If terrorism is real, then a clear-eyed view would suggest nuclear power is done for.
September 17, 2001 2:52 PM   Subscribe

Oh sh*t.
I live 5 miles from a nuclear powerplant and I hadn't even thought of that.
posted by boaz at 3:01 PM on September 17, 2001

I can't find the link but terrorists have already threatened India that they will hit the Indian nuclear power plants.
posted by riffola at 3:05 PM on September 17, 2001

This entire article is a cheap-shot at best.

"Nuclear power had been previously discredited on environmental grounds, on public safety grounds and even on financial grounds..."

While this has been somewhat true in the U.S., nuclear power is clipping along just fine in many other countries, including France and Canada. To dismiss nuclear power because of the threat of terrorism is not only defeatist, it creates the potential for massive environmental losses that would almost inevitably result from a return to other forms of energy generation.
posted by mrbula at 3:06 PM on September 17, 2001

I'm getting pretty tired of people saying "what if?" to everything from the mildly dangerous up. We share our world with death (and life) every day -- from heart attacks to walking off a curb to muggings, etc.

I don't understand why everyone is suddenly afraid of their own shadow. We've lived with some of these things for decades, and we should continue to live as we have -- unafraid.

Don't panic.
posted by Kikkoman at 3:09 PM on September 17, 2001

Don't panic?
posted by xowie at 3:30 PM on September 17, 2001

I think this is as legitimate a "what if?" as any.

I absolutely want to know what would have happened if United Flight 93 had hit Calvert Cliffs (or any one of a number of facilities) instead of crashing in Pennsylvania. And I want the NRC and the power plants to be more precise and forthcoming in their assessment than, "Oh, I don't want to describe that. It's too terrifying to imagine."

Thank you for the link. I want this information. Living in fear sucks. Living in denial doesn't help.
posted by delapohl at 3:48 PM on September 17, 2001

Don't Panic.

If you're that afraid of something, why not just spend every day hiding under the bed. You don't, do you? You manage your fears, you control them, you go on about life.
Life is little different today than it was last Monday.

Flame me if you must, but this is the same planet, these the same threats we knew existed then and know exist now. Last Monday, you woke up knowing that nuclear war, that biological agents, that a random act of violence, or even a moment of carelessness could potentially take your life.

Today only feels different because we all have been made suddenly and deeply aware of the passing nature of life. I felt exactly the same when my mother died.

The knowledge is fresh now, but is this a reason to cower?

Be strong, there.
posted by Kikkoman at 3:51 PM on September 17, 2001

Kikkoman, there's a bunch of people who have a goal of killing Americans, and they specifically demonstrated their willingness to do so last week. This isn't paranoia. We should look for ways to minimize damages from terrorist attacks, which are now a very real possibility. Are nuclear power plants safe enough should they be attacked?
Last week nobody thought of airplanes as weapons. And now we dont think of nuclear power plants as such. But could they be used for that purpose?
posted by Doug at 3:57 PM on September 17, 2001

From xowie's link:

"Hanson MMMbops over the public-address system....Suddenly, you feel cramps, and you're having trouble breathing. In the three minutes or so you have left, you might notice the players vomiting and staggering across the field"

Are you threatening me?
posted by Catch at 5:37 PM on September 17, 2001

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