely that she faces career repercussions as an actress than he does as a football player.

But of course he doesn't care about her work or career, he cares about his ability to say, "I don't want to, you can't make me," like a very mature 4-year-old.
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 4:09 PM on November 8, 2021 [29 favorites]

(Not to make Woodley in any way responsible for Rodgers' bullshit, but I think it's a very real possibility that he faces zero consequences and she faces big ones, both because he may have presented very real risks to HER co-workers and because society loves to blame women, especially for sports' stars problems, remember when Jessica Simpson "ruined" Tony Romo by existing in his vicinity?)
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 4:16 PM on November 8, 2021 [11 favorites]

What's interesting to note is Woodley never said she's vaccinated or not... thus far.
posted by kschang at 4:18 PM on November 8, 2021 [2 favorites]

Due to his statements about the “woke mob,” I’d like to hear Aaron answer some questions about the equality and treatment of his fellow African American players.
posted by Abehammerb Lincoln at 4:28 PM on November 8, 2021 [7 favorites]

I would say that part of why his anti-vax position is so surprising is that he has a reputation as progressive (at least, for a white football player). He wasn’t just misleading with his “I’ve been immunized” statement — he was counting on his reputation to shield him from closer scrutiny.
posted by Big Al 8000 at 4:35 PM on November 8, 2021 [3 favorites]

We, as a nation, are not worthy of Kareem Abdul-Jabaar.

Speaking personally, I think he's the greatest, but my dad says he doesn't work hard enough on defense.
posted by 7segment at 4:35 PM on November 8, 2021 [83 favorites]

AR lost an endorsement deal with the health care system. I wonder why...
posted by kathrynm at 4:52 PM on November 8, 2021 [2 favorites]

hwyengr: I was sitting at a table next to him at the airport once, and a group of guys comes up and asked to take pictures with him. He very firmly and simply, but still politely, just said 'No."

…because it was really Roger Murdock?
posted by dr_dank at 5:05 PM on November 8, 2021 [20 favorites]

One of the things that *really* gets me about anti-vax athletes is that so many of them are claiming they're taking a 100% rational and defensible stance due to their (newly developed) appreciation for scientific rigor and understanding of longitudinal effects, but if you hand them a substance whose ingredients they don't know and whose long term effects are not completely understood but probably detrimental; and claim that it reduces time spent recovering from injuries by 40%, increases muscle mass by 25% and ups stamina by 20%; and that their league's PED tests can't detect it?

I guarantee they'll snort it, inject it with dirty needles, bathe in it, take it in suppository form, sacrifice a testicle to get a year's supply of it, whatever.

I wonder if that's the solution? Have superstar athletes who have gotten vaccinated claim that they've noticed some improvements in their performance and present a ton of post hoc ergo propter hoc "evidence," then watch the anti-vaxxers convert immediately....
posted by lord_wolf at 5:44 PM on November 8, 2021 [13 favorites]

Christ, what an asshole.
posted by BlahLaLa at 5:49 PM on November 8, 2021 [7 favorites]

I am loving the Rodgers takedowns and Kareem's is better than any so far. Glad this was posted.
posted by BlackLeotardFront at 6:04 PM on November 8, 2021 [3 favorites]

I'm only a fan of my local football team, and don't follow the NBA at all, but I still used to have a certain amount of respect for Aaron Rogers...which I no longer have. Kareem-Abdul Jabbar? Yeah, he just keeps getting better and better.
posted by lhauser at 6:28 PM on November 8, 2021 [5 favorites]

…because it was really Roger Murdock?

Which would make the FPP eponysterical, no?

