Favorites from pb

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Displaying comments 351 to 400 of 779
MetaTalk post: Be sure to whitelist MeFi when using iOS 9 content blockers
If you're still using 10.6.8, be careful with the iOS 9 update. If you use iTunes to update, you will no longer be able to sync to Snow Leopard's version of iTunes (11.4). However, if you allow your phone or iPad to download the over-the-air update and run that, you will still be able to sync with iTunes on Snow Leopard. Thank you, Macintouch.
posted to MetaTalk by Johnny Wallflower at 10:10 PM on September 22, 2015
FanFare post: Podcast: Reply All: #39 Reply All Exploder
I keep having little bits of Song Exploder inserted into my podcasts, and I always like listening to it, but I never actually subscribe. An earlier episode, on The Long Winters' song "The Commander Thinks Aloud", was put into a 99 Percent Invisible episode, and by the time I heard the full song play, I was crying.

The other two theme-song episodes I've heard are equally as good: Jeff Beal on House of Cards and Loren Bouchard on Bob's Burgers. I might have... [more]
posted to FanFare by gladly at 9:34 AM on September 18, 2015
I am not Breakmaster Cylinder
posted to FanFare by Alex Goldman at 4:56 AM on September 19, 2015
MetaTalk post: Out of the Blue, episode #2: On emotional labor, with Jess Zimmerman
One thing struck me - Jess said she felt is was sad that none of us got paid, but one of the take-aways I had from all of the discussions about emotional labor is that often we don't want to be paid in money - rather we want to be paid in kind, and by that metric I think the thread paid people back in spades. There was an astonishing amount of effort put in to listen to and value what people said, there was a ton of comfort given, and I think overall it stands out as one of the most nurturing... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Deoridhe at 6:48 PM on September 15, 2015
Ask MeFi post: NameThatSongFilter - Solo Oboe Edition
Are you sure it's an oboe? Rite of Spring opens with a bassoon solo in the upper registers that starts on iii, trills, and resolves to I.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by uncleozzy at 1:03 PM on September 10, 2015 marked best answer
MeFi post: Chess Pieces and Copyright
Looks like the solution is to add a mustache!
posted to MetaFilter by sammyo at 8:56 AM on September 9, 2015
MetaTalk post: Sidebar Love
Thanks for the kind comments, everyone. It's a multi-effort with suggestions from members and mods, via contact mail, favorites, and fantastic flags. It's actually kind of mind-blowing how much great stuff is posted, so thank you x1000 to everyone who takes the time to share all these fun, mysterious, enlightening, analytical, explanatory, silly, warm, bright, clever, whimsical, beautiful, surprising, intriguing posts and comments. <3
posted to MetaTalk by taz at 5:38 AM on September 1, 2015
FanFare post: Podcast: Reply All: #36 Today's The Day
posted to FanFare by Alex Goldman at 10:52 AM on August 27, 2015
MetaTalk post: Does anyone else feel Metafilter's moderation culture is ridiculous?
See now this is why I like Metafilter: The moderation engages with the community.
posted to MetaTalk by solarion at 9:39 AM on August 28, 2015
r_n and Alex, may you silence each other all of your lives.
posted to MetaTalk by prize bull octorok at 9:10 AM on August 28, 2015
I am so fond of restless_nomad's moderation style that I decided to marry her (true story).
posted to MetaTalk by Alex Haist at 8:44 AM on August 28, 2015
MetaTalk post: 14!
Stop trying to make the happen!
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 8:30 AM on August 21, 2015
FanFare post: Podcast: Reply All: #35 One Strike
One thing that they didn't quite emphasize in Reply All that was mentioned in the Fresh Air interview is *why* AOL was so slow to respond to the child porn chat rooms. It's because they were making a ton of money off of it. Back in the days of dial up, you paid per minute. And photos took a looong time to upload or download. AOL was not keen to take down a money-maker.

This is Barry's belief. I did not get enough confirmation that it was true from... [more]
posted to FanFare by Alex Goldman at 10:24 AM on August 14, 2015
FanFare post: Podcast: Mystery Show: Case #6 Kotter
Wow, this triggered an old memory. There was an "Our Gang" short where a rival group knot the kid's clothes while they are swimming. Fightin' Fools
posted to FanFare by wrnealis at 10:55 AM on August 17, 2015
MeFi post: Han shot ... well, you know
Good lord this again? Is this what it's like to feel old, to roll your eyes at yet another generation of movie fans writing complaints about 20 year old edits to a 40 year old film? Real fans find new movies to obsess about. I nominate Mad Max: Fury Road for 2015.

