Here on Absurd Island, and everywhere else, it's Monday so...
November 13, 2023 8:15 AM   Subscribe's time for your weekly Free Thread where you can talk about wtf, or that the Christmas season has officially started, or news reporting of places to socially visit in Worcestershire, or that Easter Eggs will be in the shops in 8 weeks, or just anything.
posted by Wordshore (127 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
"socially visit" - nicely put! That gave me a much-needed laugh on a grouchy Monday morning.

I explored a few home-furnishings stores downtown this weekend, and was annoyed and dismayed to hear non-stop Christmas music in most of them. It caused me to wonder, and maybe my fellow MeFites will know - have any recent studies been done on whether or not playing more Christmas music earlier actually results in increased sales? Almost everyone I know personally hates so much Christmas music in public places, so even if "more sales" was once true I wonder if it still is.
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:24 AM on November 13, 2023

I am very happy about Target closing their stores on Thanksgiving.

But what's up with "Black Friday" being the whole month?
posted by dawkins_7 at 8:27 AM on November 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

My sister in law's already started putting up her Christmas decorations. She goes nuts for Christmas (4 trees!), so she's probably an outlier.
The last week of October, the local Home Despot had more Christmas stuff up than Halloween.
posted by Spike Glee at 8:27 AM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

I predicted the current Home Secretary of my country being fired a week before everyone else, so am just annoyed I didn't also have the confidence to buy a lottery ticket that same day.*

[*Yes I know - because math - that's not even remotely how any lottery works, but I can dream]
posted by Faintdreams at 8:30 AM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

I have entered the Season of Gloom a/k/a the windup to the holidays. This is when I reflect gratefully that I am an impatient jerk and need to lower my standards for myself and everyone else, plus eat more hot soup and bread and butter.
posted by Peach at 8:32 AM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

"Oh no," I say, reading the headline about 'dogging'--"I hope no one is racing poor dogs!"

It's worse. How can it be worse?
posted by mittens at 8:35 AM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

They erected the Xmas tree downtown in San Francisco already. I was in a store a couple of days ago that was playing Xmas music. Costco had Xmas decorations late August, early September, and people had what were basically Xmas lights, but purple, in their windows all through October for Halloween, which has become #2 in the race for over the top house decorations after Xmas. I’m not really a holiday person, in general, but what were once community celebrations for various reasons, are now smearing together into months long celebrations of shopping. Capitalism has become the reason for holidays, a complaint that goes back for a long time, but we all just go along for the ride.
posted by njohnson23 at 8:37 AM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

I was recently involved in a debate on Facebook, in which one person claimed you only ever needed to buy one bottle of Worcestershire sauce your entire life, and then was immediately taken down by people like me who go through it regularly (for me, it is a regular ingredient in my secret recipe for hamburgers). I still have to consciously spell it in my head as werr sterr sherr before saying it out loud though.

Speaking of hamburgers, and a tiny film school update:

it's a slow week because everyone in class has been given these classroom-days as "studio hours", meaning you should be working on your final project. The assignment for the final project is to interpret a dream in film.

I really don't have interesting dreams, if I remember them at all; so, I don't really have a toolbox for this. I'm not the only one with this issue, so the professor has tried to give the class ways to make it work, which makes me feel like Steve Martin as Inspector Clouseau trying to learn how to say "hamburger"

Me: so, this is sort of a dream, but it's not weird or anything


Me: I've got this chronological story, i tried editing it out of order but I didn't like it


Me: we changed the color balance a bit to make it look funky. But only a little bit, we didn't like it with really weird colors

Professor: "Don't limit yourself to the usual visual language we learned at the beginning of class"

Me: I'm just literally showing a person asleep so you know he's dreaming

(I'm partly annoyed by the examples the professor showed us because they clearly need a entire fillmaking team, costumers, model makers, etc., to produce the dreamlike effects, but this is just me partnered with another student who has the same dream-blindness issue trying to help each other out.)

I have to remind myself that this if FILM 175, the very first film class, so basically as long as we used the camera, lights, and sound even sort of correctly it should be an A.
posted by AzraelBrown at 8:39 AM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

Definitely not ready for Christmas despite the forced early Christmas spirit everywhere.
posted by Kitteh at 8:40 AM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

I did hear that in the UK, the Covid booster shots ARE available, but they're spelled borchester shots.
posted by hippybear at 8:47 AM on November 13, 2023 [29 favorites]

I was recently involved in a debate on Facebook, in which one person claimed you only ever needed to buy one bottle of Worcestershire sauce your entire life

A sure tell that person doesn't cook. Yes, it's common ingredient in marinades and sauces, like the UK's HP Sauce, and Raising Canes (chicken finger fast food restaurant) type french fry sauce.

student who has the same dream-blindness issue trying to help each other out if you want to remember your dreams, put a notepad by your bed and write them down as soon as you wake. That's basically the only way.
posted by The_Vegetables at 8:52 AM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

But what's up with "Black Friday" being the whole month?

Black Friday annoys me, and that's just one reason. It's completely overshadowed Thanksgiving, and it feels like maybe a decade from now people will be putting up Black Friday decorations, there'll be Black Friday TV specials about the True Meaning of Black Friday (*), and a-hole talk show personalities will bemoan the War On Black Friday because some store will refer to it as a "Holiday Sale" instead.

(The true meaning of Black Friday is a celebration of Wiggog Y'wrath, the friendly-wendlyest of the Lords in Black...)

But yeah, at least don't pretend that "Friday" is 3-6 weeks long, ugh.
posted by Foosnark at 8:56 AM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3. Last week my party defeated Gortash, one of the big bads in the game. I had Karlach in my party, and after the victory, this scene played.

It crushed me, crying. I watched it a few times after, and at first I thought it was just the arc of the story combined with Samantha Béart's excellent voice work.

But sometime this weekend I realized that this scene directly spoke to my experiences with my mother and my health, and feeling alone.

I've never had a game resonate like that before, and it's kind of overwhelming.
posted by Gorgik at 8:57 AM on November 13, 2023 [9 favorites]

...borchester shots
There once was a man from Worcester
Who had two hens and a rorcester
The rorcester died, the farmer cried
Because the hens don’t lay eggs like they urcester
posted by MtDewd at 8:58 AM on November 13, 2023 [26 favorites]

When I was a kid, if my grandpa saw a bottle of Worcestershire sauce on the table, he'd pick it up and bellow "hey, what's this here sauce?"

I like to think he'd say the same about dogging.
posted by phooky at 9:00 AM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

Yes, it's common ingredient in marinades and sauces, like the UK's HP Sauce

I love HP Sauce, but by no means is it an ingredient. It is a finishing touch, a crowning glory if you like. It's not in the same category as Worcestershire Sauce at all.

No complaint about the dogging listicle missing MeFite's favourite sites as yet?
posted by biffa at 9:00 AM on November 13, 2023

wooster is fish sauce for cowards
posted by seanmpuckett at 9:20 AM on November 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

Well just got back last night from my first road trip in a year and a half. Went down to LA to watch my youngest play water polo for his school. They went 1-1, and my son didn't play very well. But it was awesome to see him growing up, being involved with his mates, etc. Then on the way back got to see child 2, who is rocking it in the bay area. Went to his new place, which is up on the hills near the Castro. Amazing view. Kept following the google maps, and I was like, "more up the hill?" Amazing view. When I was his age, I did not have that kind of view. Very proud of him, he's a good boi.

And got to sleep in my own bed with Ms. Windo for the first time in about a year. Didn't go as well as I had been hoping for. She has gotten used to not putting up with my sleeping shit, so that's going to need some work...

But, after a year of horrible medical shit, it feels like I might be getting back to being me. Fingers crossed, but...

EDIT: Black Friday sucks. Cheap material goods are not worth fighting for. Fight for Thanksgiving, and being with your people. Not a new TV...
posted by Windopaene at 9:35 AM on November 13, 2023 [13 favorites]

It's not in the same category as Worcestershire Sauce at all.
It has Worcestershire Sauce in it, as an example of a sauce you can purchase that uses as an ingredient. They also sell various versions of fry sauce at the store, but you can make your own, which you will need Worcestershire Sauce for.
posted by The_Vegetables at 9:37 AM on November 13, 2023

fish sauce is just garum in a hat and thus it supports imperialism
posted by MonsieurPEB at 9:40 AM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

you only ever needed to buy one bottle of Worcestershire sauce your entire life

I feel this way about Angostura; I have only ever bought one bottle, years and years ago, and despite using it at least once a week in a cocktail it has never run dry. it's like the bottomless bottle of bitters.

