Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married...
August 6, 2003 5:55 AM   Subscribe

Welcome to our wedding. Join Scott and Helen as they countdown to their wedding on the 9th. View pix of the proposal, the stag do in Amsterdam, the hen night in Brighton, and check out all the details of the upcoming event. Would you open your wedding to the eyes of the world? Site designer and groom Harold says "The idea is not to invite the world to our wedding, would you want them at yours? hence the reason I have now had to take off the reception maps/venues/pictures." (via Haddock)
posted by madamjujujive (33 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
....ooops! Who is Harold? Some random brain burp...the site designer and groom is Scott.
posted by madamjujujive at 6:01 AM on August 6, 2003

he is a web site designer, so it's basically an ad for his work as well as functional.

he's also a gingah which is a shame.
posted by Frasermoo at 6:02 AM on August 6, 2003

The link's dead for now. Let's console ourselves with reading the lyrics to Billy Bragg's The Marriage, which I 'm hoping (naively) is the source of the name of the site in question.

I just don't understand it
What makes our love a sin
How can it make that difference
If you and I are wearing that bloody, bloody ring

posted by Mayor Curley at 6:13 AM on August 6, 2003

All is needed here is the; I do's , wedding & honeymoon photos with the added comments from the guests bride & groom. Too bad the world ruined the full on-line affect; invites & maps. Best wishes to the couple.
Are you opening yourself up for the criminal minded, showing off your possessions (sure the wedding gifts will be documented, he showed the rings) & new selves?

posted by thomcatspike at 6:14 AM on August 6, 2003

What does Maude think? Joking aside, there are tons of wedding sites out there. The last wedding I went to had a site with a calendar of events, links to registries, maps and directions, contact info, etc. It was really handy since I have a tendency to lose invitations. I bet there is a cottage industry of designers that build these sites. Maybe Typepad will add a wedding template someday soon. It seems inevitable.
posted by shoepal at 6:16 AM on August 6, 2003

"Hen night?" Ewwww....
posted by rushmc at 6:16 AM on August 6, 2003

I just got through. Keep clicking if you're getting rejected.

What a handsome couple. I've never been more proud of my English heritage.
posted by Mayor Curley at 6:19 AM on August 6, 2003

Photos of Helen's party not much of his...Hmmm.
posted by thomcatspike at 6:20 AM on August 6, 2003

It is amazing how much info people want to share with total strangers. A little too cookie-cuttery for me, but interesting wedding cakes.
posted by widdershins at 6:26 AM on August 6, 2003

He went to Amsterdam, but didn't get a lap-dance or go to any coffee shops? What is this world coming to?
posted by Civil_Disobedient at 6:34 AM on August 6, 2003

interesting wedding cakes.

I had a cake from Choccywoccydoodaa at my wedding last year (and my brother at his this year - dang copy-cat). They look very, very cool but don't actually taste all that amazing. Having said that, they're an order of magnitude nicer than traditional wedding cake, which is rank.
posted by bifter at 6:37 AM on August 6, 2003

Well, that's disappointing, bifter. Not enough Belgian chocolate? Too much? How could they go wrong?
posted by widdershins at 6:50 AM on August 6, 2003

He went to Amsterdam, but didn't get a lap-dance or go to any coffee shops? What is this world coming to?

Yeah, right....

From the site:-
Hi There, I just would like to point out that this site was originally designed for family/friends

Getting wasted then going to a bar to have naked women gyrate in your face is something you'd tell your entire family about on the web is it?
In fairness, he did admit to having been to the Grasshopper, but would only say he ordered beer. And we believe him don't we?
posted by Markb at 6:52 AM on August 6, 2003

I did a site for my wedding. The first version used Coranto but then I moved to MT six months before the event because I wanted to bring my wife and our friends onto it and MT has a nice interface. I wanted it to be a real document.

In the end, my wife posted a number of times and a couple of the others posted once each. My brothers/best-men completely no-showed the site except for the bachelor party photos.

My advice to future designers is to keep it functional and be sure to post photos. People love photos.
posted by britain at 7:00 AM on August 6, 2003

Well, that's disappointing, bifter. Not enough Belgian chocolate? Too much? How could they go wrong?

Not really sure, but to be honest it was always going to struggle to live up to the awesome appearance. The cake itself was very heavy and a teeny bit dry (this was probably essential to enable it to carry the enormous weight of chocolate that it was coated with). The coating was fine, but unexceptional quality white chocolate.

I don't want to sound too moany though - it was very impressive, got loads of compliments, and I'm sure that it went down better than a trad cake would have done. It's just that the functional cook in me slightly objects to a cake that looks better than it tastes.
posted by bifter at 7:37 AM on August 6, 2003

posted by Fofer at 8:01 AM on August 6, 2003

Unfortunate - the site seems to be denying access now so I guess the world is indeed not wanted. With the way things can meme at the speed of light, I would think an experienced designer might have anticipated at the outset that more than just friends and family would visit his site. Too bad, I think the site might have fostered an interesting discussion.

