Well played, Dr. Tingle
May 6, 2016 11:09 AM   Subscribe

Dr. Chuck Tingle's work has finally been recognized by the literary establishment.

Good news: His short story Space Raptor Butt Invasion has been nominated for a Hugo award.

Bad news: Tingle's story was upvoted as part of a Puppies slate. Apparently they thought his story would be offensive to, ahem, Social Justice Warriors.

Good news: Dr Tingle has released a new story in honor of his nomination, Slammed in the Butt by my Hugo Award Nomination.

Bad news: Dr Tingle unable to attend Hugo Awards.

Best news: If he wins, Zoe Quinn to accept award on his behalf.

Dr Tingle, previously previously

Zoe Quinn previously

Sad/Rabid/Incontinent Puppies previously previously
posted by ivan ivanych samovar (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Heya, I know it's a good chuckle but this has been discussed a bunch already in the recent Hugos thread in one of your previouslies and we should probably just keep it there. -- cortex


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