(yes yes I know Angostura and Worcestershire Sauce are entirely unrelated, but they come in very similar paper-wrapped bottles)
posted by chavenet at 9:45 AM on November 13, 2023 [10 favorites]

During my daily walks through the woods this summer I found a couple active Joro spider webs. they are orb-weavers and create fascinating, very long-lived webs. I visited them almost daily, said hello, and tried to get a look at their interesting bellies. Well, it got cold and blustery and their webs rabidly degraded. Finally, yesterday, I could no longer find them. It was a weird sense of loss. They are non-native to the US and were discovered in Georgia a couple years ago. Looks like, if you live on the US east coast, they will eventually get to you - but dont worry: Nasty Bite, But Nothing More.
posted by achrise at 10:03 AM on November 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

I went into more detail over there and in the live music free thread, but that Brittany Howard debut show in Birmingham that I mentioned in the big post about her music last month? tl;dr: I got a fantastic spot, recorded the whole thing in 4K/60FPS for your enjoyment, and had the privilege of meeting her in person with a small group of other fans after the show. Awesome experience, very cool people (her, her opener, her band, the venue crew, and the audience), and you should definitely get tickets if she's coming to a city near you!
posted by Rhaomi at 10:04 AM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

I spent a good part of yesterday and today installing a new irrigation system in my back yard. It occurred to me today that I had to hurry because rain is in the forecast for Wednesday, so I have to have my irrigation system in place before it rains. Now I'm drinking a cup of tea and thinking I'm some kind of dope.
posted by SPrintF at 10:06 AM on November 13, 2023 [10 favorites]

I recently discovered the e-zine Quarter Up! which is dedicated to pinball and vintage electronic games. Totally my jam, and absolutely adore the presentation - simple HTML pages with pictures. Readable and viewable on just about any device or size of screen.
posted by signsofrain at 10:12 AM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

The Salvation Army bell-ringers have already started their infernal racket at my neighborhood grocery store. Glad I started wearing my fancy noise-canceling headphones when I go there and I was reminded me of the campaign to drop a 3 dollar bill in the Salvation Army's kettle & give to a non-discriminatory organization instead.
posted by wicked_sassy at 10:13 AM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

My neighborhood has decided to really get into decorating for Thanksgiving this year, I have no idea why. Most of it is fairly small stuff, banners and wreaths and scarecrows, but a few people are going full out with inflatables. On our walk back from the park this weekend my three year old and I took some detours so she could admire these, especially a giant inflatable turkey. For the rest of the day I’d see her looking very serious and when I’d asked what she was thinking about she’d say “Mommy, I love the giant turkey.”.

Viewing Christmas decorations this year with her is going to be fantastic, can’t wait!
posted by lepus at 10:20 AM on November 13, 2023 [7 favorites]

Oh, no, not The Salvation Army Bell. I repress all memory of it after Christmas, and it comes as an extremely unwelcome surprise every year. Luckily the one grocery store I frequent that has a ringer also has second door well away from the ringer. I feel very sorry for the cashiers and other workers who can't get away from the sound. Hostile work environment, indeed.
posted by mollweide at 10:20 AM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 10:32 AM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

I've been watching the news abt Iceland // Volcano // Earthquakes - we finally managed to travel there this spring for a week and just loved the whole trip. Blowing my mind that Grindavik has been evacuated, we had stopped there right after arriving in country.

That SW corner of Iceland is just stunning to see, I understand it's where much of the movie Interstellar was filmed.
posted by djseafood at 10:34 AM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

Now we all know Reddit is full of toxic and incredibly stupid shit but, once in a while, you find something really charming.

I consider this a spinoff of /r/whatisthisthing but my new jam is /r/whatismycookiecutter, where people post pictures of random cookie cutters they find stashed in the back of their kitchen drawers. Others take guesses, fill in the shape with ideas, or generally come up with completely different answers that are hilarious.
posted by JoeZydeco at 11:04 AM on November 13, 2023 [7 favorites]

I unabashedly and unapologetically LOVE Christmas. I am not religious, I do not celebrate the other Christian-related holidays with even close to the joy that I celebrate Christmas (Easter is just an excuse for me to helpfully take everyone's black jelly beans). Let me say that again: I AM NOT RELIGIOUS. There is no Christ in Christmas for me. I just really like the lights and the sparkly, wintry decorations, and the smell of a pine tree in my house, and the cold and the dark. We don't even really do a lot of the gifting part; we go overboard on stockings but it's like candy and socks and fun imported potato chips and silly stuff. Did I mention the lights and the sparkly, wintry decorations? And the sweaters!

Summer does nothing for me. Spring is pretty okay, fall is darned good. But winter? GIMME ALL THE WINTER. And the lights. And sparkly decorations.
posted by cooker girl at 11:06 AM on November 13, 2023 [9 favorites]

One of my exes claimed he paid a guy off to take his Salvation Army bell. I always wondered about the truth of this one because this ex was always broke...not that he seemed to make shit up in my experience, but it was kind of a "too good to be true" sort of story. I mean, isn't that the fantasy?

So...I am in process of evaluation to see if I Officially Have A Problem. I got dubbed "inconclusive" and got referred for a re-evaluation, but so far both medical professionals I've communicated with are strongly hinting that they don't want to diagnose me with anything, so I've lost hope there big time. I don't really have a way to prove what they are insisting on, unfortunately, since there's about two people to ask and neither of us remembers the past too well and we have no documentation of anything from grade school.

As for the re-evaluation, they did get back to me about it quickly and insisted that I and my mother fill out a survey, which I screwed up and had to get re-sent. My mother proceeded to take all effing day Friday to fill it out and then called me to discuss every single answer and argue about them (whee), and now the doctor's out today, so this drags on. I am trying to get referrals for an alternate way to get this done, but I haven't heard back yet on it. I had to put the request in again since I was too specific in asking for a female doctor and apparently that's not doable :/ I thought I'd have better odds with female than male (even though so far this hasn't been my experience), so...yeah.

I still feel like a mess, unfortunately, and am sleep-deprived to boot since I'm not allowed to take anything for that any more. I've slept to the point of dreaming three times in eleven days and it took me nearly an hour to swallow the pill this morning. I have looked for jobs at similar organizations that people recommended I try and either there's nothing, there's temp jobs, or as usual, I don't qualify for them because I'm not a financial person. As for applying with the state, that requires tests and frankly, I don't think I'd perform well on any right now if I do them :( So I probably need to wait there.

I also had a friend have a total meltdown on me on Tuesday and I've been kind of avoiding her since then.

On a more fun note, Oklahoma update. For those of you wondering, "how are you doing a musical while um, having the rest of this go on," I note that my part is easy and I can do it automated-style while still stressing all over the place, which I have been doing because I was wigging out through one of the shows but managed to not let on.

Fun incidents that happened this weekend:
* Cards that are supposed to be porno cards splattered all over the place, obviously revealing they were just playing cards. I didn't see that one but heard about it after.
* Issues with the orchestra being a bit slow/confused or something, at one point the conductor was seen eating on camera DURING the song (ahem, you'd give me crap about that...) and not totally getting on the stick on that apparently.
* The light board computer crasha-crasha'd during the show and started poltergeisting a bit, but we carried on.
* One guy lost a coin out of his pocket and it rolled one direction on the stage, it was blocked by another guy's foot, then bounced and rolled off the stage....I died laughing.
* Laurey has big feet and was only able to find one pair of old-fashioned white boots that fit her feet, and then they immediately started falling apart. On Friday, the heel broke off entirely after her first scene. The building was ransacked for shoes and we could find none that fit her, she had to borrow someone's too-small ballet slippers to do her second scene, and finally the stage manager had to tape the heel back on to finish the show. Laurey has permission to wear character shoes until more awful boots are re-ordered and they will take a week.
* A cancan girl costume disappeared and turned up in the kids' costumes. To which the girl was all, "Who the heck thought it was appropriate to put it THERE?!"
* And my favorite incident of the weekend: I'm in the dressing room with a girl, about 2 minutes before we go on, she's been doing her hair for an hour and is still in jeans/shirt/sneakers. Me: "Um....shouldn't you be getting dressed by now?" Her: "eh, I can get dressed in a minute and a half," then she realizes that's where we're at now, so she quickly puts on tights, shoes, I help her get into the dress...
You know what she forgot? Bloomers. And I note that as a Hot Chick, she has to lie on the floor and kick her legs in the air in the first number, in the front row. "And all of my grandparents were there!!!!" Supposedly the grandparents didn't notice, and she was glad she remembered them for act 2, in which she basically goes spread-eagle during a lift to the entire audience. Sometimes I am glad I am not a Hot Chick so I don't have to flash my anatomy at everyone.

