April 2, 2002
10:33 AM   Subscribe

Pornografux has launched, ya perverts. Not really porn, actually, and nearly worksafe, though a couple of the pieces have grating some audio. The initial offering asks what the connections are between our "sexual" and "social" bodies.
posted by Su (11 comments total)

"Grating" is definitely the right word.
posted by ook at 11:36 AM on April 2, 2002

Yeh, Okay.

I have made a value judgement, the value i could derive from this site is not worth the cognitive effort required to find it.
posted by delmoi at 2:42 PM on April 2, 2002

But it apparently was worth you bitching about it, and hey, that's something, too.
There's a coupon for some free Calgon in the mail for you already.
posted by Su at 3:17 PM on April 2, 2002

"Nearly worksafe"?! How exactly does a spreadshot closeup of a woman's vagina strike you as even marginally worksafe? I mean, unless you're a gynocologist of course...

...other than that. Boring, pointless flashterbation was all I saw. I think the creator really WANTS to have deep thoughts but spent too much time pr0n surfing for background images to have any.
posted by RevGreg at 3:48 PM on April 2, 2002

If that was supposed to inspire me to think about something or feel something, I don't know what.
posted by planetkyoto at 4:03 PM on April 2, 2002

i feel insulted just having seen it...
posted by gelatinouscitizen at 4:19 PM on April 2, 2002

While taking itself a little quite a bit too seriously, I thought it was a very fascinating collection. Some were certainly stronger than others, but as you can tell from the responses so far it seems to have done a good job of stirrin' shit up. Thanks for the link, Su.
posted by modofo at 6:43 PM on April 2, 2002

Art is in the eye of the beholder and I rather not have my eyes see this. The girl with the can in her vagina was definitly not work safe.
posted by MaddCutty at 10:40 PM on April 2, 2002

Wow, this must have been really good. Unfortunately for me they have exceeded their bandwidth allowance. Now I have the choice to either wait or to forget about the whole thing. Which do you think I'll choose?
posted by hotmud at 8:22 AM on April 3, 2002

What was the question again hotmud?
posted by RevGreg at 6:58 PM on April 3, 2002

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