One Year in Ferguson
August 10, 2015 5:16 PM   Subscribe

This post was deleted for the following reason: Nice, though probably better to put this in the open Ferguson post from yesterday. -- LobsterMitten

From Mefi's own brentajones; from the Mefi Projects posting:
"It's not a long 'read' — I work at a radio station after all — but more of a long 'listen and look'. On the anniversary of the killing of Michael Brown, we remember what it felt like on those first few confusing days in August, melting into grief, anger and distrust coming from all directions, followed by the uneasy anticipation of the grand jury's decision, the chaotic nights after no true bill and then, finally, some progress. A project by me and my colleagues at St. Louis Public Radio."
My own comment: surprisingly effective use of still color photos with auto-playing audio. It's very powerful for such a simple idea in presentation.
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 5:19 PM on August 10, 2015

See also: Ferguson Remembers
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 5:24 PM on August 10, 2015

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