Walking the Rope at 4074 Metres
October 12, 2010 2:41 PM   Subscribe

SKYLINER: A short documentary about highlining in the French Alps.
posted by gman (8 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Stallone did it first.
posted by splatta at 3:01 PM on October 12, 2010

That must be some work, dragging a 100+ lbs of metal cable with them up a mountain.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 3:31 PM on October 12, 2010

...remarkable faith in a bolt...

If you look at about 7 minutes in, they show the setup of one of the endpoints. While they are still trusting themselves to their ropes and the anchors they set, there is a whole cluster of anchors, not just a single bolt.
posted by JiBB at 3:34 PM on October 12, 2010

Get a helicopter to hoist a department store perfume counter up onto that pinnacle and you would have all the aspects of my personal Hell in that video.
posted by planetkyoto at 4:58 PM on October 12, 2010 [3 favorites]

Can't watch the whole thing at work, but a normal highline setup has a redundant backup cord within a webbing sleeve, so if the main cord fails, you're not toast (or more acurately, a pancake).
posted by Carmody'sPrize at 5:08 PM on October 12, 2010

Looks more like bungee jumping.
posted by stbalbach at 9:07 PM on October 12, 2010

That must be some work, dragging a 100+ lbs of metal cable with them up a mountain

Unless I'm mistaken, they aren't using a metal cable. That is why highlining is harder than tightrope walking.
posted by Akeem at 1:33 AM on October 13, 2010

Highlining is slacklining really high off the ground. It uses flat webbing instead of a cable. Webbing can't be pulled as tight as a cable, making it less stable and more difficult to walk.

Some people stay closer to the ground. Some do flips. Some go leashless.
posted by that's candlepin at 9:15 AM on October 13, 2010

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