Well I noticed that the day after "The Marriage" was posted at Haddock, some wag posted this.

Those cakes sound great, but I couldn't find a link to the site. However, I did recently crib Mike's Amazing Cakes from the inimitable iconomy's ever-amazing blog. These are some amazing cakes indeed.
posted by madamjujujive at 8:08 AM on August 6, 2003

And we believe him don't we?
Heh. Coffeeshops don't sell alcoholic beverages. (It's forbidden)
posted by ginz at 8:13 AM on August 6, 2003

Ginz, I was in Amsterdam in February, and there was a full bar that had a little coffee shop in it. It had it's own clerk and cashbox, but it was just a guy right at the end of the bar.
posted by Wood at 8:27 AM on August 6, 2003

Madamjujujive: Choccywoccydoodah (flash site)

They used to have a "goth wedding cake" special commission picture on the site, but it's gone now.
posted by bifter at 8:31 AM on August 6, 2003

Oh, I guess you can still get through to the site after all, if you keep trying....

But sheesh, I can't seem to get anything right today...the follow-on site I listed from the day after was supposed to link here... sorry!
posted by madamjujujive at 8:31 AM on August 6, 2003


Please don't critique the UI. And don't stalk me either... I won't like that.
posted by damclean2 at 8:31 AM on August 6, 2003

"Now it seems like the whole world is visiting.
People ask why, the simple answer, I am a web designer, and was learning to create a database driven site, and why not use this site as a basis for learning, not because I am sad, its just easier to create a site for something rather than make it up. The whole thing has taken about 5 / 6 evenings to do, which is hardly anytime.....The idea is not to invite the world to our wedding, would you want them at yours? hence the reason I have now had to take off the reception maps / venues / pictures."

I got through to the site just fine. And maybe there are Google caches of the "reception maps / venues / pictures"? ( /sarcasm ). I'd say Scott needs to go to an "Information wants to be free/The whole world is watching" pep rally so he can get clear on the concept of what, exactly, the web does.......and he should add the concept of "password" to his web design lexicon.

It's a good thing, though, that he didn't include those lap dance pictures. His wife would have been really jealous.
posted by troutfishing at 8:38 AM on August 6, 2003

I loves me some cakes, mjjj. Mike's cakes are amazing, aren't they? My favorite "cake artiste" is Polly Schoonmaker. This site also has some great Polly spin-offs - they're most worthy of any tea party. Even the Mad Hatter would approve.

Would you open your wedding to the eyes of the world?

If it's good enough for Tiny Tim, Melissa Joan Hart (and, apparently, damclean2), it's good enough for all of us, dammit! I'm going to get divorced and then marry again (someone else this time) just so I can have Polly's cakes and a wedding blog ;)
posted by iconomy at 8:41 AM on August 6, 2003

my first, spontaneous, uncensored, politically incorrect thought: the hogger & doofus show.
posted by quonsar at 8:59 AM on August 6, 2003

noun pron. g-in-ga
Referring to a person (usually m) sporting ginger hair
posted by garyh at 9:00 AM on August 6, 2003

I did the intimate thing and got married on the other side of the world. Without cake.
posted by ginz at 9:07 AM on August 6, 2003

I hope they put the same effort into their divorce site.
posted by ciderwoman at 9:51 AM on August 6, 2003

[engrossing!] - thanks mjjj.
posted by plep at 11:17 AM on August 6, 2003

garyh, couldn't find anywhere referenced on the net, thanks.
posted by thomcatspike at 12:58 PM on August 6, 2003

wow, bifter and iconomy, thanks for the great cake sites - very cool stuff.

I'm going to get divorced and then marry again (someone else this time) just so I can have Polly's cakes and a wedding blog ;)

...I definitely want an invitation to that wedding - have you got anyone here on MeFi in mind, iconomy? Oh, and can I be a bridesmaid? I'd like to wear this cute dress.
posted by madamjujujive at 6:59 PM on August 6, 2003

Hah I love that dress. It would go so well with that chicken handbag that you linked to on blort - my favorite handbag in the whole world.

My wedding dress the second time around is going to be this one. It's so white and fluffy, you know?
posted by iconomy at 7:17 PM on August 6, 2003

ach! Ico, my parents had that album... so funny to see it again.

By the way, ciderwoman, I did find a my divorce blog. Actually, I sort of wanted to find somebody taking a kind of lighthearted approach to the whole divorce ritual, but this is just very, very sad.
posted by taz at 9:57 PM on August 6, 2003

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