As for people seeing the show, a friend of mine went Friday and the rest of the friends are going next Sunday. No clue as to when my parent/al figures are going, but...whatever. I managed to see two other shows that friends were in, which was cool and happily those were timed to go on before or after mine.
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:14 AM on November 13, 2023 [9 favorites]

Prepping for full on Thanksgiving at my place. As guests we'll have four older boomers (of the radically liberal sort!!!), a brother, a sister, their two toddler kids, us, and our daughter, plus one au pair (the brother in law is wealthy) in our tiny house. I was an only child so I go a bit manic for these events. I get to sit at the kiddie table because I'm the fun uncle and can deescalate almost any child situation.

I have taken over most of the cooking from Mrs Abehammerb and I can't wait to make a metric f**k ton of stuffing. I'm not allowed to do the turkey or pies. One because burning up the turkey would be a tragedy, and two because the Mrs is an insane baking fiend.

I'm so excited! Friday I intend to enter a three-day hibernation.

Did I mention manic?
posted by Abehammerb Lincoln at 11:16 AM on November 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

The best thing about Christmas stuff being in the stores right after Halloween is peppermint everything, especially chocolate peppermint everything. Pumpkin spice? What's that? Picked up two boxes of this today because it's good and also hell yeah, chocolate peppermint season is the GOAT.

My favorite horrible gacha game is shutting down this week. Sad times. Made some good friends through that game's co-op and multiplayer features, some of which I'll be keeping, some losing. I wish them all well.

In slightly better news, I have an update on Mosey, aka Mr. Handsome. Last time he was at the vet was for an ultrasound to see if he had lymphoma; he did, and the additional tests we were waiting on around his birthday was to see how severe it is. Thankfully, he has the less severe kind and will be starting steroid treatment shortly. We're hoping that it'll still be a little while yet before he crosses the rainbow bridge, and that when he does so, he's relatively happy and not in a lot of pain.

That's all too sad to think about now, though, so where was I... oh yeah, CHOCOLATE PEPPERMINT SEASON
posted by May Kasahara at 11:41 AM on November 13, 2023 [8 favorites]

I'm coming from a 5-day weekend due to the confluence of 2 feet of snow and Veterans Day weekend. It's great!!! I learned to cross country ski and got so hot doing it (I need lighter layers) that falling was refreshing. The dog is thrilled that we're all home more and willing to take him out in the snow all the time, except he has to wear his little boots that he hates having put on.

I snowshoed the trail in my park so I could stomp it bigger for the dog walkers, then went home and made this yogurt cake that apparently some French people learn to make in kindergarten. Mine came out with a fluffier crumb than the one in the photo, which looks like its baking powder was dead.

I don't want to go to work tomorrow so let's all hope it SNOWS MORE (snow is in progress and it's enough to cancel the buses today, so...c'mon snow! snow! snow!)
posted by blnkfrnk at 11:47 AM on November 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

I usually have a strict no Christmas before Thanksgiving rule - no Christmas decorations, no Christmas music, none of it. One thing at a time, you know?
But this year, I am just ready for the good feels that Christmas gives me. 2023 has been A LOT, and I’m just craving the sparkly lights, the cookies, the music, crafting ornaments, Christmas books and movies. It feels like a reprieve from all the ways the world feels very harsh right now.
I still have a lot of demands on my time right now, so I can’t go full on cozy Christmas mode, but I’m allowing myself to indulge in some quiet moments of Christmas hygge a few weeks early this year.
posted by bitbotbit at 12:28 PM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

This is a late notice but for those with honkin' good binoculars or telescopes, Uranus is in opposition tonight and may therefore be possibly visible. But don't let the link fool you. You won't be seeing any moons. Not unless you have a huge astronomical telescope. And only after a time lapse photograph at that.

I recommend you Google 'Sky Map' and download the first app there named. I find it invaluable in helping you know what you are looking at that you can see.

I'll be out -- I've seen Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with it from Capitol Hill on Seattle, mind you.

But Uranus? You'd have to be in a very very dark skies location. Nevertheless, weather permitting, I'll be out to click the last possible barely visible under the best of circumstances naked eye planet on my bucket list. With binoculars.
posted by y2karl at 12:53 PM on November 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

If your telescopic device randomly honks, take it to a qualified technician to have it serviced. You don't want to be startling the wildlife!
posted by Greg_Ace at 12:59 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

I will always be amazed at squirrels' willingness to take chances in front of my bicycle. Either they wait until the last possible second to get out of the way or they go half-way and then reverse direction. I've never run one over but I did catch the tail of one of the "reverse direction" daredevils.
posted by tommasz at 1:27 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

I have been doing some intense government paperwork for my partner and his sister since July. Now that it's all finalized, they are thanking me by giving me the gift of new digital devices. I'm so grateful, especially since the ones they are replacing are legit about to keel over.

I have a lot of work to do and a short time to do it because we have guests in town the week of Thanksgiving. I am also really grateful to my partner for making dinner so much and allowing me to keep my nose to the grindstone.
posted by rednikki at 1:28 PM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

My particular incident of premature christmasulation was simply walking into a supermarket and seeing Xmas candy on display a couple of weeks ago... right next to the still-relevant Halloween candy. And it was largely the same candy--Reese's, M&Ms--just reshaped or recolored for Xmas. As if some people were already tired of Halloween and needed some red-and-green junk food toot sweet. They'll be getting into the Valentines candy before Xmas eve.

So... dogging, eh? Nice of the Worcester News to alert lookie-loos of the hot voyeuring spots. Reminds me of how "toothing" (i.e. using the then-new technology of Bluetooth to find people in your proximity who were DTF) was supposed to be the hot new thing before it was revealed to be just made up by someone.
posted by Halloween Jack at 1:29 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

Today I had planned to finish the last activity for the game I have been building for my kid, but then said kid got sick and had to come home from school, so I have not made any progress. Well, that's one reason I'm an indie game dev -- so my wife never has to take a day off for childcare.

I had to add a feature to Middles on Friday. It turns out that lots of people nerdy enough to play word games know ABEYANCE.

On Friday the kid's school was closed, and we went to a Dunkin Donuts which was selling Xmas ornaments. I had to inform the kid that we don't celebrate that holiday. Also, even if we did, we would not spend ten dollars on a shitty plastic ornament from Dunkin Donuts. Not looking forward to two months of being pestered about it. I reluctantly admit that I do enjoy microforest season in Brooklyn, when the evergreen sellers set up on the corners and I can walk briefly in the smell of terpenes on the way to the train. But that doesn't start until after Thanksgiving ("the chocolate mousse pie holiday", per the kid, although actually I will make said pie for any holiday except a kids party since it contains noticeable amounts of triple sec).
posted by novalis_dt at 1:33 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

It's been a wild couple weeks for me. I reconnected with one friend I haven't seen in like six years and we have plans to meet up in a couple months. And my ex and I have been talking again and are maybe going to try to give it another go. I'm a little unsure but I wanna at least give it a try. Could be great. Could end horribly. It's just been a lot going on in a short amount of time. But I'm hopeful.
posted by downtohisturtles at 1:48 PM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

Someone asked me to give updates about my psilocybin microdosing journey.

I have Golden Teacher variety, and I'm doing 0.10-0.15g of dried fruiting body in a capsule in the morning every 3 days.

I'll say, it might be doing things for me? I'm not keeping a diary or anything, maybe I should. Two of the things I've been fighting a lot lately related to my broken mind have been food and sleep, and it seems like I have a better appetite and better sleep the days I do the microdose.

I also quit smoking a while back, using the patches and the tic-tac-size mints, and I think maybe the microdosing helped inspire me to do that, somehow? Although now that I've quit smoking I have all kinds of other parts of my brain chemistry out of whack.

I do think I'm getting far enough beyond that to be hitting a rebalancing now, though... So in another month I'll say another thing, I guess. It's all a journey.
posted by hippybear at 1:57 PM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

So... dogging, eh? Nice of the Worcester News to alert lookie-loos of the hot voyeuring spots.

