Ain't It Time We Mellowed Out?
August 14, 2007 8:48 AM   Subscribe

6/4 blues: Carlos Santana/Buddy Guy duo. Jeff Beck "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat/Brush With the Blues" at the Udo Music Festival '06. Roy Buchanan "Sweet Dreams" at the Rockpalast and here trying out a Fritz Bros. custom guitar.
posted by sluglicker (9 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
This didn't fit the post but I couldn't let it go. Jeff Beck "Declan" (by Donal Lunny).
posted by sluglicker at 8:48 AM on August 14, 2007


posted by quonsar at 9:54 AM on August 14, 2007

I love how subtle Beck's technique at the start of "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" is, I've never heard anybody else get that level of subtle expression out of a Strat whammy bar.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to kick myself repeatedly for never checking out Roy Buchanan before. Amazing.
posted by arto at 10:25 AM on August 14, 2007

Yep, what quonsar said.
posted by marxchivist at 10:40 AM on August 14, 2007

Ha! Well there was "Guitar Shop" which pretty much cancelled out my JB love for awhile. Holy shit; just an awful album. I guess they all have one of those in em'.

Fast forward to the 1:30 mark an tell the rest of the guitarists they can go to bed now.

posted by KevinSkomsvold at 10:59 AM on August 14, 2007 [2 favorites]

Buddy Guy is the man. I will take on all comers who disagree. I saw him last year and he's still ripping it up.

In honor of this video, I'll tell my Buddy Guy story here: So I'm 16, just got a driver's license and live in the sticks of Tennessee. In a world where country music predominates, me and a friend are only interested in the blues. Turns out, Buddy Guy is playing a little club south of Broadway in Nashville, what else can we do but plan a road trip? One snag, I'm 16, my friend is 15 and it's an 18 and up club. Well, the blues has absolute sway over our lives, so we just go and try to figure out a plan on the way. We decide to find a random adult and ask them to be our "parents" for the night. We get to the club and nervously approach someone who seems ancient to us, but was in reality only in their late twenties, and they laughingly agree to help us sneak in. So we get up to the door and the bouncer stares us down and we can only meekly call out "Mom?" before the kind stranger disappears into the club. She seamlessly turns around, and says, "Come on boys!" and we scamper into the club before the bouncer can complain.

Anyway, on to Buddy. He comes out, plays a mean set and then he gets to the part of the set where he walks around the audience. I'm sort of lost in the middle of this sweaty crowd jumping and bouncing to a heavy funky beat when the person next to me moves aside and there's Buddy Guy and his trademark polka-dot guitar standing two feet from me. He stops, obviously amused to see a 16 year old kid at his show and looks me in the eye and speaks words that still send shivers down my spine, "Son, you look like you got the blues." Then he chords the guitar and motions me to hit the strings. For what seemed like years he tears up and down the neck of his guitar as I dumbly strum it. "The he looks at me and winks and says, "That's blues power, boy, feel it!" and walks off into the crowd. The rest of the show is a bit of a blur, I got Resse Wynan to sign my ticket, and bumped into Steve Earle in the parking lot, but I don't remember much else.

Back in the car with ears ringing, in a haze of sweat and secondhand smoke, barely awake and with an hour drive ahead, my friend asked me if I saw Buddy walk into the crowd, I look at him in shock, he'd missed the whole event. I only mumble that I did and we take off for home.

When I tell him the whole story the next day he looks at me seriously and after a moment's pause says, "I'm not sure I can ever talk to you again."

Finally the point: Buddy Guy has so much blues power he can give it to a skinny 16 year old white kid in the middle of Tennessee and still have it stick 14 years later. If you get the chance, go see this man. Get you some blues power.
posted by 1f2frfbf at 11:52 AM on August 14, 2007 [5 favorites]

Amen 1f2frfbf. The first time I saw him was in NYC at the Lonestar Cafe (opening for Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper). He started the show in the bathroom and as the band cooked on stage (same band in this video), he came out of the bathroom and showered the crowd with the most menacing sequence of notes I had ever heard. My girlfriend and I stayed until the last note was played; something I never did before.

Later that month he played the Limelight and we saw him again. Then I moved to Chicago and saw him about 12 more times. Back when Legends first opened, it wasn't really that well known and you could come in pretty much any weekday and see Buddy just hanging out. I bought him a cognac once just to thank him for all the joy he brought to music. He was very gracious and thanked me.

The Man, indeed.
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 12:25 PM on August 14, 2007

That reminds me of Roys Livestock album

Classic cover

With acknowledgement to a butcher shop in Parramatta Sydney in the credits.
posted by johnny7 at 11:57 PM on August 14, 2007

roughly coming from the same place, wayne krantz.
posted by nicolin at 2:51 AM on August 15, 2007

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