October 2, 2014 9:05 AM   Subscribe

No funk, no sale.
posted by MartinWisse at 9:10 AM on October 2, 2014 [1 favorite]

Yessss! I wanted to code something like this, but I was lazy. Now it exists for me. I now have access to an endless supply of weird music.
posted by sixohsix at 9:16 AM on October 2, 2014

So, is this basically the same thing as We Are Hunted (before Twitter bought it and shut it down)?
posted by schmod at 9:19 AM on October 2, 2014

So, is this basically the same thing as We Are Hunted (before Twitter bought it and shut it down)?

I'd imagine not, because Soundcloud has a rather more bent & diverse pool of music on it than is generally promoted by the mainstream. But not having only browsed We Are Hunted's wikipedia article, & never actually used it, take my unsolicited uninformed opinion with a grain of salt.
posted by Going To Maine at 9:24 AM on October 2, 2014

This just sets in stark relief the need for a drop-down menu for 'genre' in Soundcloud, rather than a free-form input box. Holy cow.
posted by yellowcandy at 10:32 AM on October 2, 2014

i have such a hard time finding stuff on soundcloud, and on bandcamp.

For the love of god please invent a way to search multiple tags! And please let me browse the tags on individual songs!
posted by rebent at 11:21 AM on October 2, 2014

Also to be out checking Mentor.fm. You like, yes?
posted by signal at 11:24 AM on October 2, 2014 [1 favorite]

(The cloud-to-butt Chrome plugin made this a "Soundbutt scraper" which caused much uproarious laughter to float up from my cubicle, so thank you for the music and the raucous snorting)
posted by Mooseli at 11:25 AM on October 2, 2014

The way they've set out the genres is terrible.
posted by ACair at 11:25 AM on October 2, 2014

I wish it would scrobble to Last.fm, at least with a browser app like FoxyScrobbler. I'd be much more inclined to us it if it did . . . .
posted by swlabr at 11:47 AM on October 2, 2014

While we're exploring new music, if you haven't done so in a while you might want to check out Bandcamp. There's some really nice music on there, and it streams well. Some of it is from established artists, and many new ones. You can download at a bargain, often times, as well. Once you play around with it a bit, after logging in for free, you will will build a nice page and database for yourself and find some nice sounds...... in my humble opinion....
posted by swlabr at 12:13 PM on October 2, 2014

I wish it would scrobble to Last.fm, at least with a browser app like FoxyScrobbler. I'd be much more inclined to us it if it did . . . .

Shit, i wish last.fm's radio was still what it was in like, 2008. That was the best music discovery/recommendation service AND the best radio service.

I'll never shut up, or stop missing it :( Every service i've used since then has played me tons of crap i didn't care about or that i felt like they were just paid to show most everyone. I could turn on the "recommendations" radio on last.fm and let it play for hours. Not to mention the specific friend, or stuff your friends are listening to radios. What the hell even has that anymore? and i don't mean just like, playlists my friends made.
posted by emptythought at 2:18 PM on October 2, 2014 [2 favorites]

emptythought i can't agree more. :( the closest replacement I have now is clicking through the bandcamp tags on albums I like.
posted by rebent at 3:37 PM on October 2, 2014 [1 favorite]

Nice. I have now discovered DJ Luigi from Peru.

Fiestaaa !
posted by mannequito at 4:05 PM on October 2, 2014

emptythought, rebent: signal is right: Mentor.FM is the closest replacement for a working recommendation radio and you can also import your Last.FM history.
Not available in USA, though.
posted by eox11 at 2:55 AM on October 3, 2014

Yeah, the downfall of lastfm's radio has had me listening to like 6% as much new music as I had prior. There's just no replacement.
posted by threeants at 9:46 AM on October 3, 2014

Not available in USA, though.


the closest replacement I have now is clicking through the bandcamp tags on albums I like.

Yep. And I use soundcloud a lot too, but what made last.fm special was that it was like a combination of the radio services and soundcloud/bandcamp. All my friends local bands had made last.fm accounts(and i had one friend who made a big one and uploaded music, descriptions, photos, etc for like ALL of our friends bands) and uploaded a lot of their music. And tons of other local, or obscure current bands from all over were doing the same thing. There would be new tracks posted every day.

Then it applied its superawesomemegaAIlogic to what people who listened to shit you also listened to did, and if it included local bands, or tiny local bands from other cities you had never been to... it would play you a bunch of that.

I have yet to find another radio service where i could go punch in my friends band, that never played a show to more than like 100 people, and it would just shuffle tons of similar local bands and tons of super-specifically-similar other relatively unknown bands, and a few more well known(at least online) artists that sounded alike.

As i said, it was like some super hybrid of all the currently available services.

Why does it sometimes feel to me like the internet is getting less useful in some ways?

I found so many tracks and bands i loved that way, which are just stuff no shuffling radio service now would play. They basically only play stuff that's out on itunes and has a big splashy official release. last.fm had stuff that had only come out on CD-R from bands that didn't even really have bandcamps or anything. Maybe they had a myspace.
posted by emptythought at 12:11 PM on October 3, 2014

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