The Worcester News is a quality journalistic publication, featuring articles on [CW: 30 inch tentacles] increasing your income by working from home, the work of the local emergency services, and reviews of dining establishments.
posted by Wordshore at 1:59 PM on November 13, 2023

Two stories:

1. The house across from my parents' place decorated for Halloween with a bunch of person-sized skeletons, and every day they were in a different position. One night the kids of that household camped outside and the skeletons were menacing their tent, another day they were apparently trying to get into the house. It was pretty hilarious and fun to see those kids having such a good time. When I drove by one time, one of the kids was drinking a mug of something while leaning against one of the skeletons and giving it a hug.

2. Two different people have given me grief for putting out holiday-themed candy in the office candy dish prior to Thanksgiving. "What would be considered Thanksgiving candy?" I asked them, and they had no answer. I hate stores playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving as much as the next guy but come on, you are complaining about free candy.
posted by joannemerriam at 2:11 PM on November 13, 2023 [8 favorites]

My daughter threw out our ancient Worcester sauce and I guess it's OK. I use fish sauce every time I miss it, and maybe a drop of balsamico. We clearly weren't using enough of the Worcester sauce.

Now many of you are heading towards Thanksgiving, I have a suggestion for leftovers. I mentioned in a previous thread that we had goose/duck night here in Europe. So we also had leftover goose/duck. Well, I used my leftover duck to make a 15 minute hot and sour soup, and I will do this again, and again. It did take a bit more than 15 minutes because I made stock out of my duck carcass, but I have a pressure cooker, so it wasn't a lot more time or effort.

When I was younger, I did enjoy sex in the outdoors. In my own perception, it wasn't so much about exhibitionism as it was about fresh air, and connecting with nature. I guess this is up for debate.
posted by mumimor at 2:11 PM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

Summer has started early here (it's still officially Spring for the rest of November) and we've seen hot days up to 35C so I'm dreading January/February as it's going to be a dry year and people are already panicking about bush fire risk. I'm still traumatised from 2019 when fires near me were dropping carbonised leaves onto my house and the smoke reduced visibility down to about 100 meters or less. For weeks.

And randomly my back has decided that it hates me, which is making sitting at my desk and trying to finish the last of my assignments an exercise in sheer willpower and torture. Still, I hope to get my accreditation by early next year and open up an actual office. Scary but in a fun way!

I'm ignoring Christmas - the family is trying to go back to pre-pandemic times and organise a big shindig again but my patience for drama is at an all time low and where I would have cheerfully volunteered to host and cook for 20 people, I'm now considering "catching" something to excuse myself for safety reasons. Said reasons being I may erupt from the couch, screaming, and begin biting people without warning. I feel wayyyyyyy too old for peoples shit right now.
posted by ninazer0 at 2:17 PM on November 13, 2023 [7 favorites]

I exited Civic Center BART this morning and one of the Urban Alchemy guys said "good morning, ma'am" and promptly got on a walkie talkie and said "safe passage." So as I walked to work, every 10 yards or so one of his colleagues would repeat the greeting and walkie talkie the next person down the street.
It was...very weird. There weren't exactly throngs of people out at that hour, so what I'm being protected from is anyone's guess.
I compared notes with coworkers and we think it's something someone cooked up for APEC so the Mayor can say she's being proactive on public safety.
posted by The Ardship of Cambry at 2:18 PM on November 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

Hanukkah is early this year, so I suppose I should snoop around the local Wegmans and see if they have anything out. Last year, there were no cards; the year before, there was only a tiny display that featured fir trees, which is not quite the Hanukkah vibe one tends to look for. At least they have figured out the calendar (for several years running, they were unable to get their minds around the whole "begins at sundown" bit).

The ongoing cyber disaster at the British Library had the unintended effect of doing in the final assignment for my class, so there was some rapid tap-dancing there. Meanwhile, my office computer was replaced today (yay) and can't connect to the internet (boo), which, in today's world, means that it is about as useful as the proverbial paperweight.
posted by thomas j wise at 2:31 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

The past week has been a reminder of what my life was like ten years ago, pre-allergy shots, as I exist with a nasty sinus infection. I have not slept for longer than 1.5 hours at a time in four days and nothing I have tried to alleviate the symptoms has worked. I can’t believe I lived like this for months at a time at one point in my life.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 2:38 PM on November 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

The house across from my parents' place decorated for Halloween with a bunch of person-sized skeletons, and every day they were in a different position.

I love when people do stuff like that.

come on, you are complaining about free candy.


In other news, my friend with all the heart issues JUST FOUND OUT SHE HAS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT HEART CONDITION THAN SHE HAS BEEN TOLD HER ENTIRE LIFE. She has a hole in her heart they just...never found her entire life. (Which in retrospect probably explains why she's been "a medical unicorn" and nobody has been able to figure out how to help her other than changing medications.) At this point she probably just has to get a heart transplant to correct it. Her mind is blown. It's practically a This American Life episode of "I thought my whole life was X but now it's Y."
posted by jenfullmoon at 2:45 PM on November 13, 2023 [9 favorites]

This is a late notice but for those with honkin' good binoculars or telescopes, Uranus is in opposition tonight and may therefore be possibly visible.
Thanks for the tip y2karl! I recently got a pair of Celestron Skymaster binoculars and got my first view of the galilean moons of Jupiter, so I will definitely be out hunting for Uranus tonight.
posted by 3j0hn at 2:50 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

I'm nursing a cold. Not covid, well at least the test was negative. I probably could have gone to work today, but I'm so freakin' tired. I did do some work though and got my Head Starts notes finished and put into the portal. Now to start the same thing for the center's portal (and then back to HS ad infimum).

Randomly in the middle of the day, our oldies station, started playing Christmas music. It put me in a weird mood. I like Christmas, but this is the first one out of our family house. I won't have my own place and I'm just sort of eh about the whole thing. I did buy my Secret Beans gift today.

In the continuing saga of cleaning out the freezer/pantry... Tater tot casserole. I had a pound of cooked brisket I chopped up. Roasted frozen peppers/onion and a couple cans of corn. Made a cheese sauce. Baked for a while and then threw on the remaining cheese mixed with some fried shallots I pick up a few months ago at the Asian market.
posted by kathrynm at 2:53 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

I have seen 5 owls in 2 days here in Chicago. A Snowy Owl, A Short-eared Owl and 3 Long-eared Owls. I also go to see a male American Kestrel play hunting on a beach catching small pieces of drift wood and tossing them over and over. All within in walking distance of my 15th floor apartment. City living delivering the nature experiences.
posted by srboisvert at 3:04 PM on November 13, 2023 [9 favorites]

I have seen 5 owls in 2 days here in Chicago. ... I also got to see a male American Kestrel ...All within in walking distance of my 15th floor apartment.

It's a good thing they can't read MetaFilter, or they'd be tipped off their surveillance is closing in. What DID you do?
posted by hippybear at 3:07 PM on November 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

Today is the first day that feels like I am in my own home, the first time since we moved in, 5? weeks ago. Possibly because we now have a dedicated upstairs cat who has an adorable demanding little squeaky mew and we napped together today; I vow to post pictures as soon as I have my home office a bit more together. We're not planning much of anything for Thanksgiving, a luxury of time since no relatives are nearby and we get a social pass because our new/old house needs so much work. I can find things, sort of; I have to go find some crescent wrenches for a plumbing project. Nice people tell me that unpacking is better than packing, but I'm trying to make sure things don't fall apart when we're in steady freeze weather, unpacking isn't even a thing yet.
But I can learn from the past! I saw the as yet rather small mountain display of panettone at Eataly and bought one right away, instead of waiting like last year, so now I can have it for dinner with iced coffee while watching plumbing videos and petting Squeaker. It also pairs nicely with Laphroaig if you like that.
I like sparkly lights in winter, trees of all kinds, decorations, but the music and the crap and worst of all the blow-your-sinuses-holiday scents are just ugh. Yet another reason for masking up.
posted by winesong at 3:11 PM on November 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

"What would be considered Thanksgiving candy?"

Reese's Miniature Cups are the perfect year-round candy, as far as I'm concerned.
posted by Greg_Ace at 3:25 PM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

"What would be considered Thanksgiving candy?"

I recently learned of a ?Central American? tradition of dense-paste sweet pumpkin, like membrillo quince paste. I nominate that. (Membrillo too! More quince!)
posted by clew at 3:34 PM on November 13, 2023

The canonical candy for Thanksgiving is candy corn. It's so obvious I'm surprised the question has even been asked.