That side by side Han Solo / Greedo clip is handy though, in that it shows both sides of this stupidity read the scene wrong. It's not "Is Han Solo a cold-blooded killer" or "did Han Solo fire... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Nelson at 8:18 AM on August 14, 2015
FanFare post: Podcast: Mystery Show: Case #6 Kotter
Not gonna lie, I have been seriously considering writing to her about the 80s-credits-paint-roller question.
posted to FanFare by Stacey at 5:49 PM on August 10, 2015
MetaTalk post: So... anyone interested in starting a Metafilter D&D campaign?
Get yourself a dragonslayer.
posted to MetaTalk by duffell at 8:07 PM on August 11, 2015
Ask MeFi post: What is this ram-bly, rom-bly thing?
(I wrote the firmware for it...)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by straw at 10:22 AM on August 11, 2015
FanFare post: Podcast: Mystery Show: Case #6 Kotter
Weirdly, I accidentally discovered a lot more about one of the central mysteries today: What the heck sort of prank is knotting a shirt? I was reading Harold Lloyd's autobiography, and he mentions that as a boy in Nebraska and Colorado he used to head to the swimming hole with friends. If someone wasn't looking, they would knot the shirt's sleeves, and especially do so when the shirt was wet, so it was almost impossible to unknot. This meant that the prankee would often have to use his teeth to... [more]
posted to FanFare by maxsparber at 10:53 AM on August 6, 2015
MeFi post: Merry Christmas (Nymwars are over)
Inigo Montoya: Offer me circles.
Google: Yes!
Inigo Montoya: A reversal of your real names policy, too, promise me that.
Google: All that I have and more. Please...
Inigo Montoya: Offer me anything I ask for.
Google: Face computers, self-driving cars...anything you want!
Inigo Montoya: I want Google Reader back, you son of a bitch!
posted to MetaFilter by Ian A.T. at 6:13 AM on July 16, 2014
MetaTalk post: Comment truncation in Recent Activity
pb: "Occasionally people write Treaty of Westphalia length comments—which is great!"

So verklempt now.
posted to MetaTalk by Treaty of Westphalia at 12:06 PM on July 30, 2015
MeFi post: "Artichoke who? Artichoke pizza!" and other robot punchlines
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Colonoscopies who?
Colonoscopies save lives!
posted to MetaFilter by Literaryhero at 10:37 PM on July 28, 2015
MeFi post: The 56 Greatest Musical Moments in Guitar History
Sorry, did not include Neil Young's one note solo from "Cinnamon Girl."
posted to MetaFilter by eriko at 6:58 AM on July 27, 2015
MetaTalk post: MyFanFare RSS feed?
GodDAMN, pb.

posted to MetaTalk by Melismata at 8:04 AM on July 24, 2015
MetaTalk post: Two hundred tiny tweets?
Pony request - can pb de-invent Storify?
posted to MetaTalk by oceanjesse at 2:10 PM on July 22, 2015
Ask MeFi post: Which TV-show intro was this?!
Goddamnit, somebody HAS to remember this.

That's the problem, kinetic. Everybody does remember this--but different people's "I remember it so clearly!" descriptions are not really matching.

I feel like I dropped the ball, in a sense--my last comment, in February, came right before the traditional summer ramp-up here when it gets really busy, and I never got back to it. But I've hit several of the most likely... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by theatro at 1:41 PM on July 22, 2015
MeFi post: Yes, but are they artisanal dildos?
Hi folks! I'm the one who broke the dildos story for Reuters - as far as I know, this was discussed on online message boards but few who hadn't seen it happen really knew about it until I wrote it up. I've been talking to some of the perpetrators and know a little about their motives, but I can't share what they've told me until I get permission.

I've been a Metafilter member for 14 years under a different username, and never thought I'd see something I was involved in... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by CourtneySherwood at 10:26 AM on July 16, 2015
MetaTalk post: Membership uptick thanks to R*****'s troubles?
I would fix the typo but "friendly nod hell of" is the best mistake I've made all month.
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 3:08 PM on July 12, 2015
MeFi post: Librarian of Progress
There is a certain bitter irony when if you try to view this at LC.
posted to MetaFilter by adamsc at 11:15 AM on July 1, 2015
MetaTalk post: The Great Mefi Merchandising Wishlist
A MetaFilter challenge coin.
posted to MetaTalk by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 5:10 PM on June 15, 2015
MeFi post: What is Code? said jesting ftrain
So were any of you video gamers in the 1980s?

Remember the cheat code for Konami games?

Try typing

while you're reading this article.
posted to MetaFilter by Harvey Kilobit at 12:41 PM on June 11, 2015
MetaTalk post: Books books books?
Seems to me that a big issue is that people have strong, non-overlapping tastes. I have zero interest in Game of Thrones and I never will. Therefore, FanFare appears crowded with a glut of "useless" GOT posts to me. Lots of people have zero interest in my media interests and are afraid that my boring book posts would crowd out their interests.

This differs a lot from askme because most of us have some vicarious interest in others' lives that transcends the... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by latkes at 1:51 PM on June 9, 2015
It's not just the ability to filter to a specific category that you want. You want a page without posts first, and then the ability to go into a specific category.

Well I think it comes down to "What do you see first?" that leads people to determine what the site is about. On MeFi it's posts, great, dive right in and read a post. On AskMe it's questions, ask or answer a question. On Fanfare I think the presumption is that people have a... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 12:29 PM on June 9, 2015
Ask MeFi post: Help me survive BFE without too much misery
Regarding privacy, you'll find that in small communities where everyone knows everything about everyone, people practice constructive ignorance. Like, they partition off a part of their brain where they just don't even think about things they know about you that you'd rather have private.

