Dance, Mantis! Dance for Michael's pleasure!
September 18, 2016 11:43 AM   Subscribe

posted by Going To Maine at 11:52 AM on September 18, 2016

posted by pxe2000 at 11:56 AM on September 18, 2016


I appreciate your making this post. He was too young. This got me.

SGC2C and Cartoon Planet were really there for me (don't laugh, you know what I mean) in some tough times in high school. Sometimes when you've been weeping, the perfect joke will land and just roll you over laughing. Those shows delivered jokes like that, and as often as not, Clay Croker delivered them. Before there was a Youtube on command, I had and treasured huge files (900K!) of Zorak and Brak's best bits. ("Every time I move my arm, it costs the Cartoon Network forty-two bucks.")

I never write fan letters, but the way this year is going, I think I should start. Just to let people know how much they've been appreciated.
posted by Countess Elena at 11:59 AM on September 18, 2016 [14 favorites]

posted by Faint of Butt at 12:02 PM on September 18, 2016

So sad. He was so young and he did such marvelous work on a show whose brilliance will probably never be properly acknowledged.

posted by clockzero at 12:20 PM on September 18, 2016 [2 favorites]

posted by Smart Dalek at 12:25 PM on September 18, 2016

Goddamnit. Too young.

posted by graymouser at 12:26 PM on September 18, 2016

I did a rewatch of SGC2C earlier this year and it was still amazing.

Cartoon Planet was one of a very small set of things that kept me from self-harm in 1996.

I still make unreasonable demands.

. for Clay

. for Moltar

. for Zorak
posted by Lentrohamsanin at 12:27 PM on September 18, 2016 [10 favorites]

posted by TwelveTwo at 12:49 PM on September 18, 2016

posted by mordax at 12:59 PM on September 18, 2016


I just got my daughter into the glory that is SGC2C and Cartoon Planet, so this hits particularly hard.
posted by AlonzoMosleyFBI at 1:05 PM on September 18, 2016 [1 favorite]

Cartoon Planet was one of a very small set of things that kept me from self-harm in 1996.

For me it was 1996-1998. Thank you for so many nuggets of joy.
posted by Mizu at 1:25 PM on September 18, 2016 [3 favorites]

posted by Joey Michaels at 1:41 PM on September 18, 2016 [1 favorite]


SGC2C (especially Zorak and Moltar) was such a force in shaping my adult sense of humor.

Cartoon Planet was awesome and Adult Swim was great back in the day - before the weird stopped being awesome and hilarious and started being offensive and pointlessly shocking. Admittedly its been awhile since I looked, but is there anything good on it anymore?

My 8 year old might be too young to get SG still (though she has started repeating our quotes without knowing the origin), but maybe some Brak Show is in order tonight.
posted by Lapin at 1:42 PM on September 18, 2016 [2 favorites]

posted by eclectist at 2:09 PM on September 18, 2016

posted by bonobothegreat at 2:10 PM on September 18, 2016

Space Ghost, weed, Tina's Burritos and my first online experiences, so many memories, so many laughs. RIP Zorak (and Moltar and Dr Weird)...

The 2016 curse keeps plowing on :\
posted by symbioid at 2:12 PM on September 18, 2016

Noooo! Who will read us entries from Space Ghost's diary from Bat-camp? Who will star in Blood Dumpster? Who will direct the show?

posted by teponaztli at 2:14 PM on September 18, 2016 [3 favorites]

Admittedly its been awhile since I looked, but is there anything good on it anymore?

Eric Andre might not be your cup of tea as he does a lot of mean-ish man on the street/hidden camera things, but a) his weird is pretty fantastically weird, and b) he has said he's strongly influenced by SGC2C.
posted by Lentrohamsanin at 2:33 PM on September 18, 2016 [6 favorites]

posted by LobsterMitten at 3:03 PM on September 18, 2016

Admittedly its been awhile since I looked, but is there anything good on it anymore?

Among current-running shows:
The Venture Bros. is consistently awesome and different from everything else in the block. Rick and Morty looks like it's meant to be offensive sometimes, but there's really something much deeper going on there. (Usually -- I can pick out one exception.)

Among shows that have either ended, or might be ended (I'm not sure):
Boondocks and Black Dynamite say interesting things about race in completely different ways. Metalopaclypse was terrific of course. I remember Moral Orel being a mostly good-natured (in a way) show about a Davey-kind of kid in a depressingly realistic world. If you really want to go back there was The Oblongs and Mission Hill. The Brak Show I thought was one of the best of the first batch of original Adult Swim shows. (But Brak Presents The Brak Show Starring Brak was infinitely better, and although it only got two episodes it has lots of Zorak songs! Also it was Cartoon Network, not Adult Swim.)

