Ten meter tower
March 10, 2017 8:42 PM   Subscribe

Would you jump? "Ten Meter Tower is one of four videos produced by independent filmmakers who have received support from the nonprofit Sundance Institute. It is a social experiment which found people that had never jumped off a 10 meter tower and filmed the results. Would you jump? Or would you chicken out?"
posted by nushustu (3 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad

I loved this video. Faced with similar challenges, I always have, but who knows? I'm older now. I worked at a summer camp where a rite of passage was to jump off a 35-foot-high rock outcropping above a lake. It was safe, the lake was very deep. I'd never go first, and was always nervous but after standing in line between 8 and 10 year olds antsy for you to take your turn, I'd suck it up and jump.

My most recent big jump was off the big bridge - aka "Jaws bridge" -- along State Road on Martha's Vineyard in 2011. The tide wasn't that high, and then when you stand on the rail, it feels pretty high. It wasn't elegant, but it was exciting, and great camaraderie to kick off the summer. If I don't do it at my next opportunity, I'll officially be "old."
posted by Miko at 8:53 PM on March 10, 2017 [1 favorite]

Why not just jump off the lower diving boards until you get used to the drop and then move up to the next highest platform?
posted by Beholder at 8:58 PM on March 10, 2017

I remember jumping from that height off of cliffs in my teens.

I would only do so now if you pointed a camera at me and told me that my refusal would be put on the NYT web site.
posted by ITravelMontana at 9:01 PM on March 10, 2017 [2 favorites]


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