We Are the World War III
September 16, 2001 11:35 PM   Subscribe

We Are the World War III "Michael Jackson is leading a fund raising effort to help raise $50 million to benefit survivors and families of victims of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."
posted by kirkaracha (6 comments total)
It disgusts me when these Multi-Millionaires "lead" funds or campaigns to raise money for a cause.

Why don't they spend some of their own money instead of asking (not that many people mind it seems) the normal joe-blow, middle-class person to donate their hard earned money?

I am sorry, if I had $50-$100 million I wouldn't hesitate to donate a minimum of $1 million myself, if not more...

I just find it hypocritical that these multi-millionaires find it necessary to lead causes to raise money...

like Bono leading the cause to get rid of third world debt. Maybe he could pay it off himself.
posted by da5id at 4:20 AM on September 17, 2001

I can't help but see Michael Jackson's efforts differently. It's easy to say, "If I had $50-$100 million I wouldn't hesitate to donate a minimum of $1 million myself." Actually a person probably doesn't know what they would do unless they actually had it. In reality what these celebrities do takes lots of effort and they are using the talents they have to help. After all $50 million they raise will help more than the $1 million they might donate. In a capitalistic society people can earn as much as they are able and can do with it pretty much as they please. When those who earn the "big bucks" still take time to help it is equally as generous as those who chose to give blood or donate their time and/or money.
posted by eruha at 7:41 AM on September 17, 2001

Michael Jackson has a new album to sell. That's all.
posted by jaustinspace at 8:03 AM on September 17, 2001

Noooooooooooooooooo....! *head in hands screaming*

Britney and N'Sync will be front and center with Michael (and poor Lionel Richie will have to stand in the last row. It's not his fault he hasn't had a hit in a decade or so.).
posted by timothompson at 9:56 AM on September 17, 2001

When those who earn the "big bucks" still take time to help it is equally as generous as those who chose to give blood or donate their time and/or money.

Uh huh, tell that to the family of the Backstreet Boys crew member who was on one of the hijacked planes. In response, the boys coughed up a measly $10k, for the general fund, not even for their own employee's survivors. Two grand per boy. Gee, that's damned generous.
posted by Dreama at 10:09 AM on September 17, 2001

All those artists singing a song named "What More Can I Give".
Where oh where does the list start.
posted by DBAPaul at 6:31 PM on September 17, 2001

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