There may be others, but they get more offensive, sometimes in a way that examines and ultimately rejects problematic attitudes, but sometimes just to shock.
posted by JHarris at 3:08 PM on September 18, 2016 [7 favorites]


This makes me immeasurably sad. Cartoon Planet was and is one of my go to Nuggets of Joy for the bad times. Hope CN reconsiders that no DVD policy now.
posted by Queen of Robots at 3:20 PM on September 18, 2016 [1 favorite]


Adult Swim just got a little older. And 2016 got a little bit suckier. We must protect the Venture Brothers guys at all cost.
posted by oneswellfoop at 4:37 PM on September 18, 2016 [2 favorites]

Farewell, Lone Locust of the Apocalypse. I will remember you as I look into the night sky.

posted by fifteen schnitzengruben is my limit at 5:15 PM on September 18, 2016 [5 favorites]

Poorly Drawn Lava Kind of a Molten Man, we shall miss you. You too, Emerald Rogue, Wronger of Rights, and Pincher of Sensitive Areas.

posted by mubba at 5:41 PM on September 18, 2016 [1 favorite]

I had a pretty easy labor with Kid Ruki (this is relevant, I promise!) and I've often credited that to the fact that I watched a two hour block of SGC2C in the birthing suite. Mr Ruki and Mama Ruki thought that was weird, but it was great for me.
posted by Ruki at 6:42 PM on September 18, 2016 [5 favorites]

posted by davelog at 7:07 PM on September 18, 2016

Zorak: You see that? You sucked out all the lights!
Moltar: No, I blew the fuse's mind.

For me, 1997 was a year that everything just sort of fell into place for a while: I started driving, got my first job, met the person who would later be my first boyfriend, met the person who would be my best friend to this day. My best friend introduced me to SGC2C, and it was just the right thing for me at just the right time. In high school, it so often felt like people and things were either mainstream or "weird" in a very self-conscious, attention-getting way, neither of which I connected with. SGC2C was its own interesting thing, just sort of quietly off-kilter, and it just really resonated with me and stuck with me.

posted by Metroid Baby at 7:17 PM on September 18, 2016 [2 favorites]

It's hard to think of my favorite Croker bits, but Gramma Prison from The Brak Show, the SGC2C episode with Body Count, and the SGC2C episode with Peter Fonda and Buzz Aldrin might be up at the top.

posted by Existential Dread at 7:33 PM on September 18, 2016 [2 favorites]

All is quiet on the South Jersey Shore.

posted by sourwookie at 7:49 PM on September 18, 2016

Aw damn. This just sucks all kinds of ways.

posted by kinnakeet at 8:25 PM on September 18, 2016

It must be noted that Croker's passing occurred just too late to be included in tonight's Emmy Awards "In Memorium" segment (but I'd like to think it could have). The notables who were recognized (according to the Washington Post's show summary) included (and remember, these are deaths since last year's awards, so 3½ months of 2015 and 8½ of 2016) Garry Marshall; Jackie Collins; Ret Turner; Anton Yelchin; John Saunders; Robert Loggia; Ken Howard; Morley Safer; Doris Roberts; Murray Weissman; Steven Hill; Al Molinaro; Garry Shandling; Kathy Fortine; Muhammad Ali; David Canary; Alan Rickman; Renee Valente; Fred Thompson; Abe Vigoda; Ann Morgan Guilbert; Natalie Cole; Sean Whitesell; Howard West; Noel Neill; Jack Larson; John McLaughlin; David Bowie; Arthur Hiller; Glenn Frey; Dan Haggerty; Wayne Rogers; Patty Duke; Alan Young; George Kennedy; Jon Polito; Hugh O’Brian; Gene Wilder and Prince.

posted by oneswellfoop at 8:26 PM on September 18, 2016 [1 favorite]

Oh, tonight's In Memoriam segment wrecked me, but while we're at, let's take a moment for Michelle McNamara, too. I absolutely wept during Patton Oswalt's speech.
posted by Ruki at 9:06 PM on September 18, 2016 [3 favorites]

Man, nobody else could have done Zorak. That seemingly-simple cartoon villain had layers.
posted by whuppy at 6:24 AM on September 19, 2016 [4 favorites]

Damn it. Mrs. Example and I still sing "Gabba hey, gabba hey, gabba gabba hey hey" to "Deck the Halls". We don't even usually wait until Christmas.

posted by Mr. Bad Example at 7:09 AM on September 19, 2016 [4 favorites]

Zorak is possibly one of my top five animated characters ever. Rest in peace, Mr. Croker.
posted by jscalzi at 7:42 AM on September 19, 2016 [4 favorites]

*audible eyeblink*

*audible eyeblink*

posted by Strange Interlude at 8:42 AM on September 19, 2016 [10 favorites]

...the SGC2C episode with Peter Fonda and Buzz Aldrin might be up at the top.

That episode is where my username came from.

posted by vibrotronica at 12:42 PM on September 19, 2016

*audible eyeblink*

We usually onomatopoeia-ize this noise as "*poonk poonk*" and use it to describe what our cats do.
posted by Mr. Bad Example at 1:44 PM on September 19, 2016 [2 favorites]

Adult Swim is streaming all the episodes of Space Ghost it can, no login required.
posted by now i'm piste at 2:56 PM on September 19, 2016 [2 favorites]

Aww, man. This came out of left field. I love pretty much everything this guy ever did. I didn't even know he played Dr. Weird! To this day, I randomly bust out a solid Dr. Weird "GENTLEMEN!" whenever I can.

posted by quite unimportant at 4:05 PM on September 19, 2016 [2 favorites]

posted by Token Meme at 10:08 PM on September 19, 2016

My childhood friends and I quote episodes of this all the time. It really stuck with me. I think it was also my first exposure to Weird Al.

SG: "With freedom comes responsibility"
Zorak: "With Freedom comes..NUDITY"
posted by Twain Device at 12:39 PM on September 21, 2016

Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. DAMN IT.
posted by DrAstroZoom at 1:43 PM on September 21, 2016

From the guys at Toonami (they're still around!), where once upon a time Moltar was host.
posted by JHarris at 7:20 PM on September 27, 2016

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