I'm not saying you have to like this Thanksgiving candy, that is candy corn. I'm just saying, that is the Thanksgiving candy.
posted by hippybear at 3:36 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

Thanksgiving candy is the candy you bought for Halloween; in the US it's the stale leftovers, but in Canada since Thanksgiving is in early October, you get to eat the fresh candy you bought in advance, and then you have to buy more for Halloween.

When I first moved to Canada I was kind of put off by the dramatically altered timing of Thanksgiving, but it was explained to me that if we didn't have it in early October but instead in late November, there would be nothing fresh to eat. I came around pretty fast.
posted by seanmpuckett at 3:41 PM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

it was explained to me that if we didn't have it in early October but instead in late November, there would be nothing fresh to eat

There is a lesson to be learned there about habitable zones, but it seems to have not been learned yet.

Given climate change, you might have to move that date to November before either of us die.
posted by hippybear at 3:46 PM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

But I can learn from the past! I saw the as yet rather small mountain display of panettone at Eataly and bought one right away, instead of waiting like last year, so now I can have it for dinner with iced coffee while watching plumbing videos and petting Squeaker. It also pairs nicely with Laphroaig if you like that.

Wow, that is inspiring! Maybe I should try to get to the Italian market tomorrow for panettone. Or maybe I should try to bake one? I did an attempt ages ago, and it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. But I have learnt a lot since then.
posted by mumimor at 3:49 PM on November 13, 2023

FFS If David Cameron somehow wrangles his way into being UK Prime Minster AGAIN - I swear,  I'mma  loose my remaining frikkin marbles.
posted by Faintdreams at 3:58 PM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

I am also so confused about this all of November Black Friday situation in the US. I'm buying a house and need a lot of stuff (everything from a ladder to a refrigerator), which I thought was great timing because of sales. Now I'm not sure if these are the sales or if I should wait for the real sales or if I wait will it all be sold out? There are bigger problems in the world but after wiring my life savings yesterday I'd love to save whatever money I can.
posted by Bunglegirl at 4:04 PM on November 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

Before our first walk today, I looked outside, where is was actually sunny, and chose my non-rain jacket. Not a block from home the heavens opened (with the sun still shining) and thereafter it was a grump march. Mr dog doesn't mind so much, but human hates getting cold and wet. We turned around at Nazi HQ instead of field of sheepies (Nazi HQ is the neighborhood loud-and-proud trumper).

Car insurance is this month's "Irregular bill which eats the tiny margin you otherwise had" (I pay it every six months as a lump sum, catches me off-guard every time). And the propane could not be put off any longer, hot water, oven and heat all desired. Spirit of the long-dark season.

I realize most folks don't inherit anything from their parents (as I didn't), but a buddy who is themselves a millionaire just inherited another million from his mom and turns out I'm not very good at not being envious--and definitely am not here for financial advice from them nor listening to complaints their sibling is going to "throw away" their similarly-sized share on silly things like bills and a down-payment on a house. Oh, well.

I really have turned into a bitter old man, I guess. Hope I don't smell too much like one!
posted by maxwelton at 4:12 PM on November 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

Now I'm not sure if these are the sales or if I should wait for the real sales or if I wait will it all be sold out?

Oh, this is the ETERNAL game of capitalism in the US, and it's only gotten worse as time has gotten on.

Do you buy your grill during the Early Spring Sales Event when it seems to be cheap, or do you buy it during the Memorial Day Grill Moment, when it might be cheaper than before or was it? And if it was cheaper before, like you can remember, then do you buy it now because maybe it won't be cheaper again? And then there are the 4th Of July sales, because Cookouts Are American! So it's cheap then, right? But did you track the prices from before, and if it isn't cheaper now, did you miss out earlier, or is it now cheaper and so you win? And when the End Of Season Clearance events start, and surely THESE are the cheapest prices possible! On clearance, right? But did you track the prices from before? And if these AREN'T these cheapest prices, then what were? When were they? Did you manage to take the correct leap at the right time?

This is what "shopping for the best deal" is in the US. A year-round catalog of price drops that may or may not be better than previous price drops but who is managing THAT kind of spreadsheet?

I'm pretty sure SOMEONE is managing that spreadsheet, and they might have a website online. I don't know what website is, but maybe someone does.

Honestly, I'm not outfitting a new house, so every time I've needed a new appliance I've scouted out prices for about a year and bought the dip if I saw one.

My most basic advice for you is: buy the best you can for the things you need to rely on, and go to Harbor Freight for a lot of the rest, at least early on. There will be a moral equivalent to "Harbor Freight" for any other purchase category, I don't know all their names. A cheap discount retailer selling serviceable but not great stuff at prices better than you're expecting.

Use that kind of retail for all the stuff you might need once when you're starting out. If you need it more than a few times and it breaks from the cheap place, buy it from someplace better next time. Eventually you get a collection of things that are good quality.

If you want to be serious about al this stuff, subscribe to Consumer Reports magazine. You can't get their content for free online, you have to pay for it, but paying for their content means you pay for the work they do, buying and testing and rating products entirely without advertising support or any other kind of dilution of their brand.

CR will give you a good idea of what you should EXPECT to pay for products at varying quality levels, and so if you have that in your pocket you can know if you're getting an exceptionally good deal on something or not.

This is a very long answer to say a lot of nothing, but maybe you can find something useful in it.
posted by hippybear at 4:16 PM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

I have only ever heard of Harbor Freight on Ask Metafilter so I gave it a look. I see that it's mostly in the suburbs near me nowhere near public transport. Who buys a ladder without a car you say!? Well, I would try to put it on my bike first. This is going to be interesting. I figured I would have to buy a car right away but I'm feeling like trying to hold out a while kind of like I try to make it until Halloween before turning on my heat.

The Chicago Public Library has free access to Consumer Reports online and I have been studiously reading it! My mom has so many tools that I figure I can slowly relocate them to my house. Apparently today she bought me a snow shovel and a bag of salt as a housewarming present : /
posted by Bunglegirl at 4:37 PM on November 13, 2023 [7 favorites]

For something like a ladder, and similar one-time trips, another option is to rent a U-Haul van for a day. Probably cheaper than a taxi/Uber, and safer than trying to tote it on a bike.
posted by Greg_Ace at 4:51 PM on November 13, 2023 [4 favorites]

Apparently today she bought me a snow shovel and a bag of salt as a housewarming present : /

This is actually a very sweet housewarming gift. There is symbolism to receiving a broom or something like that to clear the ground with and salt for your new house. The broom [I'm substituting the shovel here] is a symbol of all the things you will clear away from your old life that you want to get rid of as you get into your new space, and the salt is a symbol that your life in your new house will have the spice you need.

Here's a bullshit search result that can show you these symbols aren't me making shit up.
posted by hippybear at 4:53 PM on November 13, 2023 [9 favorites]

another option is to rent a U-Haul van for a day

If you live in the right kind of metro area, you can rent vehicles by the hour.
posted by hippybear at 4:54 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

Good point, hippybear. You've got me seriously considering buying myself a sack of salt to cleanse my house. Fairly sure that flinging it directly at the source of bad vibes whilst screeching "Get out! OUT!!!" will render my house drama free for Christmas. Def cheaper than therapy, and absolutely cheaper than bail. Will pool salt work, do you think?
posted by ninazer0 at 5:13 PM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

On my corporate network, I discovered a text file named ZDONOTDELETE.TXT.

The contents?

ɪꜰ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪʟᴇ ɪꜱ ᴅᴇʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ, ᴀɴ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛ ɪꜱ ꜱᴇɴᴛ.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴅᴇʟᴇᴛᴇ ᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪʟᴇ.

I'm so, so tempted...
posted by lock robster at 5:32 PM on November 13, 2023 [11 favorites]

For you 3j0hn:

How to See Uranus Through a Telescope in 2023.

I will be out soon myself.

In general, All Souls Day is November 1st and the beginning of winter on the cross-quarter calendar. Spring begins on Groundhog Day fka Bear Day aka Candlemas in ancient Europe with the same if it saw its shadow protocol. Summer begins on May Day and Autumn on August 1st, known as Lammas Day or Michaelmas, a day for which us USians have no holiday. All of these make far more sense than starting the seasons on their midpoints of equinox and solstice. Shakespeare didn't call it a Midsummer's Night Dream for nothing after all.
posted by y2karl at 5:33 PM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

Go for it!

Just to see what will happen.

"It was an accident."

That is some low-hanging anti-authoritarian shit right there. Why is this file so important?
posted by Windopaene at 5:35 PM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

Fairly sure that flinging [salt] directly at the source of bad vibes whilst screeching "Get out! OUT!!!" will render my house drama free for Christmas. Def cheaper than therapy, and absolutely cheaper than bail.

