He Didn't Give Up Skateboarding Because He Got Old
January 22, 2022 9:03 AM   Subscribe

I took up ice skating a few years ago, in my early 50s. My friend who's in emergency medicine said to wear wrist guards as wrist fractures are the most common serious injury in skaters. I wound up breaking a rib by falling backward and landing flat on my back. My fall was witnessed by a rink employee whose instinct was to call 911. I had a hard time convincing the paramedics that I was okay. Which, I suppose, is because I wasn't. Haven't been back to the rink since. I continue to downhill ski but am a very cautious skier.

But I heartily support Igor in his endeavors.
posted by neuron at 9:19 AM on January 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

That dude can carve.

I picked up skateboarding again in my late 20s, worked at the skatepark, quit that job and quit skating again for a while (aside from runs to the convenience store), picked it back up again in 2020 in my early 40s. My brother did too, and we were having a blast going to the skatepark a two or three times a week and not worrying about COVID for a few hours. Then he broke his ankle dropping in, and neither of us has been back. I still skate around the neighborhood, but getting fucked up on the concrete only gets more worrisome with age.

There was this dude, Old Man Greg, who was a regular at the skatepark when I worked there. He wasn't as old as Igor, but he had to be in his late 50s or early 60s. He'd show up, smoke a cigarette outside the gate, then tear up the giant bowl in the back. He'd drink beer with his buddies (older dudes too, but not as old) when the staff wasn't watching, and after every sesh too, hanging out by his pickup in the street. One day he slammed hard and broke his arm or his wrist and left white as a sheet. I think he drove himself to the hospital, but maybe we called an ambulance- I don't remember exactly.

Anyway, skateboarding fuckin' rules, no matter how old you are. Take it from Igor.
posted by heteronym at 9:49 AM on January 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

posted by rrrrrrrrrt at 10:47 AM on January 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

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