Sideblog Archive

February 24, 2020
On a day like this, be sure to check your website for scorpions before putting it on.

February 16, 2020
Mr. Searles was the man who arrived to solve the problem of the Bear Who Had Not Bathed Before Hibernating in the Basement. True encounters with the Bear Whisperer.

February 11, 2020
Hello yes this is a bird ... or is it??? How people tweeted in the '70s, from Going To Maine

February 10, 2020
A few quick status updates on: training for mods; ongoing mod work; restless_nomad; jessamyn; hiring.

Reminder: if you've considered applying for the mod job, the initial deadline is this weekend!

It's oddly comforting to know that people have always been fussy about make-believe. — Burhanistan: Ten Cold Hot Dogs posts the Tropes, Cliches and Sloppy Mistakes that Annoyed Moviegoers 100 Years Ago

February 7, 2020
It's Episode 160 of the MeFi podcast!

February 4, 2020
And the winner is ... Final Results of the January 2020 Best Post Contest are here!

February 1, 2020
OP comes back to say they found the photo ... 13 years later!

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