Especially if you fling it really hard! But not so hard you throw your shoulder out, requiring a visit to the DR....
posted by Greg_Ace at 6:29 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

lock robster - Make a copy of the file before deleting it, wait for the tocsin to be sounded and the beacons to be lit, then replace it again and act innocent if anyone asks you anything.
posted by Greg_Ace at 6:32 PM on November 13, 2023 [5 favorites]

and, you know, keep fingers crossed there is no form of logging for any of those actions.
posted by hippybear at 6:35 PM on November 13, 2023 [3 favorites]

Fair point, but any IT staff that would use "don't delete this file" as a security measure probably doesn't have the most comprehensive logging set up....
posted by Greg_Ace at 7:49 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

IT folk don't probably know what kind of default logging they have "set up"...
posted by Windopaene at 8:28 PM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

Chesterton’s fence, yo.

I spent a while thinking about funny things to append but it’s so jury-rigged that I couldn’t do it myself. Might be load bearing. Probably should find out why it’s there.
posted by clew at 8:52 PM on November 13, 2023

Incidentally, 'load bearing text file' is the name of my next sockpuppet account.
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:56 PM on November 13, 2023 [6 favorites]

Load bearing test sock. Sock bearing test file.

(Some kind of semiautomatic sock/anon provision with nyms drawn from a group-populated list. Divination by nym draw. Theories of cabal control.)
posted by clew at 9:14 PM on November 13, 2023

Joe, don't touch that!
posted by MrVisible at 9:26 PM on November 13, 2023 [1 favorite]

Too-early Christmas came here in the form of the drive-through lights display, which I think normally doesn’t show up til after Thanksgiving. Wordshore, take note, if your plans to winter in south central Wisconsin came to fruition, and if you like light-up kitsch. The big physics lab sponsors one display and I swear to god it looks like a uterus.

I’m still sour about Halloween - someone wrecked one of the legs of our silly kraken display, in a way it’s hard to take for an accident. Anyone here know whether lacquered plywood is the kind of thing you can repair? Although it may not be worth it; I vented a bit about the damage to a neighbor who passed by and she said perhaps overly diplomatically that she didn’t think the damage detracted much at all.
posted by eirias at 11:29 PM on November 13, 2023 [2 favorites]

Related to sales season bewilderment: does anyone else wonder about weird things that are out of stock (or suddenly reappear) these days? I feel it's like living in a sci-fi novel where tiny things are off, rather than big issues, so the disaster is more like an itch than a total breakdown (to begin with). For several months, wet dog food was either out of stock or very expensive. Now the prices are lower than in the before times, to my dog's great relief, since he doesn't do well with dry food. But how can dog food specifically be scarce? There was cat food on the shelves the whole time.
Now it's sesame oil. What happened to all the sesame oil? I found one 500 ml bottle and it cost the equivalent of 18 dollars. That is too much, we will eat our rice with sunflower oil. But what happened? I can get tahini. I can get sesame seeds.
And lamb chops. I have a craving for lamb chops, but I haven't seen any for ages. Where are the lamb chops? The rest of the lamb is there, but no chops and no crown of lamb.
And to further confuse me, it's rarely the things they say will be scarce: in the local media, they keep on saying sunflower oil will be scarce because of the war in Ukraine, but in real life, there are tons of it, and prices are low.
Yesterday, when I was shopping for normal household stuff, there were empty shelves all over the supermarket, but nothing is said in the media about it.
posted by mumimor at 12:47 AM on November 14, 2023 [5 favorites]

The annual health care enrollment period has a special side note this year since the Sweet Baboo is turning 65. And as a retired state employee he is attending virtual meetings about Medicare and supplemental programs.

Keep in mind, this is Oklahoma. Unless you live in OKC or Tulsa, internet service is hit-or-miss out here in the boondocks. Dial-up is still a thing in some counties.
But that is all the help available for the thousands of retired state employees, like my in-laws. They are in their nineties, not tech-savvy, and the internet at their farm is a mess.
We are taking notes for them.
You can ask follow-up questions during the virtual meeting, or make a phone call or email. But this assumes that the retiree was able to catch the entire lecture.

We have three more virtual meetings this week, and luckily a friend with better internet connections has let us sit in on her lectures at her daughter's house.
The state is still putting on several benefits fairs for the health insurance options. But these are come-and-go events, not presentations. If you don't know the right questions you won't get the answers.

For my part, it's two years until I catch up with what the husband is doing. So I am taking my own notes.
posted by TrishaU at 4:47 AM on November 14, 2023 [2 favorites]

The ongoing cyber disaster at the British Library
thomas j wise

That's curious.
The Toronto Public Library system also fell victim to a cyber attack October 27.
So a day or two earlier.
It's still down two weeks later.
posted by yyz at 6:47 AM on November 14, 2023

If you live in the right kind of metro area, you can rent vehicles by the hour.

You can buy a ladder at Home Depot and rent a truck for $19 for 75 minutes to get it home (or less- they give refunds if you bring it back earlier - they charge in 15 minute increments). I have this folding ladder than that goes all the way up to 22 ft. It's great. I recommend. It was on some kind of sale a few years ago for just over $100.
posted by The_Vegetables at 8:02 AM on November 14, 2023 [1 favorite]

I'm jealous of those of you who still enjoy Christmas. I used to, and I still have a brief, involuntary positive response to the better Christmas music, but family dysfunction and the decades of forced pantomime of "family Christmas" (when there's now just 3 of us and we're all seniors) has sucked any joy out of the season for me. I call this part of the year the Christmas Death March, and I can't wait for January. Kind of sad.

Given my druthers, I would happily work Christmas day at a shelter or something. But I can't, for reasons.

Sorry for whining. Also, the power steering on my truck just started leaking volumes and I'm dreading the bill to fix that. Bah humbug.
posted by Artful Codger at 10:01 AM on November 14, 2023 [4 favorites]

Nothing makes me feel more like an adult than coordinating my Christmas tree delivery long in advance, and it has the added benefit of making me feel rather impervious to the temptation of Too Early Christmasing. Like, it's taken care of! It'll get here.

I've also been a bit sick (the usual mystery cold that never tests positive but wow does it suck!) and too tired to really think much on the holidays. Partner and I are just holing up ourselves with a bunch of excellent takeout and baked goods so at least for the next week or two there's not much for me to do. (Except cakes and pies, which is no hardship.)

But my hope is that after I've had the little Thanksgiving break I will be ready to CHRISTMAS FULL THROTTLE. It's been years since I felt festive about it, I'm very extremely here for this return to form.
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 10:03 AM on November 14, 2023 [4 favorites]

Cattle producer Colin Deveraux survives crocodile attack after biting back

this is why australians always carry worchestershire sauce on their utility belts
posted by pyramid termite at 10:27 AM on November 14, 2023 [3 favorites]

the dirty bastard [the crocodile]

😆 Glad they clarified for us!
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:32 AM on November 14, 2023

He said the crocodile which attacked him would not be harming anyone else and had been "removed".

In pieces, to his freezer? Is saltwater croc meat edible?
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:35 AM on November 14, 2023

LOL Christmas Optimism followed approximately 45 minutes later by the almost certain knowledge that I will lose my job in the next few months. WHOOPS.
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 10:54 AM on November 14, 2023 [5 favorites]

My partner put in her two week notice at her job yesterday after accidentally learning her wages were 75% of that of her coworker who was hired relatively recently and does far less work. Unfortunately, we're dependent on two salaries, and she's had difficulty finding work since we moved to this city, a situation which has only gotten worse now that any prospective workplace needs to accommodate her chronic illness and its immunosuppressant treatments. Quitting her job is absolutely the right thing to do, and I'm fully supportive of this. But I'm also quite stressed, and I don't really have anywhere to vent that stress, so ... here it is!
posted by The Great Big Mulp at 12:08 PM on November 14, 2023 [5 favorites]

TW: BUMMER THEATER - sorry, I got nothing much good to report today

I’ve been really sick - as has the whole household - for over three weeks and the last few days have been the worst - fever, seriously alarming amounts of snot - just the pits. So yesterday I dragged myself to the doctor who told me I had a severe sinus infection and prescribed antibiotics and steroids. The steroids are also for my shoulder which has been playing up (that’s the tough cool way to say I’ve been in steady and occasionally pretty extreme shoulder / neck pain for the last six weeks.) This is the same doctor I saw about that five weeks ago and I thought he was dismissive then, which was upsetting and also insurance denied the MRI I had to push him to refer, and I kind of blamed him for that. Yesterday though he was super nice and seemed to take me way more seriously and really believe me. Probably helped that I was at a low ebb and about started crying when he tried to see how bad the shoulder was. He didn’t know the MRI had been denied and he was mad, but he’s sending me for X-rays as a first step, so that’s all good. Anyway antibiotics are a miracle: I took one last night and I slept! Solidly! For the first time in days! I slept 15 hours with breaks every five or so and when I woke up my fever was gone. Now if we can just get antibiotics for everyone please please, so far they have only okayed them for two of us. Breaking news! After 2 traumatic doctor visits and a phone consultation, the Toddler has been granted antibiotics! I am so glad but also furious that she had to get so very sick before they would consider it.

