Drag stars officially have a new queen to worship
May 17, 2016 11:40 AM   Subscribe

Last night, Bob the Drag Queen became the 8th winner of RuPaul's Drag Race; Bob is a New York activist who was once thrown in jail, in full drag. The New York Times covered the show, examining the history of drag acceptance, but many today are discussing a controversial moment that might have lost one contestant the game.

My Son Loves Drag Races: “That’s sad that Kim Chi’s mom, Mrs. Chi, doesn’t know that she is a drag queen and wouldn’t approve. I would always tell you if I was a drag queen and I’d want you and dad and Chase to come to my shows!”

Bob the Drag Queen: Purse First

The Purse First curse
posted by roomthreeseventeen (2 comments total)

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I thought the controversy was when Kim trashed the entire pit crew.

The thing with his mom... Ru put it well: things happen in their own time.

Bob won because he does it all and does it so fucking well. He won because he's hilarious, and because he can command the stage better than any other contestant this season. I loved Kim and Naomi, but most everyone knew deep down that Bob was going to win.
posted by cman at 11:48 AM on May 17, 2016

I haven't been following Drag Race in years--the charisma/uniqueness etc acronym seriously bugged me, maybe they got rid of it in later seasons?--but if I'm reading this correctly, one of the queens got dinged because RuPaul was trying to force her to come out to her parents? Am I misunderstanding this?

Not cool, RuRu. Not cool at all.
posted by feckless fecal fear mongering at 11:50 AM on May 17, 2016

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