What’s your vector, Victor?
posted by ricochet biscuit at 6:47 PM on November 8, 2021 [6 favorites]

speaking as a lifelong Packers fan who only really cares about the Packers as far as any sports go: god damnit, fuck him. personal choices aside (though I find that argument even on its own merits pretty asinine), he's not just unvaccinated here -- he's actively, vocally spreading disinformation and lies about the efficacy of the vaccine and its supposed politicization. (he said, among other things, that no left-leaning person was in favor of the vaccine until Biden was elected -- which is the sort of insane, stupid, wrong thing you can only believe if you're in the kind of bubble you can probably live in easily as a multimillionaire elite athlete)

on a personal and selfish note, he's really fucked up my ability to enjoy the one thing that I (with a lot of already built in cognitive dissonance) had to this point largely been able to enjoy outside of the shitstorm that is 2020+; my life is already about 95% stressors and irritants, I don't have the mental bandwidth to have to re-process the NFL with this additional bit of shittery

and on a not-personal note, fuck him for being not just a dipshit making bad choices but deciding to be loud and aggrieved and to lie a lot because other people noted that his choices are bad. he has an enormous platform and apparently no idea how to use it responsibly. I'd rather he go back to how he was earlier in his career, i.e. shutting the fuck up.

posted by Kybard at 7:12 PM on November 8, 2021 [15 favorites]

People, a couple hours ago:
The source [who is very close to Rodgers] says that Rodgers "feels like he just shared his point of view, and now he's being crucified for it."

"He knew some people would disagree with him, but he didn't know that it would become the s---storm it became. People who he thought were friends are turning on him," the source tells PEOPLE.

"He's upset," the insider adds. "He's very unhappy with the response to him."
I have so, so, so many questions about what's going on here. If People says it's a source close to Rodgers, it actually is (unlike some other gossip magazines), and in fact it's highly likely that it's a publicist or an agent (or possibly a family member, with Rodgers's blessing) who is providing People these quotes. It's probably someone with Rodgers's specific blessing to give these quotes and frame the story this way, and that means that this is the message Rodgers wants to be getting out there???? That his feelings are very very hurt that he's facing minor PR consequences for lying about his vaccination status in the middle of a global pandemic in a league with rules about vaccines that he's been flouting?

The story he wants coming from his camp is that he "just shared his point of view" after lying to his teammates, his team, the NFL, and the public, and that he feels he's being unfairly "crucified" for it??? They want the story to be that he knew some people would disagree with him, but he had no idea that there would be a gigantic shitstorm about it? So he definitely lied about it for months because he had no idea people would be upset with him, and he has no idea why a minor difference of opinion has people's noses so bent out of shape???

Also, "People who he thought were friends are turning on him" -- we're supposed to read that as fake friends, and we're not supposed to read it as "teammates, opponents, and team staff who were all put at risk by his incredibly stupid lie, as well as very rich people who stand to lose a lot of money because he's a selfish baby"? No, no, it's just "false friends."

I mean, even if you take it at face value, Rodgers' reaction to a national news story with him at the center is, "It hurts my feelings! People are saying mean things!" which is not a great look; it makes him look, at best, like a very stupid man with an extraordinarily thin skin, who does not understand what the controversy is about or why people are being SO MEAN to him.

But if you take this as a calculated PR statement, this is an actual nightmare. Who on earth is advising Rodgers to plant this nonsense in People Magazine (by far the most legit outlet for celebrities to launder publicist statements into "news" and "sources")??? And did the Packers or the NFL, or Woodley's people, have any involvement in or sign-off on this? Because this is amateur hour, big time. What he should be laundering through People Magazine is something like, "Aaron's only just realized the magnitude of his error, and he's devastated. He didn't realize how selfish he was being; he's absolutely mortified. His family and [Other Popular Football Players Who Could Be His Close Friends] have been really disappointed in him, and talking to him about what he needs to do going forward. It's the stupidest thing he's ever done in his life, and he knows it."

(And then he's going to need to apologize and get vaccinated on live television, and what he REALLY needs to do is sit down with Big Bird (who is 6 and just became eligible) and get their vaccinations together, while talking about fear and misinformation, and working together to protect your neighbors and teammates. Because that is the level of reputation-laundering a good PR pro would be putting together, not this weaksauce bullshit planted nonsense.)
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 7:28 PM on November 8, 2021 [27 favorites]

Someone should tell Rodgers that these days, EVERYTHING becomes a shit storm. Why is he surprised?
posted by etaoin at 7:47 PM on November 8, 2021 [1 favorite]

And did the Packers or the NFL, or Woodley's people, have any involvement in or sign-off on this? Because this is amateur hour, big time.

