"Learning is as important in Finnish society as politics"
December 14, 2018 11:53 PM   Subscribe

They can even imagine going on a date there.

I once went on a date to the San Francisco Public Library where I was treated to a tour by a local of all the little hidden secrets of that marvelous space. I felt like I was being shared hidden treasure and it was a magical afternoon which turned into a delightful evening.

Library dates can be the best dates.
posted by hippybear at 12:10 AM on December 15, 2018 [19 favorites]

I once went on a date to the San Francisco Public Library where I was treated to a tour by a local of all the little hidden secrets of that marvelous space.

This is... like... were you taken on a date by a clone of me? Because man... bringing someone to the 5th floor for some microfiche is like my ideal day.
posted by Homo neanderthalensis at 12:28 AM on December 15, 2018 [2 favorites]

This was the late 90s, so it was quite a while ago. But maybe it was even you! Did you show people that film from pre-earthquake SF that during that part of history was mostly only viewable at the library?
posted by hippybear at 12:30 AM on December 15, 2018

I was in the city on Independence day, the day after the library opened but the festivities continued. My bus was packed full of pensioners, all on their way to line up to enter the new building. I could see the line stretching all the way outside. Its a gorgeous building and I'm waiting for the rush to die down a bit before going.
posted by infini at 12:39 AM on December 15, 2018 [5 favorites]

infini, I want to go! Ofc I am in Stockholm so it is not as easy for me but perhaps I can drag a few other Stockholm MeFites over with me and we can have a library-related meetup, which would be amazing.
posted by Bella Donna at 3:10 AM on December 15, 2018 [2 favorites]

Bella Donna, you're on!
posted by infini at 3:17 AM on December 15, 2018 [3 favorites]

We can get comfy with piles of books, meet friends, perhaps even over a glass of wine, and enjoy welcoming couches and the endless time. All this without any envy towards foreigners!

There's something about this paragraph and how it sells people on a library visit that really amuses me.
posted by Merus at 3:56 AM on December 15, 2018 [1 favorite]

Lovely! I spent a summer as a high school exchange student in Tampere, Finland, and I was amazed to find that I could check out piano sheet music from the public library to play at home. What a place for the people!
posted by Maarika at 7:28 AM on December 15, 2018 [1 favorite]

For some people learning is a chore.

For others it is an aphrodisiac.
posted by notreally at 9:10 AM on December 15, 2018 [3 favorites]

Toronto's newly-reopened North York Centre library might not have the olive trees, but the makerspace kit - including wearables and a green-screen studio - is top notch. It is a joyful place.
posted by scruss at 12:35 PM on December 15, 2018 [1 favorite]

I've been watching this building go up for what feels like ages. It's hugely disappointing that I'm away at the moment it's finally completed and opened, but a small comfort that when I'm finally able to return it could be -- quite literally -- my first stop when back in Helsinki. Thanks for this post.
posted by myotahapea at 3:40 PM on December 15, 2018 [2 favorites]

In the 1980s I went to the public library in Tampere. You could get ice cream there. This was an era when food and libraries were not ever mentioned in the same breath. It was very good ice cream, but mostly the permissiveness, the sheer freedom of it, blew my mind.
posted by zenzenobia at 4:14 PM on December 15, 2018 [2 favorites]

I swear, everything I've ever heard about Finland makes it feel like it might be the mothership, and then I remember the cold. But maybe I could just never leave the library...
posted by SecretAgentSockpuppet at 9:54 PM on December 15, 2018 [1 favorite]

My own small neighbourhood library (in Helsinki) got refurbished to include a community center, full now of kids and pensioners, with a little cafe where you can get ice cream and coffee and snacks. Attached is the neighbourhood supermarket, so its a lovely go to place.
posted by infini at 5:15 AM on December 16, 2018 [2 favorites]

Chicago's colder than HEL actually, due to the wind effect. Its the dark that you must get accustomed to but today it snowed and everyone's windows has fancy lights strung up. Its home.
posted by infini at 5:17 AM on December 16, 2018 [3 favorites]

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