The whale that inspired Greenpeace
September 22, 2013 2:10 PM   Subscribe

The whale that inspired Greenpeace The organization that would become Greenpeace started off as an advocate for peace and as an anti-nuclear group. It expanded its activities into fighting whaling and had a major influence on the virtual cessation of the commercial fishing of whales which made Greenpeace a household name. That change in direction can be traced to a single whale. Allow me to introduce to you, Skana.
posted by 2manyusernames (3 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
Interesting background. Sad that Skana died in captivity.
posted by Jezebella at 3:52 PM on September 22, 2013

Great story. I remember Skana, having grown up in Vancouver.
Dr. Spong's latest endeavor is the OrcaLab (YT), just up the coast from here.
It's encouraging that we're finally beginning to try to understand the intelligence and sensitivity of our fellow earthly inhabitants.
posted by islander at 6:07 PM on September 22, 2013

I remember Skana, too. Poor creature.
posted by jokeefe at 10:57 PM on September 22, 2013

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