I cannot imagine the team's involved, just because it seems very much not in their interest to do or assist in Rodgers' business here of all times.

that he's tripling down now really blows the doors widest-open on his selfishness and blinkered POV here; if there is anyone in his life telling him how nuts this is, he's not listening to them. absolutely insane warp-speed implosion for a guy whose public image had been so carefully, quietly groomed for so long
posted by Kybard at 7:54 PM on November 8, 2021 [4 favorites]

Yeah - given the timing, I _kinda sorta_ understood the athletes in the summer olympics this year choosing not to get vaccinated. The vaccines were coming out during trials and during the final rush towards the olympics, and maybe a bad (but normal) reaction and a few days off the training regime might have affected their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at the games. I mean, I don't know that I agree with it, but I get the thinking.

Aaron? He's had months to take it when he could recover his training regime. But noooooo. You done messed up, Aaron.

And yeah, Kareem's article is golden. You wanna have your personal beliefs respected, you wanna not get vaccinated? Great, you're sitting out the season then, I guess.
posted by Kyol at 7:57 PM on November 8, 2021 [5 favorites]

> Yeah - given the timing, I _kinda sorta_ understood the athletes in the summer olympics this year choosing not to get vaccinated. The vaccines were coming out during trials and during the final rush towards the olympics, and maybe a bad (but normal) reaction and a few days off the training regime might have affected their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at the games. I mean, I don't know that I agree with it, but I get the thinking.

I competed in an event with one of those unvaccinated summer Olympics athletes a few weeks after Tokyo, and he'd brought his toddler to the competition we were at, and they hung out with everyone and I was one of only two people who wore a mask and UGH it was... not the decision I would have made. But anyhoo, I suspect that he still hadn't gotten vaccinated, given that he thought it was reasonable to bring someone who was too young to be vaccinated along with him. Without a mask.

Also: you know what else might have affected their only-a-few-times-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Getting COVID.

(I know we're on the same side. I'm expressing frustration at all my fellow athletes who have made this past year so fucking hard.)
posted by The corpse in the library at 8:08 PM on November 8, 2021 [12 favorites]

I feel like such a sucker for making this yomyock my #2 choice to host Jeopardy. Bloody hell.
posted by Capt. Renault at 8:47 PM on November 8, 2021 [5 favorites]

The fact that he's STILL playing the Galileo Gambit now (i.e. feeling persecuted) heavily suggests that he was really an entitled *** and his previous good deeds were really from his manager / handler... or whoever that "shared" that insider info just want to troll. He seems to genuinely lack the power to self-reflect on what he did wrong and/or he's really surrounded by sycophants who fed into his ego. Too bad it's about to pop.
posted by kschang at 9:01 PM on November 8, 2021 [1 favorite]

Dude, you LIED and you put everyone around you at risk. You're an idiot and an asshole and I'm glad you lost out on Jeopardy.
posted by jenfullmoon at 10:14 PM on November 8, 2021 [11 favorites]

I was in San Diego at the tail end of Kareem's career, which meant LA media: We read the LA Times and watched Lakers games on broadcast TV. He was a great player and I loved him and while he gave good interviews about non-basketball stuff (movies, producing, civil rights, building a custom house so he could finally shower standing up) I figured it was made better by fawning local coverage.

A couple years ago I stumbled on some Oscar commentary he'd written and it wowed me. It was a cut above a lot of professional full time critics. As a writer he's good, not just "good for a basketball player." I'm coincidentally reading the third of his Mycroft homes books right now, which are great little mysteries if you like books in the Sherlock Holmes universe.

I hope this is sufficiently on topic? I mean, I'm outraged that Aaron Rodgers will certainly not suffer less for lying than Kaepernick for telling the truth an kneeling. Heck, the Packers will suffer less for endangering their team, other staff, and media than the Patriots did for playing football with a possibly slightly deflated pigskin.

. . . Woodley . . .

