January 1, 2002
9:16 AM   Subscribe

May auld grievance be forgot: "I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you in 10 years," Mark Pilgrim wrote today to fellow weblogger Eric Soroos. "I forgive you. Please forgive me."
posted by rcade (10 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
interesting how all this happens via the web & weblogs.

there wasn't any hacking involved, but I had a similar experience with someone who had been a friend - we had a fairly serious falling-out about 4 yrs. ago, and have reconnected in part via our weblogs.

I hope they can repair their friendships.
posted by epersonae at 10:35 AM on January 1, 2002

Why does the author put everything in quotes? Ugh.. you can hardly ever tell who even said the quote.

For example:

...even though he may have been the only one to successfully "upload" the virus onto the networks.

...the virus to the "Sumex-Aim" public archive... (and then they went to a "McDonalds" where they bought a "Chicken Nugget")

and here's a good one:

...he felt he should "cover his ass."

Whatever. It's just weird. Sorry for the rant. :-)
posted by bloggboy at 10:41 AM on January 1, 2002

Who's Mark Pilgrim? Who's Eric Soroos?
posted by KLAX at 12:19 PM on January 1, 2002

Did you read the links?
posted by rodii at 12:49 PM on January 1, 2002

bloggboy, that was an article from a student newspaper in 1993. Some of those terms (like upload) today wouldn't be in quotes, because they are no longer jargon understood only by a few.

Otherwise, the writer was following AP style by putting into quotes any phrases that came from an interview, especially if they contained a point of view. It's not the best wire service writing, but it's a start.

Meanwhile, on Osama bin Laden's weblog ....
posted by dhartung at 2:18 PM on January 1, 2002

Who's KLAX?
posted by rcade at 2:58 PM on January 1, 2002

Who's KLAX?

I'm a guy in my early 30s living in New York City, writing for "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central. I have two cats, an apartment on the Upper West Side, and am currently nibbling on ribbon candy. Thanks for asking!
posted by KLAX at 3:27 PM on January 1, 2002

Fair enough. Eric Soroos is a Frontier developer whose name comes up frequently on Scripting News. Mark Pilgrim, who also turns up in links there, was the guy recently fired for his weblog.

Even if you don't know any of that, I thought the story of one weblogger who turned state's evidence against another weblogger 10 years ago was interesting. In Mark's shoes, I don't think I'd be ready to forgive for another 30 or 40 years.
posted by rcade at 9:46 PM on January 1, 2002

Mark Pilgrim...was the guy recently fired for his weblog.

Ah. I read about that on another community blog, but his name didn't ring a bell.

I wasn't affecting snark by asking "Who's Mark Pilgrim? Who's Eric Soroos?" I clicked the links, noticed they lead to personal, plain-vanilla blogs, and I read content at both. I understood the commonality the gentlemen shared, but I didn't know if it was *their* particular involvement in such an affair that made it noteworthy.
posted by KLAX at 10:52 PM on January 1, 2002

I wasn't affecting snark by asking "Who's Mark Pilgrim? Who's Eric Soroos?"

My apologies, then ... I hope you'll forgive me. And give Jon Stewart a respectful NFL-quality asspat for me. His monologue in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks was great.
posted by rcade at 5:19 AM on January 2, 2002

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