The Diet of Worms
March 1, 2009 9:47 PM   Subscribe

Worm Therapy - Extensive research and clinical trials have demonstrated that the introduction of small doses of intestinal worms may be effective in the treatment of asthma, allergies, and some autoimmune conditions. Our company is dedicated to providing these therapies. Note: The use of hookworm or tapeworm to modulate the immune system is an experimental therapy that has not been approved by any governmental body for the treatment, diagnosis, cure or prevention of disease. The information provided by is intended as a starting point for you and your physician. The burden is on you to understand the medical and legal risks you are taking when considering these therapies.
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese (10 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: posted previously twice before -- mathowie

So the homeopathic nonsense outrage over soap, antibiotics, vaccines, and keeping kids "too clean" with no evidence to support it will now die down to a chorus of "put worms in your kid?" That'll be fun to see.
posted by damn dirty ape at 10:11 PM on March 1, 2009

This website is dedicated to the little boy who lives in my bowels; it's called "Mister Tapeworm!"

Ever since that bit on Kuro5hin a few years back, plus all of those bits I keep reading about Crohn's, I've been wondering when we'd see something like this come out. At $2,400 for some hookworm, though ... gracious. I think prices might come down a bit.

Still, we need more than a single link in this post, otherwise, it looks like Pepsi Wriggle.
posted by adipocere at 10:16 PM on March 1, 2009

I swallowed a tapeworm last night. It's going to grow up to three feet inside of me and then it eats all my food so that I don't get fat. And then after three months I take some medicine and then I pass it. Creed sold it to me. It's from Mexico.

Considering Kraftmatic's extensive posting history, I'd say there's no need to worry about this being Blue.
posted by incessant at 10:37 PM on March 1, 2009

"Blue" is not just another word for "self-link" -- Kraftmatic's not a worm. But a post is Pepsi Blue when it's no better than marketing, and seems to repeat some company's ventriloquized enthusiasm.
posted by grobstein at 10:42 PM on March 1, 2009

Previously and Previously
posted by lalochezia at 10:50 PM on March 1, 2009

Yeah, Helminthic therapy has been around for a while (and the wikipedia article is fairly comprehensive. Until there are some serious clinical trials and scientific explanations, I'll pass.

I mean, you can find anecdotal evidence for all kinds of quackery. Show me the science, man!
posted by chrisamiller at 10:52 PM on March 1, 2009

One of the first examples on the link is a picture of treating psoriasis skin lesions.

I wonder how this sort of "therapy" would work for someone who has both an autoimmune disorder and cancer. For instance, it is not uncommon for people who used ultraviolet exposure for psoriasis therapy in the 1970s to have benign skin cancer lesions today, along with recurrent psoriatic patches.
posted by Araucaria at 10:52 PM on March 1, 2009

Oops, didn't mean for this to come across as some promotional post. I came across the website in Harpers and was fascinated/repulsed by the idea. Thought I'd share. I suppose I was a bit lazy in not providing supporting links or any other context.
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese at 10:52 PM on March 1, 2009

And now I see the topic's been discussed here before. I'll ask the mods to remove the post.
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese at 10:55 PM on March 1, 2009

And now I see the topic's been discussed here before. I'll ask the mods to remove the post.

Such defeatism. Go out with a bang, start rambling complete nonsense and throwing up ascii graphics of worms. Once it is banned, take it to Metatalk and make an ass of yourself. That is how it is done. You gotta keep the flagging system strong so that our defenses do not wither. Be the worm, Kraftmatic, be the worm.
posted by TwelveTwo at 10:58 PM on March 1, 2009 [2 favorites]

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