November 5, 2002
1:09 PM   Subscribe

Rally in Canada against the war on Iraq This site lists the dates, times, and places in Canada for upcoming rallies protesting the war and sanctions against Iraq. Canadian rallies are planned for the weekend of November 16, 2002.
If you read The Fire This Time: U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, you'll know why we should protest the murder of thousands of innocents Iraqis through warfare and sanctions. Protest the theft of another countries resources. Strike a blow for freedom!
posted by timbley (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason:

I was originally going to tee off of this, incredulous that anyone could cite Clark, that tired old apologist for genocide, as a credible source for anything. But then I thought, this post is so stupid ("Strike a blow for freedom!" indeed) that it must be from someone who wants to discredit the antiwar folks, and then I figured, heck, this thread is going to get deleted anyway.
posted by mojohand at 1:18 PM on November 5, 2002

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