Beat me, Daddy!
April 29, 2005 9:05 AM   Subscribe

Friday Flash Fun. Take out your aggressions on this little guy, earn $$$, then spend it on more interesting ways of hurting him. I like putting a George Bush skin on him, laying down some mines (tip: they also stick to the walls), and handing him a grenade.
posted by Daddio (12 comments total)
Me loves firing rockets at Bush boy ....
posted by homodigitalis at 9:26 AM on April 29, 2005

Better yet, lay down about 20 grenades, then switch to the fire hose.

You have misunderestimated my bravery!

Thanks, Daddio.
posted by mrgrimm at 9:39 AM on April 29, 2005

Fill the area with bowling balls, toss in the bouncing gravity well, and bash away with Mr.Flail. It's like the devil's own pinball!

Great fun!
posted by robocop is bleeding at 10:00 AM on April 29, 2005

I've found that you up the amount of items on the screen to about 12, load it with grenades, and go till you get about $100. Then you buy missles, and play "patriot vs scud". Do that till you get about $400, then buy the scripting engine.

Played with that for a couple of mins, then lost interest.
Still, fun little toy.
posted by fnord at 10:49 AM on April 29, 2005

Since this game adds a little political violence to the stew, I think those of you who enjoy Duck Hunt and want some more Friday Flash Fun might enjoy this: Ted Nugent's Clock Tower Rampage

I'm a new member and I'm not sure if this is a bit too much for a main Metafilter link, but it's guaranteed to bring about discussion, hopefully of the intelligent sort.
posted by jorbs at 11:01 AM on April 29, 2005

I've found that you up the amount of items on the screen to about 12, load it with grenades, and go till you get about $100. Then you buy missles, and play "patriot vs scud". Do that till you get about $400, then buy the scripting engine.

Then load the "ex-baseballs" example script, change the second line's 4 to a 1 (to increase frequency), close the script window to start the barrage, and go to lunch. On return you'll have enough cash to buy all the skins and items.
posted by jayCampbell at 12:00 PM on April 29, 2005

Anyone else having issues getting it to work? It worked for a few minutes, then locked up flash. Now when I reload (even after a reboot), it just sits there and crashes. Linux, Firefox and Mozilla.
posted by bh at 12:11 PM on April 29, 2005

It does set a cookie so that it remembers your settings. Maybe try clearing the cookie?
posted by Daddio at 12:33 PM on April 29, 2005

set the rubber balls bouncing around, then set the balls on fire with the flamethrower. The flaming balls will catch the man on fire. Even the firehose does not seem to be able to put everthing out at once, so everything reignites and keeps on burning.
posted by MonkeySaltedNuts at 1:00 PM on April 29, 2005

Daddio - that might have been it. I just saved the file and loaded it locally, everything worked again.
posted by bh at 1:16 PM on April 29, 2005

This is really, really cool. That awful radio only seems to turn off if you set it on fire. The magic orb can be set on fire, too. Just about everything can be set on fire. Even that infernal baby. I hate that baby.

Oh, and the fastest money-maker is the "explode at mouse" option; you can make $50 a click a lot of times with that. A few clicks, then you can have it all.

I was very violent for a while, but me and him mostly just ended up playing catch.


Total playing time: 3523.8
Total cash earned: 3438.17
Most $ earned in 1 second: 68.02
Most $ earned in 3 seconds: 147.69
Most $ earned in 10 seconds: 326.58
Stun gun shocks: 35
Caught baseballs: 80
Bowling ball knockouts: 1
Instances of assistance: 0

Does anybody know what "instances of assistance" are? I've helped him when he was on fire. I guess that's not assistance.
posted by koeselitz at 1:28 PM on April 29, 2005

Okay, the radio's not so bad once you learn how to make it go away.

Dance, little buddy! Dance!

posted by koeselitz at 1:37 PM on April 29, 2005

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