October 28, 2022 6:31 PM   Subscribe

Strikes: an ancient, time-tested tradition.
posted by aniola (13 comments total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
A vaguely related article I ran across earlier today.
posted by eviemath at 7:29 PM on October 28, 2022 [2 favorites]

Deir el-Medina is fascinating in as much as it built for secrecy.

The Ostracons found are interesting, this one lists worker absenteeism.


The (not looted) tomb evacuation of Sennifer is interesting.

the link from eviemath: The “Treaty of Detroit” the UAW signed with General Motors in 1950 specifically traded away worker inputs on production for a generous economic package. The 5-year contract “dramatically increased workers’ wages, protected them against inflation, and instituted a pension plan and company-provided health care.” But the “billion-dollar” contract was worth it to GM because the company (quoting social critic Daniel Bell) “’regained control over … crucial management functions… — long-range scheduling of production, model changes, and tool and plant investment.’”

this is absolutely correct.

The 'last' Pharoah buried there was Ramesses XI.
"Since Smendes buried Ramesses XI, he could legally assume the crown of Egypt and inaugurate the 21st Dynasty from his hometown at Tanis, even if he did not control Middle and Upper Egypt, which were now effectively in the hands of the High Priests of Amun at Thebes"

"I saw to the excavation of the rock-tomb of his majesty, alone, no one seeing, no one hearing."

-Ineni, advisor to Thutmose I.
posted by clavdivs at 8:06 PM on October 28, 2022 [2 favorites]

Here's a translation of the papyrus that records the document. It honestly doesn't sound much different from the regional Starbucks manager trying to figure out what to do with his disgruntled workers and promising better pay and benefits that he knows the Pharaoh - I mean multinational corporation - will never actually deliver.
posted by RandlePatrickMcMurphy at 10:22 PM on October 28, 2022 [7 favorites]

I’m not sure if it’s more reassuring or more depressing that the same labor vs management issues have been going on for the past 3000+ years across multiple cultures and continents.

Maybe in another 3000 years, we’ll have it figured out.
posted by darkstar at 11:15 PM on October 28, 2022 [3 favorites]

in the year 1170 BCE, the first recorded strike took place against the building of pyramids

Weren’t the pyramids already ancient monuments by then?
posted by Phanx at 11:24 PM on October 28, 2022 [2 favorites]

The older I get, the more radical and awesome the Wobblies get.
posted by riverlife at 12:03 AM on October 29, 2022 [3 favorites]

Adapted from Wikipedia.
posted by clavdivs at 12:15 AM on October 29, 2022

Adapted from Wikipedia.

By way of the Daily Worker. By that indefatigable author, Special To. Share the wealth, comrade! From each according to his ability.

Personally, that part made me laugh. But I like the follow up stuff, news to me, so, all good.
posted by BWA at 5:20 AM on October 29, 2022 [1 favorite]

Wikipedia source
posted by Lanark at 5:22 AM on October 29, 2022

I’m not sure if it’s more reassuring or more depressing that the same labor vs management issues have been going on for the past 3000+ years across multiple cultures and continents.

Maybe in another 3000 years, we’ll have it figured out.

You mean once and for all decide a fair and just and sufficiently motivating and affordable way for someone to reward someone else for any and every type of task they might want or need done?

I’m not going to hold my breath!
posted by aubilenon at 7:54 AM on October 29, 2022 [1 favorite]

I’m not sure if it’s more reassuring or more depressing that the same labor vs management issues have been going on for the past 3000+ years across multiple cultures and continents.

My latest hobby is making copies of Egyptian furniture, so I've been looking at a lot of grave goods lately. Apart from Tutankhamen's solid gold sarcophagus, the material luxuries of the Egyptian super wealthy seem kind of meagre - some decorated chairs, boxes, fancy jars. As a Toronto apartment dweller, the gap between me and the suburban, Porche SUV-owning, vacation property-owning, recreational vehicle-owning, investment rental property-owning upper middle class feels pretty vast…so it's more depressing, I'd say.
posted by brachiopod at 1:22 PM on October 29, 2022 [1 favorite]

Coincidentally, this comes up partway through the book I'm currently reading, Against the Grain, whose central thesis is all about how the earliest states main objective was to control as many people as possible. It, like the FPP does not however discuss how the strike ended. The wikipedia source linked by Lanark does state for the record that eventually the wheat ration was restored and the strike ended.
posted by ockmockbock at 2:44 PM on October 29, 2022 [1 favorite]

Weren’t the pyramids already ancient monuments by then?

Yes, the article is inaccurate about what sort of tombs the strike was about.

The main era of pyramid building started in the 3rd dynasty with the pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, built in c. 2630 BCE, and went on for about 900 years. The pyramid of Khendjer, from the 13th dynasty, was built around 1760 BCE and marks more or less the end of the pyramid era, although there were some brief resurgences as late as the 600-700s BCE.

The time of this strike was in the early part of the 20th Dynasty, when the pharaohs were being buried in underground tombs in the Valley of the Kings. No pyramids involved.

Just how long the ancient Egyptian civilisation went on for is one of my favourite topics, and can be really hard to your head around. At Saqqara you can see graffiti left by tourists in the 18th and 19th dynasties, when the pyramids were already well over a thousand years old. The gap in time from the first pyramids to the reign of Cleopatra is longer than the time from her reign to now.
posted by automatronic at 6:59 AM on October 30, 2022 [6 favorites]

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