May 12, 2002

It's said that you should never watch either sausage or laws being made. Well, here's sausage. As they do it in the Old Country. Starting with a live pig. Now, anyone got something comparable for laws? [more inside]
Found on The Cellar's Image of the Day.
posted by Slithy_Tove at 11:24 PM PST - 9 comments

Victim of Sloppy Journalism?

Victim of Sloppy Journalism? Wired News Intern Danit Lidor wrote a sensational, one-sided story about one of Rod Montgomery's employer's customers. Rod was quoted accurately, but he is not's webmaster, was not responsible for the less-than-swift marketing campaign, and didn't know the context of Lidor's question at the time.

Lidor's sloppy journalism implies that Rod and his employer are spam-generators, when this is very far from the truth.

What would you do if you were misquoted or misrepresented in an article printed in a large Internet news site? Should Lidor post a formal retraction?

Rod's full letter to Wired can be found here.
posted by quonsar at 6:42 PM PST - 18 comments

Patron saint for Internet users?

Patron saint for Internet users? The Pope has given the Internet his blessing (thanks!) and there's talk he is searching for a patron saint for Internet users. Who would you nominate for patron saint of the Internet? St. Berners-Lee of CERN? St. Metcalfe of Ethernet?
posted by billder at 6:14 PM PST - 24 comments

Lines & Splines goes the way of hot-metal type

Lines & Splines goes the way of hot-metal type Andy Crewdson shuts down Lines & Splines. Beyond the stated reasons, speculation as to why would of course be as improper as any use of Arial.
posted by joeclark at 5:49 PM PST - 25 comments

no palestinian state - no american tax dollars

no palestinian state - no american tax dollars ?
posted by specialk420 at 2:28 PM PST - 50 comments

With the daily bloody death counts in the dozens and propagandists rooting for more, perhaps it's appropriate to pause and take into consideration the pain and suffering each individual death creates. Studs Terkel's interviews with a paramedic, a social worker, an undertaker, and a mother about their experiences with death and dying. (more great links on the site)
posted by semmi at 12:40 PM PST - 6 comments

Cuneiform artifacts for cheap!

Cuneiform artifacts for cheap! "Iraq's economic collapse means the oldest writing in the world can be bought for a song on eBay -- and has scholars racing to digitize Sumerian artifacts before they become paperweights." I've always wanted an original Epic of Gilgamesh cuneiform tablet to decorate the mantel with.
posted by homunculus at 11:56 AM PST - 4 comments

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter made history today being the first U.S. President [in or out of office] to visit Cuba since 1959. At the initial press conference Mr. Carter switched from English to Spanish, in reverence to his host [his Spanish was actually pretty good]. What can Mr. Carter hope to achieve this week and how does his action [albeit as a private citizen] affect the current administration?
posted by plemeljr at 11:38 AM PST - 11 comments

Test the Nation

Last night, ninety-five thousand British Internet users took part in 'Test The Nation', an IQ quiz, broadcast live on BBC television, which attempted to survey the intelligence on the national. As a simulcast it was only partially successful -- the questions appearing on television sometimes five minutes before appearing on computer, but the results from those who coped with the technology were quite interesting. Any other UK Mefites take part? The test is still available for the curious.
posted by feelinglistless at 8:42 AM PST - 46 comments

A Vegan Radical Cookbook Project

A Vegan Radical Cookbook Project - Share your favorite recipes here! Eat well, and enjoy this spring's nighttime gardening.
posted by sheauga at 8:18 AM PST - 26 comments

NASA scavenges on eBay for old parts for Space Shuttle

NASA scavenges on eBay for old parts for Space Shuttle [NYT link-reg req] The Space Shuttle is so old that many of the parts for it are no longer being made. NASA has been reduced to buying old equipment on eBay to scavenge for circuit boards and old CPUs.
posted by geneablogy at 7:31 AM PST - 10 comments

Rubens Barrichello robbed.

Rubens Barrichello robbed. Formula One driver Barrichello has just let Michael Schumacher win the Austrian Grand Prix. I've been getting more and more disillusioned with F1, and this has put the cap on it. No more for me.
posted by viama at 6:49 AM PST - 20 comments

What's So American About American Culture?

What's So American About American Culture? Richard Pells launches a spirited attack on the notion that American culture dominates the world, noting how almost all its sources are European, which would explain why "American culture has never felt all that foreign to foreigners". As a sideline and a Sunday provocation, I suggest to you that, apart from medicine, computers and entertainment(movies; music; web sites) Europe is either as good as America(art; literature; architecture; universities; publishing)or a damn sight better: telecommunications; TV; cars; pharmaceutical products; food and drink; luxury goods...In fact, America and Europe complement each other quite perfectly. Though we win in the end, of course, because we're much better at appreciating this symbiosis. If only because know and enjoy more American stuff than you Americans do European stuff. So there!
posted by MiguelCardoso at 2:08 AM PST - 61 comments

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