The Games History E-zine
June 5, 2013 3:36 PM   Subscribe

Memory Insufficient is a free webzine edited by Zoya Street dedicated to articles about computer games and history. The first issue is called Women's Histories in Games [pdf], with a feature on female pirates. Asian Histories in Games [pdf] is the second issue, the feature being about ken, the Japanese game known as rock, paper, scissors in English. The upcoming issue will be devoted histories of gender and sexual diversity in games. [via Flash of Steel]
posted by Kattullus (2 comments total) 19 users marked this as a favorite
Wow I am stunned. That article on"ken" by Zoya Street is quite possibly the worst Japanese Studies paper I have ever read. It is culturally illiterate, both in regards to Japan, and to postmodernist babble like "liminal spaces."
posted by charlie don't surf at 4:24 PM on June 5, 2013

Game history is a fun topic. Unfortunately there are a number of things I don't understand about this magazine, like why it's only offered as PDFs or why the feature is the shortest article in the issue.

However, since janken came up, I'll take the opportunity to introduce the rules to another Japanese game you play with your hands; I learned it as chicchi, but I think isenose is a more common name - Japanese Wikipedia lists sixteen names, so it's not exactly tied down.

1. Get everyone in a circle with their fists closed.
2. Pick a first player.
3. The current player starts saying the name of the game...
4. Everyone can raise their thumbs if they want. The catch is that if you raise a thumb you can't put it down for the rest of the game.
5. The current player guesses the number of thumbs that go up (this should happen simultaneously with thumbs going up). If they're right they get to take a fist out of the game.
6. Play passes to the left, continue from 3.

First player to take out both fists wins.
posted by 23 at 6:47 PM on June 5, 2013 [2 favorites]

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