"Every man, woman, and mutant on this planet shall know the truth about rEVOLution."
July 11, 2008 9:25 AM   Subscribe

"What do we want? The immediate abolition of the Federal Reserve, repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment, restoration of the gold standard, and a couple a ginormous blimps! When do we want it? Now!" Tomorrow, on Saturday, July 12th, 2008, the rEVOLution is coming to Washington, DC. Join tax resisters, goldbugs, hippies, Know-Nothings, anti-Masonic agitators, SCAers, Ewoks, and other freedom-lovers as they march down Constitution Ave. to the Capitol, which they will assault with love and tiny trebuchets. Afterwards, rally at the west side of Capitol Hill to hear Ron Paul and Pokerface, high energy revolution music! (Ron Paul may or may not rock out with his cock out. The Federal Reserve may or may not be levitated. YMMV.)
posted by octobersurprise (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Ron Paul's new site is interesting because... why exactly? -- mathowie


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