Some thought-provoking journalism
September 18, 2001 2:49 AM   Subscribe

Some thought-provoking journalism from the Australian online journal Crikey, including a piece from the "DEBKA-net-newsletter, an expensive intelligence newsletter out of Israel" and an analysis of the Gordon Sinclair "Good Neighbour" editorial.
posted by chrisgregory (2 comments total)
Buzzflash warns readers that DEBKA is in cahoots with with a batch of right wing writers (O'Reilly et al) and a rightwing paper. Though they state that this is important to note they also say that it might provide decent intellignece and ought to be looked at, with of course this one reservation in mind.
posted by Postroad at 4:26 AM on September 18, 2001

The Debka website was linked directly here some time ago.
posted by username at 11:41 AM on September 18, 2001

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