Just to mention she's not merely an environmental activist but an advocate of quackery and (while I haven't kept up with her medical advice) would be surprised if she were vaccinated, unless her workplace had much stronger mandates and enforcement than the NFL. I suspect the danger to her co-workers is unlikely to be just through her fiance.

I took a look at skeptic blog Respectful Insolence to see if they had a write up and was pleasantly surprised that they mention her but poo-poo her as the "cause" of Rodgers' status, given he's apparently been this silly for a long time about a lot of things.
posted by mark k at 10:19 PM on November 8, 2021 [2 favorites]

How many people has Woodley exposed over the past year on sets when going home to Rodgers at night?

I hope her career and Rodgers' are severely, negatively impacted by their choices. There needs to be some public accountability for liars who deliberately put others at risk of serious long-term harm and death.
posted by They sucked his brains out! at 11:48 PM on November 8, 2021 [3 favorites]

While flipping through stations on a short drive yesterday, I came across Howard Stern. He was incensed at Rodgers and said he should be thrown out of the NFL for lying.

As of last night, State Farm is standing behind their double discount dickhead.
posted by Ber at 5:22 AM on November 9, 2021 [1 favorite]

Even the Fox Sports announcers aren't having it, although I think they're mostly bothered by the lying. I mean, I was sort of surprised when I saw the NFL's requirements and punishments this summer, I figured "welp, that's it, everybody's going to get vaccinated, they can't train or play under the requirements and risks of being unvaccinated, could they?!??!"


(And I think Howie excusing it as a personal choice is a dodge - it's not a personal choice for the people who can't get vaccinated or who get it despite being vaccinated because your "personal choice" led to you being a vector for a disease that doesn't care about your choice, just about your ability to host a viral replication festival.)
posted by Kyol at 6:44 AM on November 9, 2021 [1 favorite]

he said, among other things, that no left-leaning person was in favor of the vaccine until Biden was elected -- which is the sort of insane, stupid, wrong thing you can only believe if you're in the kind of bubble you can probably live in easily as a multimillionaire elite athlete

Or your bog-standard Fox News viewer.
posted by Gelatin at 6:50 AM on November 9, 2021 [2 favorites]

But if you take this as a calculated PR statement, this is an actual nightmare. Who on earth is advising Rodgers to plant this nonsense in People Magazine (by far the most legit outlet for celebrities to launder publicist statements into "news" and "sources")???

Someone who knows the REAL money is in spinning this shitstorm into a lucrative Fox News or Newsmax gig. What does appealing to reason and science ever get you in this country?

Rogers goes on Sesame Street and endorses vaccines with Big Bird, he gets death threats from his no-talent jackass right wing fans. He triples down on his persecution and "skepticism"? He'll get an Aaron Rogers Commentary Hour on right wing TV within the decade.
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 7:23 AM on November 9, 2021 [4 favorites]

I had no idea who this dipshit even was until the thread here on Jeopardy hosts and everyone was saying he did a great job--I'd gleaned he was some kind of sportsball person, but since I loathe sportsball and the whole sportsing culture and hadn't caught up on the Jeopardy guest hosts, I didn't see him till much later. I was baffled by the love for him. So when I heard his name again and people were talking about him having COVID, I had a moment of schadenfreude, but like all my moments of schadenfreude since this thing began, it was quickly supplanted by rage at someone being allowed to put everyone else at risk and perpetuate this fucking disease, but functionally suffering absolutely no consequences for his actions.

This just feels like everything that drove me away from sports culture decades ago writ large. He's apparently a conventionally attractive white man with slightly more talent at throwing balls around than other men, and he'll be fine once this blows over, I'm sure, with his cushy fees for appearances on Faux News and the rest of the garbage places. He'll suffer none of the consequences that Colin Kaepernick did, and that's just disgusting.
posted by kitten kaboodle at 1:52 PM on November 9, 2021 [2 favorites]

> How many people has Woodley exposed over the past year on sets when going home to Rodgers at night?

