Awesome Outsider Cartography
May 2, 2010 8:20 AM   Subscribe

Favorated for EXCITEMENT
posted by The Devil Tesla at 8:22 AM on May 2, 2010

Lol in my excitement to bring it to the attention of Metafilter it would seem I missed the point of the artwork... a hand drawn map of London indeed... but check out the ummm sea that surrounds it....
posted by Monkeymoo at 8:26 AM on May 2, 2010

That really is awesome...
posted by Alexandra Kitty at 8:27 AM on May 2, 2010

Indeed the Albert Memorial is in bad taste.

(I'm gonna loose like a day reading this aren't I? I am.)
posted by The Whelk at 8:40 AM on May 2, 2010

Interesting. According to this, Sir Walter Raleigh's head is buried in my local park, which is something I never heard before. Apparently this is not necessarily the case: it seems that when he was beheaded his body was buried in Westminster but his head was embalmed and given to his wife. Some say that when she died, many years later, it was buried with the rest of his body; some say his son kept it and it was buried elsewhere with him: but some say it stayed at Carew Manor somewhere.
posted by Phanx at 8:40 AM on May 2, 2010 [1 favorite]

...and some say it still lives, screaming.
posted by The Whelk at 8:43 AM on May 2, 2010 [7 favorites]

That's pretty interesting. I feel sorry for the poor elephant labeled "Ugly," though.
posted by GenjiandProust at 8:43 AM on May 2, 2010

The multiple archaic/phonetic mis-spellings are nice - Leofsaham, Roverhive.
posted by Phanx at 8:51 AM on May 2, 2010

Damned Flash interface that doesn't work in Linux... ah well.
posted by koeselitz at 8:52 AM on May 2, 2010

It might take a few minutes, but I need to check all this against Google Maps.

I'll use any excuse to spend an entire Sunday looking at maps.
posted by The Potate at 8:53 AM on May 2, 2010 [1 favorite]

The Isle of London having recently replaced Havnor as the chief island of Earthsea.

Wonderful. Thank you!
posted by lapsangsouchong at 9:02 AM on May 2, 2010

This is very good indeed.
posted by fearfulsymmetry at 9:40 AM on May 2, 2010

posted by kenko at 10:29 AM on May 2, 2010

Really, really cool. Thanks Monkeymoo.
posted by doctor_negative at 10:43 AM on May 2, 2010

Monkeymoo: "Lol in my excitement to bring it to the attention of Metafilter it would seem I missed the point of the artwork... a hand drawn map of London indeed... but check out the ummm sea that surrounds it...."

It did seem to have a bit more water and shore than I was expecting :)

What was interesting to me is that there are several gravel quarries and a chalk pit inside the city (if this map is to be believed.) I'm guessing that happened because growth overtook the outlying areas?
posted by Hardcore Poser at 10:44 AM on May 2, 2010

This is great! But you've made me homesick now...
I lived near "Ye Olde Good Place to Get Your Milk" and the "Cheap Fag Centre".
posted by jonesor at 11:09 AM on May 2, 2010

It's even dead accurate, even down to the two tower blocks at the end of my street, and the secret cafe in the middle of the Olympic site.
posted by tapeguy at 1:50 PM on May 2, 2010

Ack! this is amazing.
posted by BlackLeotardFront at 4:02 PM on May 2, 2010

What is this like 80GB? *drums fingers*
posted by turgid dahlia at 5:57 PM on May 2, 2010

Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Though it seems a little harsh that Clapton is labelled Crapton. And it's a bit too far south. But he's got Clapton Pond in exactly the right place, labelled simply "dirty pond" :)
posted by penguin pie at 1:37 AM on May 3, 2010

I particularly liked the depiction of the Calor gas depot near me in Bow, labeled simply 'Leave this place. God has forsaken this place.'
posted by Acheman at 3:56 AM on May 3, 2010

I seem to find additional comments on posts a few days late. I ran across Deth P. Sun's Historical Map of San Francisco today, and he has a great write-up on the process here.
posted by filthy light thief at 11:00 PM on May 5, 2010 [1 favorite]

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