Canadian Shopping Site Pays Deal Hunters for Prices
May 5, 2009 12:21 PM   Subscribe

Canadian Online Shopping Site Pays Deal Hunters for Prices More and more sites are leveraging the community for data. Wishabi, a relatively new Canadian online shopping site allows deal hunters to post deals and pays them cash of posting deals. This crowd sourcing technique attempts to solve the problem of actually generating quality content and is in use by a number of sites (Wikipedia, Craigslist, even Metafilter). Crowd sourcing has the effect of lowering the barrier of contribution and increasing community involvement. However, how would this trend of decentralized data authority affect reliability, neutrality and quality of information? Would self interest dominate over the good of the community if the contributor is compensated for their efforts via monetary or reputation means? The more important question is where will the data originally come from? Will there still be incentive to pay the price to create the unique content in the first place if others can take it and crowd source it elsewhere...
posted by Snowstorm (2 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure I can actually ban you sufficiently hard for this. Jesus. -- cortex

You have got to be kidding.
posted by GuyZero at 12:22 PM on May 5, 2009

Wishabi? Sounds spicy.
posted by box at 12:23 PM on May 5, 2009

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