I think Rodgers is as big a moron and bozo as anyone in this thread. But the actual answer to this seems to be essentially zero. Rodgers was tested 300 times and last week was his first positive.
posted by paulcole at 3:56 PM on November 9, 2021

Not a sports fan, but some of my extended family is from Wisconsin and were happily rooting for Green Bay. Now everyone is just angry at Rodgers and can’t decide whether to support the team or not.

As to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, again, I know nothing about his basketball playing but can tell you his Mycroft Holmes series is excellent.
posted by AMyNameIs at 4:27 PM on November 9, 2021 [3 favorites]

Rodgers *says* he’s been tested three hundred times, so — who knows?
posted by Capt. Renault at 4:31 PM on November 9, 2021

I would say that part of why his anti-vax position is so surprising is that he has a reputation as progressive (at least, for a white football player)

It may be a good example of how, as much as this vaccine is politicized, medical crankery in general crosses all sorts of political borders. Also, this may be unfair, but look... apparently his dad is a chiropractor.
posted by atoxyl at 5:52 PM on November 9, 2021 [4 favorites]

Rodgers was tested 300 times and last week was his first positive.

The lockdown was ~600 days ago (are my numbers correct? I think so). So at best, this claim is stating he was tested once every two days. Before tests were available. I smell more bullshit.
posted by They sucked his brains out! at 11:22 PM on November 9, 2021 [2 favorites]

“Why Aaron Rodgers Felt Free to Mislead People,” Jemele Hill, The Atlantic, 05 November 2021
posted by ob1quixote at 6:56 AM on November 10, 2021

Also, this may be unfair, but look... apparently his dad is a chiropractor.

I suspect that is very relevant.

Although it seems likely Rodgers won’t suffer the consequences he deserves, I see other antivaxxers paying a price for their obstinacy. A co-worker is telling people she will give up a 20+ year career in medicine rather than be forced to take he vaccine. (I am fine with that even though she is good at what she does. People who don’t believe in modern medicine shouldn’t be working in hospitals.) A close relative refuses to get her children (and possibly herself) vaccinated. This is causing problems because her mother in law has a medical condition that makes it risky for her to be around unvaccinated people, so she only sees them under very limited conditions. This makes me sad because the MIL is the kids last surviving grandparent and they have been very close over the years. It seems cruel to deny them a close relationship in the twilight of her life over a vaccine that has been safely given to hundreds of millions of people. And finally, last week I spoke at the funeral of someone I have known since high school. He missed seeing his daughter crowned homecoming queen of her high school as he lay in the hospital dying of Covid. He changed his mind about the vaccine, but unfortunately it is too late when they are preparing to intubate you.

I have no patience for those who are spreading vaccine disinformation; they are responsible for a lot of unnecessary suffering.
posted by TedW at 7:09 AM on November 10, 2021 [6 favorites]

some kind of sportsball person

That's not clever or funny.
posted by ambrosen at 6:27 AM on November 11, 2021 [4 favorites]

Aaron Rodgers has had a rep as being devious or a dude obsessed with keeping up appearances for a long time before this. Look up past issues with a personal assistant and his family.

This is literally the reason many people know his name. He is that weird athlete who doesnt have strong /real relationships, so must be shocked he has to be accountable for hurting other people.
posted by Freecola at 2:06 PM on November 11, 2021 [1 favorite]

I think Luke Thomas is another person that is pretty good at articulating the problem with covid deniers, and because he's a fight analyst and former marine, he will reach people within that Joe Rogan sphere. Not just the substance of what he is saying, but how he says it.

Here's his take on Aaron Rodgers:
posted by ishmael at 5:48 PM on November 11, 2021

“The Cancel Culture Woke Mob Witch Hunt”—The Meadowlarkers, The Dan LeBatard Show with Stugotz, 12 November 2021
Kate Fagan, Howard Bryant, and Amin Elhassan won't be the millionth person to tell you Aaron Rodgers lied, they instead want to talk about the language he used to defend himself. And why using words like woke and cancel give away what you really mean.
posted by ob1quixote at 8:44 AM on November 12, 2021 [1 favorite]

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