I am going to have to do Cobra for this month to cover all this, which is a blow. The ACA agreed I could get insurance through them right away but actually finding a plan that works in my rural area was a freaking nightmare and so expensive and, anyway, I missed the deadline for November. I get so angry trying to deal with this horrible insane cruel system and that makes it even harder. I spent five hours online and on the phone - the marketplace told me to call the doctors office, the office told me to call the insurance company, the insurance company told me to call the marketplace - and got nowhere. This is designed to discourage people and make them prey for predatory “insurance” companies and I hate this goddamn country more each day.

So when I left my job on October 6 I had all these plans for things I needed to do and stuff I needed to catch up on and nothing has been done. Nothing. There’s heavy duty family drama going on in the household which is not helping and just, everybody’s sick. So everything is trashed and to make it all worse a whole bunch more fairly serious breaking down house issues - leaks! - are happening. This is just - I really could use a break. I filed for unemployment and am explaining that I was forced out due to a hostile work environment, which is true, but I don’t know if it will work. Keep your fingers crossed. I also interviewed last week (during a slightly less sick day, phew) for a part time state job for which I am somewhat ludicrously overqualified, so will have to wait and see on that one. I need to get some income sorted out, right away.

Sorry! So long and so depressing! I haven’t done a damn thing about Thanksgiving beyond decreeing that it will be low key and vegan, so here’s hoping for cheerier times!
posted by mygothlaundry at 12:14 PM on November 14, 2023 [10 favorites]

I love the idea of candy corn as the Thanksgiving candy - but everything in the office candy bowl is individually wrapped (for I hope obvious reasons, especially if you know we are a hospital).

Right now we have red-foil caramels, peppermint kisses, three kinds of dove chocolate with gift-wrapping foil, rolos, and peanut butter cups in gold foils.

I put far too much thought into that candy bowl. January will be assorted leftovers, February red and pink, and then we're in spring pastels which are my favorite mainly because the caramel mix I order is called "unicorn colors."
posted by joannemerriam at 12:35 PM on November 14, 2023 [2 favorites]

Welp, my next evaluation won't be for three fucking weeks. The clock is ticking, people, and they'll probably take forever after THAT one.

I feel really effed up today. I've slept very little since the start of My Mental Health Journey. (Note: doctor who prescribed this stuff is gone this week, so I can't ask.) Frankly, a lot of this is exactly what I was afraid of and exactly why I didn't want to reach out for medical help. I feel worse, actually. I'd probably be feeling fine if not for the insomnia but hoo boy, this is the worst I've ever had and the longest duration. I really don't think I can go back to work with this continuing, but I won't have any choice about it once my leave is up.
posted by jenfullmoon at 4:35 PM on November 14, 2023 [3 favorites]

Y'all, I am very sorry for engaging with Bing at all, but I really wanted a picture of the Easter Bunny peeking out from behind a calendar saying, "Guess who is only 8 weeks away," to torment a friend. What I got is so demented I felt compelled to share.
posted by ob1quixote at 7:44 PM on November 14, 2023 [4 favorites]

ob1quixote, that image is, as my GenZ child would say, cursed. It has that wonderful Wacky Wednesday property of machine learning art where a cursory glance makes it seem banal, but the longer you look, the more horrible stuff you see.
posted by eirias at 5:18 AM on November 15, 2023

I have seen 5 owls in 2 days here in Chicago. ... I also got to see a male American Kestrel ...All within in walking distance of my 15th floor apartment.

It's a good thing they can't read MetaFilter, or they'd be tipped off their surveillance is closing in. What DID you do?

They were all well surveilled and likely pretty aware of it but they were chill enough to groom which means they were relaxed. There was probably about $150K worth of camera gear at any give time out on the beach to photograph the snowy owl during the day it was there.
posted by srboisvert at 5:54 AM on November 15, 2023

I came back to the UK in 2016, 5 minutes before the Brexit referendum. The plan had been to retire here. It's as close to 'home' as I know after a lifetime of living and working abroad. Plus, Mrs Rick, the lovely and wonderful Rickessa, loves the galleries, museums, theatres and restaurants..... But then Brexit.....ouch... and then much worse... it rapidly became apparent how damaged we the Brits had become. So many people were/are angry, resentful, xenophobic, insular, beleaguered, eager to scapegoat, despondent, without hope, with little to no sense of agency, ideological in a magic thinking, magic blaming way, pragmatism was gone, anti intellectualism had remained. If anything it's worse 7 years later (hellfire, have I lived here for 7 years?!) now they're too tired to be angry, weary, cynically resigned and without expectations. In my little world, my corner of inner city London, the divide, very roughly speaking, is racial. I've described the whites. Am I really talking like this? Seems I am. The middle class whites seem to have gone for internal, well heeled exile, and a systematic not knowing or seeing of the country's plight. The white working class has dug in. The angriest appear to be those between, once we'd have said the petit bourgeoisie or something. It is an intensely multi cultural area - what collective can I safely refer to? No idea. Ok. Hope seems alive in the East African peoples (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia), the Chinese, overwhelmingly young, wealthy students buzz with life and laughter..... I'll stop there. This is doubtless ludicrous over generalising. I wonder if any one is as happy as I am that the Supreme Court kicked out the appalling Rwanda policy? That the no less appalling Braverman has gone too? And why am I happy? It won't change much. Maybe just because it's a hint, a teeny tiny hint of decency, a step back from the endless demonising of minorities, the othering of responsibility for our problems (who is left to blame, I wonder?) and with it there's a little glimmer of hope for what we might be again? Who knows? I am happy with these 2 bits of news that's all. Good luck today Holloway, you're a leaky sieve of a life boat but life boat you are for many decent and deserving people.
posted by dutchrick at 7:10 AM on November 15, 2023 [1 favorite]

Greg Ace: croc meat is not only edible but delicious. Think chewy chicken with a hint of swordfish and you're sort of there in terms of taste and texture. I've had it grilled as satay skewers, in curries, and as jerky (which was sadly bland - could def have had a snappier seasoning).
posted by ninazer0 at 2:15 PM on November 15, 2023

The steroids are also for my shoulder which has been playing up (that’s the tough cool way to say I’ve been in steady and occasionally pretty extreme shoulder / neck pain for the last six weeks.)

For whatever this is worth when I had a severe sinus infection this past August it made my sinuses, my neck and my trapezius on the same side all hurt. It was pretty brutal. Your issues may all have the same cause.
posted by srboisvert at 2:36 PM on November 15, 2023 [2 favorites]

croc meat is not only edible but delicious.

I've had fresh-water alligator, which was meh - like slightly fishy pork (and as you say, chewy). I guess I'm missing out on a taste treat here in the states...not that I'm hoping for invasive crocodiles in the US!
posted by Greg_Ace at 3:52 PM on November 15, 2023

The one time I had alligator it was cooked by a guy who was all "I know how to cook meat leave me alone" when I mentioned that maybe he should look up preparation methods for said meat. As such, whatever kind of brining or other prep that might have been required plus whatever cooking methods that others could have already worked out were ignored. And we ended up with something awful that we both tried but did not actually eat to any measurable amount. It was an expensive hunk of flesh, but hey! He bought it, and he cooked it, and so he threw his own money away. No skin off my back.
posted by hippybear at 4:05 PM on November 15, 2023

The only skin was off the gator's back...
posted by Greg_Ace at 4:57 PM on November 15, 2023

Well, per consultation with a pharmacist today as to whether or not I'm permitted to take OTC sleep meds (sure, it's fine), I told her it takes me an hour to swallow a pill and are there any tips for that? I got, "That's not good," and no, BUT she said there's a crushable/less long duration version of my medication that I could take instead. God, that'd be great.

