March 1, 2002
10:46 AM   Subscribe

Linda Tripp has cancer The woman who helped expose the Clinton-Lewinski trists is being treated for breast cancer.
posted by Lanternjmk (2 comments total)

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You know, I generally don't like to play the role of snarky MeFi cop, but so what? Why should we care, and why is it any of our business?
posted by anapestic at 10:59 AM on March 1, 2002

Gotta agree. The only way this thread will go anywhere is if (when) it devolves into a battle over whether it's ok to make fun of her. Not a criticism of you, lanternjmk, cuz there's plenty of similar stuff on here every day. But this particular topic could get in trouble real fast.
posted by jpoulos at 11:09 AM on March 1, 2002

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