You will get used to knowing everyone. Sometimes it will feel stifling, but often it will feel comforting. Once they've gotten to know you, you won't ever have to explain your backstory... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Eyebrows McGee at 4:53 PM on June 5, 2015 marked best answer
MetaTalk post: Is this a problem with FanFare?
posted to MetaTalk by Etrigan at 4:12 AM on June 3, 2015
FanFare post: FanFare threads are starting to close
Sweet, awesome! I'm so glad the FanFare Six were able to rescue you from that Nordic Prison Complex inside the dream of that guy on the subway, pb!

posted to FanFare by Atreides at 11:19 AM on June 1, 2015
MetaTalk post: I was quoting ROMANCE
Reader, I married them.
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 3:48 PM on May 23, 2015
MeFi post: If only someone was brave enough to open the door to men
I don't like how you look in your comedy videos, either.
posted to MetaFilter by YoungAmerican at 5:39 PM on May 17, 2015
MetaTalk post: Friends! Countrypeople! Lend me your Pets.
Nina running out of a tunnel.

Tish jumping.

Zhora jumping.
posted to MetaTalk by ROU_Xenophobe at 5:59 PM on May 15, 2015
MetaTalk post: Happy birthday, Cortex!
Happy Birthday! Tony the Pony says hey. He says to call him sometime, but I'm not sure if he meant that or if he just felt kind of obligated for old times' sake.
posted to MetaTalk by ctmf at 12:45 PM on April 26, 2015
MetaTalk post: Warning - do not buy this IOS Metafilter reading App
Omfg, pb I could kiss you. Yes, yes that is the issue and how silly do I feel that that is it (normally people notice when they've been in private mode for two years on the same browser, yeah? Good lord). You are awesome for many reasons, not least of which is this.
posted to MetaTalk by librarylis at 10:11 AM on April 23, 2015
MetaTalk post: Password Security Update
I did it. It works!
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 9:35 AM on April 17, 2015
FanFare post: Mad Men: Severance
Pete is cursed, like most of the characters are cursed. Don is cursed to repeat himself without resolution or enlightenment. Joan is cursed to always get what she wants in the worst way possible. Peggy is cursed to always undermine or sabotage herself or her happiness. Pete is cursed to always be right business-wise, but never to be listened to or respected.
posted to FanFare by The Whelk at 11:39 PM on April 11, 2015
MeFi post: "Use your words. I’m a big fan of using your words.”
So Bloomberg actually has its own Emoji system. For the unfamiliar, Bloomberg is this financial software system that is basically like the Matrix if you work in finance - it has every sort of financial data on earth and a chat system that everyone in the industry uses. If you want to chat with literally anybody in finance, you type their name in and it auto searches it and you can IM them.

Bloomberg is probably the most impressive example of legacy software on earth -... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by pravit at 10:00 AM on April 4, 2015
MetaTalk post: How do *you* pronounce 'MeFi'?
I think you should re-write the abstract using non-linguistic terms for the layman/layperson.

"How do people who hang out on the internet decide how to pronounce community-specific made-up words that they only ever see written down, especially when the spelling of those words don't have a clear and unambiguous relationship to existing words in the common language? They wing it and then there's some complicated tango of repetition, reinforcement,... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 11:37 AM on April 3, 2015
MetaTalk post: "Providing a youthful counterbalance to Rusty’s crotchety ways"
Hi MeFi! I think I can cast some light on the paid/unpaid thing here:

This internship is DEFINITELY paid. Not only is it paid, it's very well paid. If you think unpaid internships are bullshit, I am with you. This is the second month of organized Tabs internships, and the deal was that I would find two sponsors for the month, who pay $800 each to sponsor that month's intern. The entire amount goes to the intern, so for writing 150-250 words a day on a link or links of... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by rusty at 9:04 AM on March 31, 2015
MetaTalk post: Quick Design Improvement Test
Oh, and for the record, I just tried viewing Metafilter in Lynx and it's very readable and easy to navigate. Thank you, pb. (This is not an April Fool joke.)
posted to MetaTalk by Melismata at 8:01 AM on April 1, 2015
MetaTalk post: Quick FanFare Updates
Since we're on the topic of updating/improving FanFare, I'll just point over to FanFare Talk where we've been discussing new taglines. Both TV Worth Talking About and the pre-post-button Note: Be nice. It's just TV. are needlessly specific to TV.

I liked The Whelk's suggestion, Pop Culture Considered, and support anything for the Note: that isn't so condescending.
posted to MetaTalk by carsonb at 11:03 AM on March 24, 2015
MetaTalk post: So I'm late to the party
That sounds...desperate.

No? Did maybe your cat, like, walk on the keyboard and step on "unsubscribe" by accident? Because that happens. My cat has done all kinds of shit to my computer....like, changing from portrait to landscape display. It's the craziest thing, I don't even know how to do that, but he just steps on it with his fat paw and suddenly the display is magnified 17% and the narrator is on. Then I have to... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Miko at 5:46 PM on March 23, 2015
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