I note that telling various "medical professionals" that I haven't slept much for twelve days didn't seem to shock anyone, as opposed to telling certain friends (one of whom demanded I go to urgent care right away) and my therapist, whose eyes were bugging out of Zoom.

Also, they aren't kidding on the appetite suppressant thing. I've gone from my usual hunger going from on a scale from 1-10 being 5-10 (the last day I was legit very hungry was the first pill day) to like 1-2, literally forgetting to eat all day, not even feeling like finishing my dinner here. I'm not sure if this is a problem or not since given my birth control, I do. not. lose. weight. If I actually got thinner I'd faint from shock.

So yeah, fun to figure out 1.5 weeks in that yes, I DO have side effects, albeit only one of them bothers me as being a problem.
posted by jenfullmoon at 5:25 PM on November 15, 2023 [3 favorites]

Following up on the annual health care enrollment period webnars which were aired on Wednesday, the sweet husband and I lost about ten minutes of internet connection during the morning virtual meeting and then lost the first 15 minutes of the afternoon virtual meeting. And we have good internet, compared to most retired state employees.
We had the PowerPoint files downloaded and could follow along, and as usual most of the insurance plan presenters read from a script. But there were some audience questions and a few off-script remarks that made the webnars worth watching.
Luckily there are a couple of benefit fairs still scheduled in different cities. More questions, more deadlines.

Today we get our flu and COVID-19 boosters at Target/CVS Pharmacy.
Friday we catch the last webnar on Pre-Medicare options.
And we are making an annual thing of Turkey Day at the house of Honorable Youngest Offspring. Yay!
posted by TrishaU at 4:40 AM on November 16, 2023 [1 favorite]

Thank you srboisvert! that may help explain why this sinus infection has been so particularly brutal: they’re playing off each other. Unfortunately the underlying shoulder issue is a long-standing rotator cuff impingement problem going back at least three years and more likely a decade to when the original injury occurred, sigh. But you’ve given me hope, maybe as the infection ebbs some of the shoulder pain will as well. It isn’t usually this acute for this long.
posted by mygothlaundry at 5:21 AM on November 16, 2023 [1 favorite]

Motherfucker, The Regrettes are breaking up :-(
posted by Gorgik at 9:17 AM on November 16, 2023

Not for the first time, and surely not the last, I wish I had the kind of money to help my sister get out of her marriage and into a new life.
posted by Kitteh at 9:42 AM on November 16, 2023 [3 favorites]

Last night I used my insomnia to good use by picking up a friend at the ER at 1:30 a.m.

This morning, I could not get the pill down, I pretty much gag-barfed it up four times in a row. Then I finally heard from my HMO and the fill-in doctor saying I can stop taking the pills. Thank gawd. This has been awful. I can't even brush my teeth after all of that and I am not going to try to eat for awhile, my throat is wrecked.

On a related note, pharmacist said yesterday there's a version of this pill at a lower dose that you CAN crush, but when I asked if there were liquid versions of anything, said they don't exist. Then I heard from a friend this morning saying yes, liquid Prozac (at least) exists. For crying out loud in a bucket.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:57 AM on November 16, 2023 [1 favorite]

More whining from me. Yes my truck requires a new steering rack and all hoses. Rotten with rust. $2k. It's an uncommon failure on a Japanese vehicle that's got less than 130000km on it. My mechanic has pointed out other condition issues too... that admittedly weren't caught by an initial inspection. So it's not quite the mint condition used vehicle we thought we were getting. I've had it for only 29 months and hardly used it (6000km in that period), but repairs are approaching $3.5k with this one included. I think the dealer pulled a fast one on us (eg opaque "rustproofing" on the bottom, a well-blended but slapdash repaint). Revenge fantasies are playing behind my eyelids. I'm too far away from the purchase date to have any sort of legal claim. Grrr.

AT THE SAME TIME, I fully realize that I'm healthy, and that I can easily afford the $2k, while many of you are not so fortunate. So... I will laugh at my puny problem, and wish the rest of you better health, happiness and improved circumstances.
posted by Artful Codger at 3:11 PM on November 16, 2023 [1 favorite]

Update on annual health care enrollment period webnars, the last lecture for Pre-Medicare went seamlessly. No internet issues, and it was for the most part what we had watched in October. Huh.
The Sweet Baboo and I are poked and prodded for the winter. One shot per arm, and a bit of tiredness today for me and no symptoms for the husband. This is fine.
Honorable Youngest Offspring is hosting Friendsgiving tonight at her house. She hasn't made the Turkey Day menu yet, but we got ahead of ourselves and now have several bags of no-bake cookies, because why not?
And have a Happy Autumn Festival weekend. Drive safely and may all your leftovers be well-labeled and delicious!
posted by TrishaU at 10:21 AM on November 17, 2023 [1 favorite]

Feral Cat Update: They're fine. I'm pretty sure they're fine, I'm watching for any signs of feline leukemiavirus, but all five cats seem healthy.


Tonight, I brought them their after-dinner treats and brought in their food dish. By the time I came inside, washed it and put it away, there was a big, dark shape at the treat dish outside. So I got all excited, thinking it was one of the itinerant stray dogs I feed from time to time, and I got a can of dog food and a dish and went out to greet them.

Not a dog.

A javelina was eating the cat treats.

I backed away and went inside, and watched as Gregory demolished the cat treats, drank his fill of water, approached one of the cats (who was having none of it and made a very rapid exit) and then found a nice little patch of gravel and settled in.

I have a javelina sleeping in my yard as I write this. Fifty pounds of muscle and hair and smell and a distinct lack of patience for shenanigans, just snoozing near the cat tree.

I'm really not sure what to do if he makes a habit of this.
posted by MrVisible at 4:58 PM on November 17, 2023 [5 favorites]

The sinus infection is clearing slowly, at a glacial pace.

A.S. Byatt died. I am swept back to the early 1990’s. Between Byatt and Tartt, it was an interesting time to be an English major. Especially if one was also 1/2 of a set of boy/girl fraternal twins. I went on a rant once in one of my classes about the use of incestuous twin relationships (I had encountered a fair amount in my reading that term across my classes, it was rather weird). My professor (who was brilliant and has since passed away from caught-too-late-breast-cancer) humorously suggested that I may have some “unresolved issues”, which invoked a OH HELL NO response from me.

I loved Byatt’s writing. I got to see her lecture once at the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh. She spoke of sex and autographed a book of her short stories for me. Most of the books written by her were discarded in the great pandemic purge, but I kept the short stories. And Possession remains, always, a favorite of mine.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 5:05 PM on November 17, 2023 [5 favorites]

Oh my god, I hadn't heard about Byatt. (I was so in love with Posession at a certain age!!!!) Can't some bad writers die, to balance the scales a little bit?
posted by mittens at 5:47 PM on November 17, 2023 [1 favorite]

After a third date, I've decided not to plan a fourth. We've had pleasant timed chatting, but with the "pleasant" trending toward "mild". But this was literally only the second woman I've contacted since getting back into dating, so I'm disappointed but not discouraged (feel free to wager on when I will get discouraged; I may even place a bet myself).
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:18 AM on November 19, 2023

Welp, now I have laryngitis. I wouldn't care so much except I have multiple appointments tomorrow that require a lot of talking and then I have to go back to work. It's gonna be fun explaining everything with the way I sound right now :(
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:34 AM on November 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

I went out to refill the hummingbird feeders a few minutes ago and discovered one of them was almost completely empty. One feisty customer got right up in my face, easily within touching distance (had I the audacity to try), to let me know in no uncertain terms that he was Most Dissatisfied with my service. When I brought back out the clean but empty feeders to refill and re-hang them, he immediately jumped on one and tried to drink before I'd even set them down, let alone filled them! Calm down mister, you're not you when you're hangry...
posted by Greg_Ace at 3:50 PM on November 19, 2023 [3 favorites]

so I'm disappointed but not discouraged

Have you considered perhaps indoor chinchilla farming? Not for their fur, but for companionship, and not for any reason other than it will distract you so entirely that you would have no room for either disappointment or discouragement.
posted by hippybear at 9:18 PM on November 19, 2023

I can think of a lot of strategies for meeting people, but chinchilla farming?
posted by TrishaU at 9:22 PM on November 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

Have you considered perhaps indoor chinchilla farming?

I'm chin-chilly on the idea. Not to mention it's against the terms of my lease.
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:36 PM on November 19, 2023

Good Monday morning MetaFilter, and there's a new Free Thread.
posted by Wordshore at 2:39 AM on November 20, 2023

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